Hi Marsia, those are some good ideas. My go-to cold remedy Thera-flu. is Interesting about the slow metabolism - over-dieting did that? That's a scary thought.
You're paying 1K that per-person for health care? Wow, I thought I was bad off. You must have lower deductibles, but I'm rolling the dice that we don't get sick until I find a real job or turn 65.
It's great your daughter is into guitar, how cool! You must be so proud of her.
Back to reality - I faced the boss today, although I had stalled all of yesterday. But really I had to get some direction because my product guys are traveling and I can't just do whatever I feel like. I did get a list of bugs ready, in case he didn't have an idea, but it ended up he gave me this really easy assignment with no particular time-limit. Just checking the Java versions we should look into upgrading to.
So, it was going well and I mentioned that I worked all weekend on that report, and maybe I would take Friday off. Not only did he agree, but he even said, let me know when those situations happen. I told him I appreciated that. So, it was nice to have a little positive inter-action with the guy. He wouldn't be my first pick for a boss, but you gotta make the best of your situation.
As far as weight, I was down to 166.5 this morning, after hitting 168 the last couple of days due to all the honey and coughdrops I had Tuesday, or was it Monday? As far as colds go, this one really hasn't been too bad. In fact, it's been awesome compared to the one I had last year, which bordered on bronchitis and lasted 6 weeks. I only had one really bad day, which was Monday, and even that was survivable.
I have been guilty of not doing any exercise since, when, Saturday? I don't want to with this cold, and I don't have the energy anyway. But, at least I will go to the gym tomorrow. My wife wants me to show her how to use the treadmill. She's been doing the elliptical for a while, but this year she's getting into jogging a little bit. She mostly walks the beach, but her school has an annual exercise day and she's starting to get competitive about that. I'm a little worried she'll be able to run faster than me, once she gets into it!
As far as guitar, so I mostly practiced "Landslide" last night while switching between the World Series and "Undercover Law". One thing about guitar is you can practice it while watching TV (or your streaming device, whatever it might be). I was definitely improving as I went along.