Journey to my dream body by the time I turn 30! MY DIARY

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Weight Today: 58.8kg

Food Intake: 200ml of Acerola cherry juice (1 sugar tablet)
Ganache made with 2 spoons GF/DF cocoa and 1 tablespoon of sugar (plus water)
1 pear
1/2 papaya
Crepe made with 1 egg and 2 tablespoons of tapioca starch seasoned with salt and herbs
1 slice of DF mozzarella cheese
200grams of chicken breast with onions, cherry tomatoes, soy sauce, olive oil drizzle, 1 tablespoon of ghee butter
4 leafs of lettuce and 2 white asparagus; sesame and sunflower seeds
40grams of nut and raisins mix
100ml of DF plain yogurt
1 pack of Good Soy barbecue snack (100calories)

Exercise: 50min with PT (functional training; lower body with weights)
15min. dancing
100 reg. squats
100 pulsing squats
40 triceps dips
100 sliding mountain climbers
Weight Today: 58.8kg

Food Intake: .500kg of veggie soup
1 tapioca with ghee butter and salt with herbs
1 pear
1/2 apple
1/2 papaya
2 tablespoons of powder milk (DF)
20mg of condensed milk (DF)
100grams of nut mix (nuts and raisins)
2 tablespoons of GF granola

Exercise: 120 reg. squats
130 pulsing squats
3 sets of 20 triceps dips
4 sets of 12 Russian twists
100 mountain climbers
2 plank holds of 30sec.

NOTE: Didn't write yesterday bc I ended up going to a party at my friend's house. Feeling a little hangover from the alcohol today (which wasn't much, but for me...any little bit is a lot = P )
I'm also upset for the high consumption of nuts today...I really overdid it and ate a WHOLE pack (plus the granola which also contains nuts), and this 100grams pack was supposed to last for at least 3 days = (
I notice that sometimes I have no self-control with quantities, specially now when it comes to healthy food...since I can eat, why not overdo it (it's likely my reasoning).
I could have easily dropped the nuts and moved on to eat some chicken/eggs/another fruit...BUT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, I NEEDED THE WHOLE PACK. Lol, what's wrong with us humans and our food cravings?!? Expecting tomorrow to be tough .............this whole week is going to be a bit stressful. I'm traveling Wednesday evening to do my test on Friday and Sat. and need to turn up a notch on my studies on top of getting a good work out to burn calories and stress before this trip (which will likely involve little to no work outs). Sending you all some internet love, XOxo
Weight Today: 58.8kg

Food Intake: .500kg of veggie soup
500kg of veggie soup !!! -
Weight Today: 59kg

Food Intake: 1 tapioca with ghee butter and herbs/salt (small amount)
1/2 apple
1/2 papaya
200ml of plain yogurt (DF)
2 tablespoons of powder milk (DF)
150ml of black coffee with 3 sugar tablets
1 tablespoon of GF granola
Salad: lettuce, tomatoes, white asparagus, baby carrots, watercress
200grams of chicken breast seasoned with garlic, onions, olive oil

Exercise: 50 min. of PT session (lower body work out)
50 min. of pilates
4km on treadmill
30 min. on stationary bike
3x15 arm raises with 2lbs db
200 abs variation
3x20 triceps dips

NOTES: Dear scale, I'm working really hard on my fitness, and though my diet is not necessarily perfect nutrition wise, it's on point with my health will you do me a favor?!? PLEASE MOVE IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION...Sincerely, a very sore me!!

PS: I must admit that I'm a bit stressed/scared of having 4 days off my work outs while traveling...I just now got back into the groove of enjoying exercising again (which relates to not being so out of breath), and these 4 days will be the longest without it after these past 3 weeks of hard dedication. I'm staying at my aunt's, and not sure if I will have any access to a gym, plus...I manage my stress level before a test by working, I will have to see how I deal with this. I may be working out/dancing in the room while studying and my aunt will just have to deal with me going crazy. HAHA ;-)
Weight Today: ??? no idea, overslept and then had to leave the house in a hurry for an appointment.

Food Intake: 100ml of black coffee (no sugar...YAY)
1 pear
1/2 papaya
Salad: lettuce, watercress, cherry tomatoes, baby carrots, sesame and sunflower seeds, olive oil drizzle
120grams (small sized) ham and cheese pizza - gluten free/wheat free/dairy free
100ml of DF plain yogurt with 2 tablespoons of granola
12grams of dried coconut snack

Exercise: 3km on treadmill
6x12 hip trusts with 15lbs dumbbell
3x15 goblet squats with calf raises using 12lbs dumbbell
4x12 standing military press using 10lbs dumbbells
15 minutes on stationary bike
3x15 fire hydrants
250 abs variation
3x15 arm raises with 2lbs dumbbells
3x12 leg raises - 10lbs machine
50minutes of pilates

NOTE: SO HAPPY AND PROUD OF MYSELF...I killed my exercise routine today. Apart from my pilates class, I did it all on my own in just under 70minutes. So stoked to finally feel that I'm getting back to the fitness level that I was exactly a year ago. I am determined to keep on track for the next 5 days while traveling out of town, at least nutrition wise (since work outs are likely a bust as I mentioned yesterday). I will try MY VERY BEST to not have many cheat meals while meeting up with family this weekend (I'm thinking 2 meals in 5 days of travel are good enough for me, and even then, I need to be mindful about the quantity, since I do have an important test (which is the main reason for this trip) and I do not need to have stomach issues prior/during my test. I also hope to come here and report my food intake to keep myself accountable...we shall see.

Au revoir!!!
Weight Today: ?!?!? no scales till Monday

Food Intake: lost track of that...lots of fruits (slice of melon, slice of papaya, a few grapes, apple, banana, orange), nuts, crackers, healthy snacks...the usual salad and chicken for lunch. Indiscretions were mainly eating my (GF/WF/DF) crackers with regular butter since my aunt doesn't carry ghee/DF option.

Exercise: just some light walking (4km)...mainly studying all day long. Test tomorrow and Saturday............wish me luck!!
Thanks everyone for the well wishes on the I have to wait 3weeks to know the results!! :p

As you can imagine it's been a roller coast these past few days...I had my cheat meals on Saturday and Sunday during my trip (purposefully planned after my test), and had to take a few days off from tracking food/exercise in order to recover from stomach pains. Back home now and I have been on a "vegetarian oath" since Monday........ I believe I have mentioned here and there around this forum that I have had a small (teeny-tiny...I mean, I do LOVE my seafood) desire to experiment with vegetarianism. About a month ago I thought I would finally take the plunge (and honor my upcoming bday) by doing a month streak on vegetarianism, this is my way to say THANK YOU to mother Earth for all the amazing things that it has given me during these 31yrs of life. Now, don't get me wrong, I already feel like my meals are somewhat very conscious to our environment (I don't over indulge on animal meat, I think I have had red meat 8x a year max. for as long as I can remember, and I also try to be mindful of my portion size whenever animal protein is concerned) addition, whenever possible I try to recycle and do small things here and there that are environmentally friendly.

However, a recent post someone made on fb really struck a cord with me...this person was talking about how so many people are pointing the fingers at Donald Trump for all the backtracking he is making regarding pacts/laws on environment/green issues...and yet, most of these people personally do nothing or very little to our environment on their day-to-day life....and in truth, in that moment I realized that the biggest problem is probably within us, not in the big industries (though they certainly play a heavy part)...our society and all the energy we consume and the waste/produce, it's really astonishing when you review and research about it. I KNOW I AM GUILTY...even with all my conscious efforts, I am guilty to being addicted to my air-conditioning (it's on nearly 18hrs a day bc I can't survive or stand the slightest idea of heat) and I am sure there are many other things I could do to improve and make less damage to our world.

That being said, I want to make changes that come from the heart, a genuine desire to give back to our planet, without feeling like I'm being emotionally and nutrition deprived. In prep for this 1-month oath on vegetarianism/vegan meals I started making some changes here and there, experimenting with some food items. Truth is, I knew that in some ways it wouldn't be too hard (I had been doing Meatless-Mondays once in a while and eventually just transforming that into a random 1 day a week meat free program, but nothing that would last for a whole month)...and in preparation alone, I must admit, I couldn't avoid feeling SO ANXIOUS about not being able to eat my fish/shrimp.

So, I have decided to go for a less stressful (and yet still hard) week-long oath........I feel it's meaningless to put myself into stress mode in order to give back if, in the end, it's doing more harm than good to my soul. I decided this week-long oath on vegetarianism would at least be a step in the right direction (I started on Monday, so today is DAY 3), and then maybe I will do on a long term basis 2-3x a week vegetarian days. I think going FULL ON vegetarian or vegan is particularly hard on me nutrition wise, bc I still have to be mindful of all my other food intolerances, which already deprive me of a lot of foods that are perhaps essential to Vegans/Vegetarians (such as pasta/rice/beans, items that contain gluten, etc.).

WOOF, this is a long post.........anyways, I haven't been tracking my food this week, nor weighing in myself...I'm just trying to dealing with this oath and trusting that by making this sacrifice I'm doing some good to our world...just trying to eat anything that is allowed as much as I want to keep me satisfied.

Food Intake (roughly):
1 pear
2 small slices of papaya
1 orange
2 spoons of powder milk (DF)
2 slices of parmesan cheese (DF)
2 tablespoons of DF of cream cheese
2 tablespoons of blueberry jam
3 tablespoons of honey
Salad: tomatoes, lettuce, arugula, palmetto, cilantro, green-yellow-red bell peppers, onions, white asparagus, mushrooms, pumpkin, carrots, broccoli (Mediterranean dressing/salt-garlic seasoning)
8 small banana pancakes (6 tablespoons of ripped banana, 3 eggs)
2 slices of GF/DF bread
1 GF/WF/DF cracker

Exercise: 3km on treadmill
1hr20min on stationary bike (reading a book, lost track of time)
6x15 arm raises (2lbs weight)
6x10 standing military press (5lbs weight)
3x20 goblet squats with calf raises (10lbs weight)
3x20 hip trusts (12lbs weight)
300 abs variation
100 pulsing squats
6x12 leg raises (10lbs weight machine)
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forgot to add 8 strawberries to the mix..........again, my food tracking it's been off this week, so it's all I described and likely more.
I think having weekly plans are a good ideaCaliGirl. I'm doing the same. We are all works in progress & as far as I can see are moving forward & trying to make positive changes xoC
True that Cate! Whoever said vegetarians eat healthier were probably lying, s0 the effort really is towards benefiting our environment..................I ATE SO MUCH meat, but OH MY - SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR!!! = (

Had a Bday lunch for my aunt and I ate a salad, with regular cheese and crackers (my stomach was already saying "no no no to the cheese and crackers") and then, not content enough........dived into strawberry cheesecake, chocolate cake, coffee, pop-corn. What a mess, my stomach is hurting SO BADLY, I feel dizzy and just awful for having done this to myself. I need to get back to my positive and in-control mental state where being surrounded by "BAD" food doesn't affect me. Truth be told, it's much easier when I don't need to deal with these social events........I really don't like going off of my allowed meals............the feeling before (anxiety for having to deal with food that I can't eat) and after (stomach pains, diarrhea, bloating, reflux, etc.) is not worth it for the momentary pleasure of eating such food.

Food Intake: too much to list, all vegetarian though (DAY 4 of oath COMPLETE)

Exercise: 50min. of pilates
2km on treadmill
30min. stationary bike
Weight Today: 59.8kg

Food Intake:
1/2 pear
1/2 banana
4 strawberries
1 cup of DF greek yogurt
1 tbs of honey
1 small bowl of GF pasta with garlic and extra virgin olive oil
Salad: cherry tomatoes, cilantro, white asparagus, watercress, mushrooms
1 Good Soy pack of grissinis
1 egg

50min. with PT (upper body workout)
40min. stationary bike
10min. dancing
3x20 mountain climbs
3x20 triceps dips
100 crunches

NOTE: Yesterday I completed my 1 week oath on was rather interesting going a full week without meat. I have a whole new found respect for people that follow this eating lifestyle, not only because of their purpose/outlook in life, but also because I have learned that it can be rather difficult going meatless (bc even if you are having tons of fruits/veggies - I thought "you just eat MORE in order to feel satisfied"), I also saw tons of limitations for those eating out. I went to dinner with my family on Sat. night (mind you in one of the fanciest restaurants in town, so you would think they would be more inclusive) and out of 50 plates there was only 1 single menu item without meat, an appetizer with regular cheese (which is also not good for me). Ultimately, I think I made the right call on not going a full month without meat...I have WAY TOO MANY food restrictions already and eating pasta/rice (even GF options) does not suit my stomach...besides, have you tasted SOY meat?!? That thing is gross and all options I found have gluten, again not a healthy option for me. I think my plan of sticking to 2-3x a week of vegetarianism is as good as it gets folks. Besides, all the sugar consumption IS NO BUENO on my body ;-) Anyways, couldn't make it to the supermarket to buy some fish/shrimp so today was also vegetarian (counting as my day 1 out of 2-3 this week :p), but tomorrow is back to business...I'm thinking of salmon!!! HAHAHA - 3 weeks till my bday trip, the numbers on the scale haven't changed much but my body is tighter so the work-outs are doing something.....let's PUSH IT these next 21 days...IT'S GO TIME!! Happy Week Everyone!!!
Weight Today: 59.6kg

Food Intake:
1 small slice of papaya
1 slice of WF/GF/DF bread
1 small tbs of DF butter
1 tbs of peanut butter
1/2 banana
3 strawberries
Salad: lettuce, white asparagus, cherry tomatoes, wild cabbage (drizzle of Mediterranean dressing)
120grams of chicken breast
2 sausages on tomato sauce
eggs with crumbs (not sure of exact quantity, all in a small bowl)

50 min. of Pilates
15 min. on stationary bike
3km on treadmill
3x20 triceps dips
3x15 arm raises
100 reg. squats
100 abs variation exercise

NOTES: I feel like I still need to improve my fitness level in order to see changes on my body/and on the scale for that matter...don't get me wrong, I'm in shape...but I have discussed this both with my pilates and personal trainer instructor, how even with ALL the exercise I've been doing my core is not as strong as it should be - which they both agreed that that is not my strong suit (I mean, I do exercises for it almost on a daily basis and see so little improvement as far as body control goes)...I also have trouble toning my lower body, so if I don't take up a notch I will only see a small change in that area likely a year from now, that's discouraging, and yet I know I will keep on pushing anyway (better late, than never, right?!?)
.I also have trouble toning my lower body, so if I don't take up a notch I will only see a small change in that area likely a year from now, that's discouraging, and yet I know I will keep on pushing anyway (better late, than never, right?!?)
If you have the room in your exercise schedule while still leaving enough time to let your body rest that´s fine. Overdoing it, however, would only slow your progress, so be sure to get plenty of sleep and at least one rest day a week.
If you have the room in your exercise schedule while still leaving enough time to let your body rest that´s fine. Overdoing it, however, would only slow your progress, so be sure to get plenty of sleep and at least one rest day a week.

Completely agree's important to listen to your body and make intelligent choices as far as resting/how to proceed pushing past a plateau moment fitness wise.

Over the years (after visiting with a GP, a gastric specialist, a neurologist, nutritionist and nutrologist), it took me a while to come to terms that "my normal" as a bit abnormal to most...I was born with a few issues (including body temperature, digestive, vision, migraines, blood pressure, etc.) that according to doctors seem to have a direct correlation/affect on my sleeping pattern, eating habits, energy level, as well as hormonal problems. I usually sleep 4-6hrs a night and I'm good to go...that's just my normal to function well throughout the day (I don't even use an alarm because my body usually goes from 1am till 5:30ish before I wake up naturally). My eating habits, as you all know by now, are very limited (and that also includes the amount of food that I'm able to tolerate without feeling pain); my energy level I find to be a bit ridiculous, though I've noticed with age I have slowed down considerably. But I can still go hours upon hours with a moderate physical activity feeling well and rested the day after (I completed a marathon without even training and I was sick the whole month prior to it, who does that?!?) trainers have mentioned how I recover pretty quickly from an exercise, my heart rate spikes and then comes back down pretty fast. Anyways.......there are so many unusual things within my body, and all I can do is exactly what you said...LISTEN TO IT...if I'm tired, I stop...if I get dizzy, I stop...if I feel like I need to burn extra energy, then I'm likely awake in the middle of the night dancing to get all of that energy out :svengo:I have tried to take days off from exercising, but usually when I do I sleep so badly and am grumpy and tired the day after...I've noticed that even sick, I get better when I'm somewhat active - although I do take it easier. So my solution to that (besides taking cues within the moment) is for 5 days a week I workout for 90min. (mix of Weights+HIIT+Pilates+Functional Training) and 2 days a week I do whatever I feel like, but not following a fitness program, so for the most part these "2 day-rest workouts" last less than 1hr - 20to40min. - and can be substituted by an outside activity, just to get my body moving.

Sadly, I know the lack of resting affects my fitness progress in some ways...but for the sake of my sanity/mental health, these physical activities (specially dancing/some form of cardio) have become essential to my well-being on a daily basis.
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