hehe ok
so it was very emotional day yesterday
i felt like antique..and eat all the crap i could reasons being
1.it was my birthday(lame excuse)
2.ate because i wasnt feeling good about nmy age and did kindof comfort eating
dh bought my cadbury`s diary milk treat tray thing,after eights and M&Ms,its so not like him ,i dont remeber when he gave me a gift last time must be some years but still it feels good...i wish it was something other than chocs..may be whey protein???well!!!!
so i ate one piece of choclate leaf shaped thing,1/2 a choclate dunkin doughnut
one slice sandwich from dunkin dounguts...one cup of coffee with sugar
one piece of choclate cake my sis brought me,one plate of biryani 1/2 a naan,and yougart,oh and 2 sugar free and two sandwich bisuits with vanila creame aswell:|
my tummy was wobbly all night
but i am back on track today
i just did 40 minutes fasted cardio..for breakfast two egg whites and one cup of tea