Let's hear it! Who are we voting for?

So we've got the VPs figured out and are ready to roll. Let's have a polite and civil discussion about our choosen leaders and why we want them to lead America for the next 4 years.

Just kidding....Let's all talk in caps and tell eachother why Obama is a pansy and McCain is one step away from being in a home. :violent2:
I'm voting for the Governator. I don't care if he can never be President, being born on foreign soil and all. I mean, that guy killed the Predator for God's sake! :D
Did anyone see the South Park where they had to choose between a Turd Sandwich an a Giant Douche?

That's what it has been for the last 3 or so elections as well.

I think I will write in Ron Paul.
I look at thing issue by issue and make up my own mind. On some I'm on the left, some on the right, so no candidate will ever fully represent my values. I hold my nose and vote for the lesser of two evils. This time around I'm thinking Obama. The only problem is if he gets his way he's gonna tax the shiat out of my wife's bracket, gotta love class warfare.
I'll say this much. I am not voting Republican for many many reasons, especially one who doesn't want to venture too far off the agenda of our current President. This country is indeed ready for a change.

I also believe that the Democrats have not really provided us with GREAT candidates in the past two election. I'd say they're good, but not great. I'm sure there are others in the party that'd do a hell of a lot better.
Phate - You surprise me.

Gooch - I really hope that doesn't happen with the taxes.

Train - Did you vote republican in the last election?
I don't follow politics much, but I heard on a commercial that Obama has never ran any form of government - not a business, not a town, and never been in the national guard. If this is true, how can someone become the leader of the US and the Commander in Chief without any experience working a similar position? To me that is like putting the receptionist of a company as the CEO b/c at one point in his life he worked for the company. IMO if you are to be the leader of the troops it should be a requirement to be in the national guard. If anyone can make sense of this please explain. And I don't care to have another Bush in the office either, so neither of them sound good to me. You know, if people didn't have to have millions of $ to become president, we might actually get someone decent.
I don't follow politics much, but I heard on a commercial that Obama has never ran any form of government - not a business, not a town, and never been in the national guard. If this is true, how can someone become the leader of the US and the Commander in Chief without any experience working a similar position? To me that is like putting the receptionist of a company as the CEO b/c at one point in his life he worked for the company. IMO if you are to be the leader of the troops it should be a requirement to be in the national guard. If anyone can make sense of this please explain. And I don't care to have another Bush in the office either, so neither of them sound good to me. You know, if people didn't have to have millions of $ to become president, we might actually get someone decent.

Barak Obama served in the Illinois Senate from 1997 to 2004, and in the United States Senate from 2004 to date.
It is a sad thing when the "tax and spend" Democratic party is now the more fiscally conservative major party in the US. The Republicans used to campaign on fiscal conservatism, but the enormous increase in national government spending (even if the Iraq thing did not happen) while they controlled both the Congress and the President indicates that they have completely abandoned fiscal conservatism. Which means that the tax cuts that they claim to want are empty promises, because that just leaves more debt to be paid off (either in future taxes, cuts in what people now see as "essential" services, or inflation).

The Bush administration foreign policy also needlessly made a lot of enemies and lost a lot of friends.
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Just for the record I'm putting my vote in for third party candidate Joad Cressbeckler. In case you have been living under a rock here is who he is:
Just for the record I'm putting my vote in for third party candidate Joad Cressbeckler. In case you have been living under a rock here is who he is:

what's the point? he's not gonna win, so you might as well vote for the lesser of two evils..
I'm not American so I can't vote, but as a Canadian, I'm really hoping McCain gets in.

Obama scares the bejeezus out of me. He's not telling anybody what he plans on "changing". Hitler did the same thing in Germany wrt the final solution. He didn't say how he was going to do it. He just did it.

And Obama also thinks Canada is a Republic. Seriously, if he doesn't realize his largest trading partner isn't a Republic and doesn't have a President, he's a moron. Not to mention all the faux pas' Obama made on his trip to Europe ... he's in the larval stage of diplomacy.

If Obama gets in, the US will be an "Obama-nation" :D
I think it will be interesting to see if Obama does get elected how long he'll last. The KKK are still alive and working. I'm suprised nothing has happened yet. I'm not racist and I hope that nothing does happen to his family. I'm just looking back at our history.
Train - Did you vote republican in the last election?

I have never voted republican. I'm not a hardcore liberal democrat or anything...but I do have soul, and a conscience, and morals.