I think I said something about a stick in another thread. We will change the word "stick" to the word "gun."
So, it would go like.
I have a gun, I could use it to hunt and feed my family, or, I could go on a murderous rampage. It is not the gun's fault.
There are a few things that have to be addressed.
1. Stuff like this does not happen all of the time
2. The media has to blow things out of proportion. There is not enough news to fill a 24 hour news network. So, "lets make everything sound more important than it is."
3. Stuff like this and worse happens in other countries. Everyone in every country has the ability to get a gun. Just because you don't know how, does not mean it can't be done.
The problem is not violence on TV, in movies, or video games. It is that parents, (lets face it, over half the time there is only one) let the tube raise their children.
Parents do not, or are not there to teach their children about what good behavior really is. They expect the schools to do it (bad idea).
Gun shows dont require much info at all. Any place where you can buy a gun and the book The Turner Diaries in the same place is probably not there to benefit our society as a whole..you can do that at most gun shows in the south.
Yet the people who are attending these gun shows are not the ones going on shooting sprees. If families would teach their children about firearms, so they can learn and respect the power that that weapon has.
Personally, I grew up in a family where My dad had 7 brothers and 1 sister. All the boys are hunters, all own guns, all have been to the shooting range and hunting with their children. I shot my first gun when I was 9, and none of us have, or ever will, go on a shooting spree.
The answer to the problem is the same as always, core family values and education (starting at home.)
That the media has no control over.