Weight-Loss Jan.14 - Feb.14 Exercise Challenge!!!

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Exersices I did 25 min eliptical fast nonstop and 100 crunches
a few squats and some scissors.My digaatal thingy don't work
on my eliptical.I feel the eliptical works the leggs better than the
treadmill but then again the treadmill gets your heart going more
when ya jog a little on it so I may switch it up and take turns with
them both.

2 miles done ='s NEW TOTAL 322.25
30 mins Curves...2.5 mile walk...so 3.5 miles for me...

New Total = 325.75
Looooong day at work for me & I almost skipped the workout today, bed is looking sooo good. But I managed to pep talk myself into walking 3 miles before I slid into my Pjs.

Ao our new total is up to 328.75 miles
Em it will get better dont cry girl! **HUGGS**:)
I did 1 mile on the DREADMILL and planning for elitical later
NEW TOTAL 334.25
WOW!!! What a fantastic effort, everyone!
I was wondering if it was too late to join, seeing as you are already 2 weeks in to the challenge?
Keep up the awe inspiring work, everyone.

Elizabeth-Rose :)
I did 2.75 miles on the treadmill today. I wanted to stop at 2.5, but keep thinking how we have been dragging a .25 along lately & pushed on to make it into a whole number. But alas more milage has been added. I should have stuck with it longer today, but I'm pooped.

So with adding my 2.75 miles in, we are at 358.5 miles.
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