Weight-Loss LAST DAY TO JOIN 6 WK CHALLENGE!!! (previously the august 6wk challenge sign up)


Should we limit how much weight loss is credited in this challenge?

  • No! I work hard for my loss and I want every pound to count!

    Votes: 11 61.1%
  • Yes! By striving to lose more than 2 lbs a week, we are encouraging a less healthy lifestyle

    Votes: 7 38.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I have to agree that things are getting WAY more complicated than it should be. :banghead: Tomorrow is the 1st day of the challenge, so its time I get things wrapped up and settled.

As of right now, 66% of the people who voted wants every pound to count. So thats the way we'll do it. I think we'll run this like all the other challenges.

I'm gonna post teams tonight and your chart to copy and paste in your team thread. It doesnt' look like theres too many that signed up so I hope everyone really stays comitted here! :grouphug:

:bigear: Important Info: :bigear:As I said earlier, I will allow each person 1 pt for their weight loss and then 1 pt for every hour of exercise. Lets just skip the weekly mini challenges for now. The team with the most points wins....and the single person who gets the most points (regardless of which team you're on) will win a prize!! Again, this is only for residents in the US, UK, Canida and Europe.

Any last minute members wanting to join, better do it now!!!
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I guess we have more members than I thought...about 17 so far!!
well...i don't mind them....maybe we'll just get the challenge off on its feet for the 1st week and after everythings settled I'll introduce the mini challenges? I just felt like things were getting really complicated up till now, lol
Yeah, it wouldn't hurt to get through the first week, see how things go, and then consider adding mini-challenges. :)
I am looking forward to starting this challenge. Especially since my team is going to win, lol.

Korrie, thanks for putting all this together.
Yay!!, Actually looking forward to beginning now!! Going to weigh in tomorrow morning...and try get some exercise in on day 1 ....

OK, so I divided teams up the easy way, lol, according to the order that everyone signed up! I hope you like your team names!! They are Spanish names, I wonder if anyone will catch on??? ;)

Please find your team thread and copy and paste your chart!! Good luck guys! Lets make this the best challenge ever!!!






Mr. Love
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I know! its silly...but I was trying to come up with creative names so I thought I'd go that route :)
Speaking or Twilight....I live in Washington so couldn't even imagine how many times the kids have gotten me to take them to Forks!!! I thought I would feel silly going there, like the towns people would be saying "look more crazy Twilight nuts". Not the case.......The town is crazier about it then the ones visiting. The Subway there even has a Twilight sub. Every store has something about Twilight in the window. Only gift shop that didn't have any Twilight stuff was the indian reservation in La Push. La Push is worth going to even if your not a big Twi fan, it's so beautiful.
Ok maybe Im doing something wrong. I like to come to this site to help keep me motivated, but after so many people downing weight loss when its more than 2LBS a week its starting to make me a little down. This morning I woke up and was down another 1.2LBS from yesterday. So I'm going to post what I ate yesterday and my exercise so I can get some feedback. If my menu is way off just let me know please.


Hey moodringgrl, I hope I didn't upset you with anything I said in this thread. I think your progress is excellent and inspiring. It takes a lot of commitment to achieve that rate of weight loss long term. The only thing I was trying to accomplish by my suggestions was balancing the goals of those only looking to lose 2lbs per week or 10lbs per month or whatever with those who's goal is just to lose as much as quickly as possible, so we could all compete on equal grounds. I wasn't judging that losing weight too quickly was bad or frowned upon. Diets such as PSMF have claimed that its possible to safely and healthily lose as much as 1lb of fat per day!

That being said, Some of the biggest problems with losing weight too quickly involve transitioning back to normal life once you reach your goal. Some people just aren't ready and don't know how to gradually work back up to a new maintenance level after such a long time at the big deficit required to maintain a fast rate of weight loss. This leads some people to regain weight (*raising my hand, I've done that... twice). Another concern with losing weight rapidly is muscle loss. That can be controlled by ensuring you're getting enough protein and resistance training. Some people ignore muscle conservation, and end up smaller, but still pudgy - not the lean look they were going for. Also, rapid fat loss can result in loose skin that is difficult to get to bounce back. Sometimes surgery is required if you just can't live with it. There are also some health risks associated with not getting enough calories or nutrients. One problem I experienced last december was gallstones, and needing to have my gall bladder removed on christmas day.

So if I ever have in the past or do in the future suggest a slower rate of loss, its for those reasons.

All the best!


My own personal goal this month is to focus on uping my exercise and finding new and exciting ways to add more exercise into my life.

August 1:
August 8:
August 15:
August 22:
August 29:
Moodringgrl.....You need to find your team thread...theres a chart in there to copy and paste!!!!

BTW...thanks for the info about Forks! I'd LOVE to go, but I'm in OHIO and not "nutty" enough to go that far! lucky you!

If you want to talk to your team and change your team name, thats ok!!! I was REALLY tired when I came up with those, lol :) Let me know what you want and i'll change them!