Is the media responsible?

You know I'm not sure...You would think especially when he was in counceling for depression and being suicidal but to be honest with you I'm not sure if he was actually institutionalized or just treated for depression....but like I said you could still buy them on the black market.

I agree deschain....there are a lot of factors involved...

Gun shows dont require much info at all. Any place where you can buy a gun and the book The Turner Diaries in the same place is probably not there to benefit our society as a can do that at most gun shows in the south.
I think I said something about a stick in another thread. We will change the word "stick" to the word "gun."

So, it would go like.

I have a gun, I could use it to hunt and feed my family, or, I could go on a murderous rampage. It is not the gun's fault.

There are a few things that have to be addressed.

1. Stuff like this does not happen all of the time

2. The media has to blow things out of proportion. There is not enough news to fill a 24 hour news network. So, "lets make everything sound more important than it is."

3. Stuff like this and worse happens in other countries. Everyone in every country has the ability to get a gun. Just because you don't know how, does not mean it can't be done.

The problem is not violence on TV, in movies, or video games. It is that parents, (lets face it, over half the time there is only one) let the tube raise their children.

Parents do not, or are not there to teach their children about what good behavior really is. They expect the schools to do it (bad idea).

Gun shows dont require much info at all. Any place where you can buy a gun and the book The Turner Diaries in the same place is probably not there to benefit our society as a can do that at most gun shows in the south.

Yet the people who are attending these gun shows are not the ones going on shooting sprees. If families would teach their children about firearms, so they can learn and respect the power that that weapon has.

Personally, I grew up in a family where My dad had 7 brothers and 1 sister. All the boys are hunters, all own guns, all have been to the shooting range and hunting with their children. I shot my first gun when I was 9, and none of us have, or ever will, go on a shooting spree.

The answer to the problem is the same as always, core family values and education (starting at home.)

That the media has no control over.
I think I said something about a stick in another thread. We will change the word "stick" to the word "gun."

So, it would go like.

I have a gun, I could use it to hunt and feed my family, or, I could go on a murderous rampage. It is not the gun's fault.

There are a few things that have to be addressed.

1. Stuff like this does not happen all of the time

2. The media has to blow things out of proportion. There is not enough news to fill a 24 hour news network. So, "lets make everything sound more important than it is."

3. Stuff like this and worse happens in other countries. Everyone in every country has the ability to get a gun. Just because you don't know how, does not mean it can't be done.

The problem is not violence on TV, in movies, or video games. It is that parents, (lets face it, over half the time there is only one) let the tube raise their children.

Parents do not, or are not there to teach their children about what good behavior really is. They expect the schools to do it (bad idea).

Yet the people who are attending these gun shows are not the ones going on shooting sprees. If families would teach their children about firearms, so they can learn and respect the power that that weapon has.

Personally, I grew up in a family where My dad had 7 brothers and 1 sister. All the boys are hunters, all own guns, all have been to the shooting range and hunting with their children. I shot my first gun when I was 9, and none of us have, or ever will, go on a shooting spree.

The answer to the problem is the same as always, core family values and education (starting at home.)

That the media has no control over.

Look at the murder rate in Canada.. and compare it to the murder rate in the USA...then look at a Canadian news channel and compare it to an American channel. Then look at the gun laws and the amount of guns per household in Canada and compare it to America.

There are certainly people that own guns that are upstanding members of the communities they live in. Guns don't make people evil. Guns give evil people a convenient way to act on their thoughts though. Thats what I'm saying about guns.
Tomothy McVeigh was a big gun show buff. There is a whole anti-government vibe that floats in the air at a lot of southern gun shows.
Sometimes a thing is just beyond anything that a family or anyone can prevent or even just effectively discourage. You can only hope to instill grounded values, influence, teach, support, and guide--and then you hope for the best.
2. The media has to blow things out of proportion. There is not enough news to fill a 24 hour news network. So, "lets make everything sound more important than it is."

Blows it out of proportion? are you joking. Im assuming your an american citizen, perhaps instead you have been desentisized to these sort of things.

3. Stuff like this and worse happens in other countries. Everyone in every country has the ability to get a gun. Just because you don't know how, does not mean it can't be done.
What standards to you have? are you comparing it to the likes of iraq and such.

Personally, I grew up in a family where My dad had 7 brothers and 1 sister. All the boys are hunters, all own guns, all have been to the shooting range and hunting with their children. I shot my first gun when I was 9, and none of us have, or ever will, go on a shooting spree.

Not everyone will have the same genetic and environmental experiences you had.
Yeah, blown out of proportion. Before Monday, we were still hearing about Anna Nicole Smith.

Not everyone will share the same experiences, but that's why VALUES and ETHICS should be stressed within families. You'll never catch the cause if you're only spending time on the results.
Yes, I absolutely agree about the fixation element. The media deliver the shock and gore aspect of an event like this; the causes of it--unless they're way, way obvious or unless they have similar gore and shock value--are likely not going to be too sensational, and so they're often marginalized. It's not an exact science to pinpoint precisely what causes someone to be aggressive and pathological and then act on it, so that ambiguity makes for potentially blase news; it is, however, not a question of science to shove the aftermath in our faces repeatedly and shock us into staying connected to the news programs.
I think I said something about a stick in another thread. We will change the word "stick" to the word "gun."

So, it would go like.

I have a gun, I could use it to hunt and feed my family, or, I could go on a murderous rampage. It is not the gun's fault.

There are a few things that have to be addressed.

1. Stuff like this does not happen all of the time

2. The media has to blow things out of proportion. There is not enough news to fill a 24 hour news network. So, "lets make everything sound more important than it is."

3. Stuff like this and worse happens in other countries. Everyone in every country has the ability to get a gun. Just because you don't know how, does not mean it can't be done.

The problem is not violence on TV, in movies, or video games. It is that parents, (lets face it, over half the time there is only one) let the tube raise their children.

Parents do not, or are not there to teach their children about what good behavior really is. They expect the schools to do it (bad idea).

Yet the people who are attending these gun shows are not the ones going on shooting sprees. If families would teach their children about firearms, so they can learn and respect the power that that weapon has.

Personally, I grew up in a family where My dad had 7 brothers and 1 sister. All the boys are hunters, all own guns, all have been to the shooting range and hunting with their children. I shot my first gun when I was 9, and none of us have, or ever will, go on a shooting spree.

The answer to the problem is the same as always, core family values and education (starting at home.)

That the media has no control over.

That's so good it just needed to be reposted. :)
Look at the murder rate in Canada

Canada, are you serous? Of course there is less murder in Canada. They only have 32,000,000 people. Compared to over 300,000,000 in the US.

Guns don't make people evil. Guns give evil people a convenient way to act on their thoughts though. Thats what I'm saying about guns.

Thats my point. Taking away the right to own guns from good people because of a small minority is crazy.

Blows it out of proportion? are you joking. Im assuming your an american citizen, perhaps instead you have been desentisized to these sort of things.

I have to assume that you can read, so look at the information on the people posting in the forum, you will see that I am from South Carolina, so you do not have to assume. And yes, the media does blow things out of proportion, like LeiYunFat said, we have been hearing about Anna Nicole for years. Believe me, she is not news.

The media also chooses to show the worst in people instead of the best in people, it is shocking, and makes people tune in to see "how bad things are getting."

What standards to you have? are you comparing it to the likes of iraq and such.

My point of reference is that the black market does not reside exclusively in America. If you think that you cannot buy a firearm in your county you are disillusioned at best.

Not everyone will have the same genetic and environmental experiences you had.

True, but everyone can learn the differences between right and wrong. People need to take responsibility for themselves and their families. Blaming crime on an inanimate object is a stupid and delusional way to address a problem and is a very easy way not to deal with the real issue.

People have been killing each other for a variety of reasons since the beginning of time. The only differences lie in the methods. There will always be "good guys" and "bad guys"

On a final note here, people always like to talk about the degradation of society when events like this happen. The truth is that people are basically good and can be held accountable for their own actions. Good will alway triumph over evil, and our moral fiber is always going to be tested.

Thanks for all the great feedback everyone.
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Blows it out of proportion? are you joking. Im assuming your an american citizen, perhaps instead you have been desentisized to these sort of things.

Right, I need to address this now. This outlook on the American news is what is destroying your country, and reputation. Slowly more and more people are becoming paranoid, and using the excuse "it's the truth, admit it". Your news channels such as Fox, CNN, and individuals such as Bill O'reilly, are obsessive in bringing you the better story. Hours upon hours are spent going over and over events, then there's the documentaries, conspiracy theories, propaganda... It's rediculous. Every time I go to America I see it. During a ski trip I've just had to Vermont, I realised that the people there would back up everything that I'm saying. Half of your country is run by the media, and what other people are doing. This stretches from paranoia about terrorism, to teenage girls becoming anorexic.
Guess what people? Terrorists can, yes, kill a few hundred people once in a while, but they can never do any damage to you. Never. Unless you let them. The media are spreading terror more than the terrorists.

911 is still being gone on about, even now 6 years later. Really, isn't it time the news channels move on? Huge disaster, extreme act of cowardliness, but don't make it worse.

Btw, I'm not saying every American citizen is like that, because that is not true. It's a small percentage.
Slowly more and more people are becoming paranoid, and using the excuse "it's the truth, admit it". Your news channels such as Fox, CNN, and individuals such as Bill O'reilly, are obsessive in bringing you the better story. Hours upon hours are spent going over and over events, then there's the documentaries, conspiracy theories, propaganda... It's rediculous. Every time I go to America I see it

That is exactly correct. What the media does is foster paranoia. It is ridiculous. And you can see it in the American population. Paranoia feeds on itself.

Goes back to what I said earlier. Turn it off. Not watching takes away the power of the press.

This might be "stirring the coolaid" a but but I just had an interesting thought.

Lets say that just a few people in that classroom were armed. Would the shooter have been able to kill 30 people?
That is exactly correct. What the media does is foster paranoia. It is ridiculous. And you can see it in the American population. Paranoia feeds on itself.

Goes back to what I said earlier. Turn it off. Not watching takes away the power of the press.

This might be "stirring the coolaid" a but but I just had an interesting thought.

Lets say that just a few people in that classroom were armed. Would the shooter have been able to kill 30 people?

Probably not. However, I am suprised nobody thought to jump him gun or no gun.
When the professor blocked his path his students should have rushed him...

But we can't blame the students for not being alert for this kind of thing. No one was expecting anything like this, due in part to college having this aura of being idealistic and unpersonal, as I have observed. Columbine had a low body count in contrast to the VT event, where there were two shooters, each having more firepower than Cho packed. This was due in part to students taking on the gunmen in Columbine, where in VT, the gunman was virtually unopposed. If you look at highschool and college, the social development is much deeper on a wide scale. In highschools, many of the students have been together for close to a decade. In college, this social network is fragmented and I think that being "backed up" or knowing who/what you're going against is enough to prompt action is some people.

This is, of course, is not really pertinent to the discussion, and is my opinion...But yeah. College students never thought this stuff would happen to them. Now they know. I don't think another shooting anytime soon will have a body count quite as high as the one on Monday.