Yesterday's training...
A1 - Front Squat to a box (light) - 145x4x2
A2 - 90/90 stretch 15s per side
B - Speed Deadlifts - 220x10x1
C - Walking DB Lunges - 35x3x7, 1x10
D1 - Reverse Crunch - 3x15
D2 - Suitcase Deadlift - 40x3x10
Today's Training...
A - Floor Press - 225x4x3, 2x5
B1 - Banded Pushups - 3x7, 1x10
B2 - Supinated Cable Rows - 160x3x7, 1x10
C1 - Band Face Pulls - 3x10
C2 - Band Behind-Head Pullaparts - 3x12
A1 - Front Squat to a box (light) - 145x4x2
A2 - 90/90 stretch 15s per side
B - Speed Deadlifts - 220x10x1
C - Walking DB Lunges - 35x3x7, 1x10
D1 - Reverse Crunch - 3x15
D2 - Suitcase Deadlift - 40x3x10
Today's Training...
A - Floor Press - 225x4x3, 2x5
B1 - Banded Pushups - 3x7, 1x10
B2 - Supinated Cable Rows - 160x3x7, 1x10
C1 - Band Face Pulls - 3x10
C2 - Band Behind-Head Pullaparts - 3x12