You start flirting and suddenly your wife wanted to go home...
...imagine that

Yeah, I know, M2M. But it wasn't like it was some kind of long thing - just a couple of minutes, if that...anyway.
So, I was 165 today, so that's good, hanging in there. I really don't have any excuse for not going to the gym, though - my toe is pretty much healed at this point.
That vending machine at work, though - I must have bought Cheez-itss at least 3 times already this week, at $1.25 a pop. It's kind of rude for them to put it there. Does the company get a cut? Is it out of "consideration" for the employees - tempting them with that crap that's in the machine, plus taking your money at the same time? I just think it's a terrible idea. It should be in the kitchen, far away from where I am - but it's like 15 feet away. I don't understand the thinking behind it.
Oh, my wife and I just watched a slick little movie on Netflix - it's called "The Lady in the Car with Glasses and a Gun." It's French - it's kind of a whodunnit, but it's also an excuse to show off a sexy, shy redhead with glasses, long legs, a short skirt, and heels driving around in France in an old Thunderbird to a punk soundtrack. Quite stylish. Plus it reminded how cool of a language French is. And how easy, compared to Japanese.
Speaking of which, I've started listening to Japanese lessons on my commute, which it's crazy why I haven't done this earlier. Today I think I found a good site, Japanese Pod 101 or something like that. I picked the lower intermediate track, and it seems just about right.
I've also started on level 3 (of 5) of a set of vocabulary flashcards for the official Japanese Language Proficiency test. So, I'm hoping the vocabulary will start kicking in soon enough, at long last.
I've also found a site which prints the subtitles for anime in both English and Japanese. Having the Japanese is fantastic because it makes it soooo much easier to figure out what the exact words were in Japanese.
I lowered my review count on the Kanji flashcards to 100 a day, because the 200 was just too much to get through every day. And I haven't done any flashcards today at all, yet, and I might blow it off because I was up till 2 last night and I'm kinda tired. There's always tomorrow.
My visit to X company went ok, although we were blocked on a certificate error from the RedHat site. But they have that sorted now, so I'm going back on Tuesday to get our software installed.
I met with my bosses yesterday, and they're going to put me on a similar project, this time for our own company. Essentially, we need to run on RedHat Enterprise, which is a later version of the Centos 6.10 we run on now. So what I learn for X company is directly applicable. So, that ought to keep the contract moving for a bit longer, I hope. Ideally, it will get through August, when I turn 62. That's one more year down on the road to retirement.
Ah, the stock market had a good day today. I'll check the old portfolio...not it makes that much of a difference, but it's fun to look at when there's been a good day.