Didn't eat since 3pm, finished work at 8pm, then I did the grocery shopping, got home at 9.30pm and ate a whole bag of crispy noodles because I was so hungry and they were there. FIVE HUNDERD CALORIES!!!! Which took me up to over 1000. So, no dinner for jenny tonight. I've really got to start working on good food choices again. I'm eating the right amount of calories, but am most likely depriving myself of nutrients.
My little rattys are being so cute. I let Mr. Boy rat out to play and now he's standing on the top of Mrs. Girl rats cage all exitedly. Shes standing on her back legs trying to sniff him. Oh.... he just fell off... how embarrassing for him... right infront of the girl he's trying to impress. Awww... my poor baby, he's just slunk under the bed with shame. Well, if I can coax my humiliated Disciple out of under the bed, I will put him in his cage and go and get on my exercycle. Oh, here he his now.