I have to agree that things are getting WAY more complicated than it should be.
Tomorrow is the 1st day of the challenge, so its time I get things wrapped up and settled.
As of right now, 66% of the people who voted wants every pound to count. So thats the way we'll do it. I think we'll run this like all the other challenges.
I'm gonna post teams tonight and your chart to copy and paste in your team thread. It doesnt' look like theres too many that signed up so I hope everyone really stays comitted here!
Important Info:
As I said earlier, I will allow each person 1 pt for their weight loss and then 1 pt for every hour of exercise. Lets just skip the weekly mini challenges for now. The team with the most points wins....and the single person who gets the most points (regardless of which team you're on) will win a prize!! Again, this is only for residents in the US, UK, Canida and Europe.
Any last minute members wanting to join, better do it now!!!

As of right now, 66% of the people who voted wants every pound to count. So thats the way we'll do it. I think we'll run this like all the other challenges.
I'm gonna post teams tonight and your chart to copy and paste in your team thread. It doesnt' look like theres too many that signed up so I hope everyone really stays comitted here!

Any last minute members wanting to join, better do it now!!!

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