Weight-Loss Lazy days of summer Contest

Works for me - just let me know where! :)

I am officially REVITALIZING this challenge, because I LIKED it. I don't want to see it go by the wayside because the leader left.

I'm instigating a NEW CHALLENGE, PEOPLE!!!

Weigh ins are officially on Fridays. The points system continues to be the same (I'll work on totals in the coming days for everyone still interested).

This week's challenge: exercise for five days. I don't care what kind of exercise you have committed to, you need to complete it for FIVE DAYS out of the week.

Let's keep this going for the summer, guys!!!! We can do it an keep each other motivated!!! (I'm proposing we dissolve the teams!)
Excellent idea Heather. Thanks for taking it on. I am definitely in. It is motivating to have a challenge. :)
Definitely dissolve the teams as that wasn't working out.
Hooray! I'm glad at least a few people are still interested. As everyone comes back to the main posting, if you could copy and paste your weekly stats, that would be super helpful as then I won't have to go through all the postings from the teams. I'll start with mine.

Starting Weight: - 232.2lbs
Weekly Stats

Week 1- Weight: 231.5 Total Exercise Min: 192 mins Bonus complete?: YES. I took the stairs at every opportunity at work and completed an exercise regime on YouTube when I wasn't at the gym.

Week 2- Weight: 230 Total Exercise Min: 192 Bonus complete?: YES! I realized after adding up my treadmill time that I do exactly 6 miles every week.

Week 3- Weight: 229Total Exercise Min: 192 Bonus complete?: No. . . .sigh. I completely forgot about it in the hectic week and didn't do it, even though I liked the idea.

Week 4- Weight: 232 rrrrrgh TOM:cuss: Total Exercise Min: 255 Bonus complete?: No bonus this week

Week 5- Weight: Total Exercise Min: Bonus complete?:
Week 6- Weight: Total Exercise Min: Bonus complete?:
Week 7- Weight: Total Exercise Min: Bonus complete?:
Week 8- Weight: Total Exercise Min: Bonus complete?:
Week 9- Weight: Total Exercise Min: Bonus complete?:
Week 10- Weight: Total Exercise Min: Bonus complete?:
Week 11- Weight: Total Exercise Min: Bonus complete?:
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Sorry I forgot to post. Maybe the bump in the thread will encourage people to participate. I weigh in every Wednesday
Starting Weight: -70.80 - 156lb. I always weigh in kgs so will post in kgs and we can convert it at the end.
Weekly Stats

Week 1- Weight:70.5 kgs Total Exercise Min:600 Bonus complete?:yes
Week 2- Weight:70.0 kgs Total Exercise Min: 540 Bonus complete?: yes
Week 3- Weight: 70.00 kgs Total Exercise Min: 560 Bonus complete?: Like yourself Heather I completely forgot about it.
Week 4- Weight: 69.8 kgs Total Exercise Min: 600
Week 5- Weight: Total Exercise Min: Bonus complete?:
Week 6- Weight: Total Exercise Min: Bonus complete?:
Week 7- Weight: Total Exercise Min: Bonus complete?:
Week 8- Weight: Total Exercise Min: Bonus complete?:
Week 9- Weight: Total Exercise Min: Bonus complete?:
Week 10- Weight: Total Exercise Min: Bonus complete?:
Week 11- Weight: Total Exercise Min: Bonus complete?:
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Well I think that we can officially close this challenge, unfortunately. Thanks to those who came back!