Long/Short Hair

Do attractive women like guys with short or long hair?

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when I start losing my hair, I'll just grow one of those 2 foot long goatees that you see the ancient chinese kung fu masters with in those old kung fu movies.

I'd look really cool.
it depends if you have long, soft good looking hair.
im pretty sure gils wont like it if you have reaaly long, frizzy, uncombed fuzzball of hair

but i bet they do like the surfer wavy/straight shampoo commercial type hair

if your asain, your hair will probably look better long and styled. asains have awesome hair
I think it depends on the guy. Some guys really can pull off the long haired, rebel without a cause, bad boy look (NOT Fabio LOL). Others look better with a short cropped style...

Although, personally speaking, I like hair on the longer side, not quite long enough for a pony but long enough for me to grab hand full in the back, that drives me crazy ;) Also I like the purposely messy look
I think it depends on the guy. Some guys really can pull off the long haired, rebel without a cause, bad boy look (NOT Fabio LOL). Others look better with a short cropped style...

Although, personally speaking, I like hair on the longer side, not quite long enough for a pony but long enough for me to grab hand full in the back, that drives me crazy ;) Also I like the purposely messy look

This woman really knows what she likes...lol
I think it depends on the guy.

If you are going bald, or are Vin Diesel, then bald all the way baby.

Other than that, some guys can pull it off, some can't.

One thing I absolutely cannot stand is the whole, I-have-a-short-haircut-that-I-can't-be-bothered-to-trim-so-my-hair-
hangs-in-my-face-and-around-my-ears-look. That shaggy, neo-70's crap.

Sorry to any of you guys that have it, I don't mean to offend you, I know it's a popular style at the moment that a lot of people like (unfortunately). I just can't wait for this fad to be over, and I do feel like it will be the equivalent of Hammer Pants in a decade or so (really popular at the time, but "what was I thinking?" later).
Ha! The MC Hammer pants LOL. There's this buffed out couple that go to my gym and they still wear those work out pants that looked like the MC Hammer pants. Does anyone remember those? They're really high up on the waist(with a wide band on top) and come to a taper in the leg and they're really loose...me and my friends think they're secretely in the witness protection program cuz they look like they're in a time warp

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One thing I absolutely cannot stand is the whole, I-have-a-short-haircut-that-I-can't-be-bothered-to-trim-so-my-hair-
hangs-in-my-face-and-around-my-ears-look. That shaggy, neo-70's crap.

Sorry to any of you guys that have it, I don't mean to offend you, I know it's a popular style at the moment that a lot of people like (unfortunately). I just can't wait for this fad to be over, and I do feel like it will be the equivalent of Hammer Pants in a decade or so (really popular at the time, but "what was I thinking?" later).

I HATE, this haircut on people.
So there were these two cardio bunnies today who just kept staring at me, and even pulled out some mats to place in the middle of three power racks, which are basically in the middle of the gym...I didn't see any of them doing any sort of pilates thing, they only laid there on their stomachs and talked...only when I kept ctaching the more attractive one's eye did my ego begin to swell...

I cut my hair yesterday.
LOL Karky. :yelrotflmao:

I'm thinking his avatar pretty much explains it. (Humility is just as sexy as that avatar Evo. A+ for you.)
Number one - I wish I was still school-girl age. lol

Number two - of course I'm pervi-ng over it - look at it!

In all seriousness, evo's great- I love his attitude, avatar or no avatar.
I think long hair can look great on younger guys but past a certain age it just makes a man look shaggy and unprofessional.
Great point Sparrow...

...And yes, I can def. picture Evo being 'that' teacher. The one that all the boys emulate and all the girls dream about (I can hear them now--do you need help with that Mr. Evo?--giggle giggle)...what's not to like? Great body, great personality, great body, cool attitude, great body ;)
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Well, I've dated two guys in my short life (I'm 17). One with short hair, (2-3 inches), and one with long hair (shoulder length). I was definitely more attracted to the shorter hair. The guy with the long hair never took good care of it, maybe that's why. It was oily and scraggly looking. Not attractive at all. I'm single now, and when I'm guy watching (which is practically every time men are in my field of vision) and I see a good looking guy with longer hair, I find myself thinking, "Man, that guy would be hot if he would just cut his hair.":rolleyes: