Weight-Loss Is Diet Soda bad for you?

wow i didnt know diet soda could effect my weight gain i've been drinking nearly a liter a day, its gonna be very hard to cut diet soda out completey
ITS THE CALORIE. The ULMIGHTY CALORIE THAT effects weight gain or loss on healthy invidiuals. No diet soda (which most are calorie free ( are going to affect this one way or the other). If one wants to make an arguement whether the "contents are healthy" thats a different arguement. I drink it, and my gramps has drank it all his life (he is 87 years old, thus an exception, I supopose to the OTHER arguement).
[Squall];263820 said:
one coke (its carbonated water content) has been shown to cause permanent damage to the tooth. Again its theorized that soft drinks are one of the leading causes of tooth decay in people. Only not from the sugar content but from the Phosphoric acid and Carbonation combination.

I agree with this, but did you know Flouride is also acidic. Just look at a periodic table of elements. It is on the right side with Phosphorous. Both of these will steal positive charges, calcium in this case, to neutralize. Which means that the teeth decay to neutralize this acid. Hmmmmm.........Sort of what happens with osteoporosis.

Just to be safe, I personally brush with flouride free toothpaste. It is the brushing action that helps more so than the flouride.
Diet Soda: Okay to drink if...?

All right, i'm sure you've all heard all this stuff about diet sodas and the artificial sweeteners, and their negative effects.

I'm no professional, but summed up, said effects would include increased hunger, which will cause you to eat more (due to consuming the sweet, calorie-lacking substance, and thus your body believes it should be recieving calories when it is not, so it craves more). Also, if I recall correctly the artificial sweeteners will promote the release of insulin, which helps store fat. And, of course, there's the "oh, i'm drinking diet coke, so if I go and have that cheeseburger it'll level it out." i've also heard that the drink can slow down your metabolism, but i'm not sure on that one.

Anyway, due to the reasons stated above, apparently drinkers of diet soda are more likely to become obese than those who drink regular soda.

So, what if you're smart about these things? What if you fight the negative effects brought about by not overindulging on food and by sheer will power?

For example, say i'm to have myself a can of diet coke each day, while also doing the following:

-completely ignoring the cravings brought about by the soda. If my stomach rumbles, i'll get over it. I'll distract myself somehow, and eat as I normally would any other day without cheating. I never--and I mean never--eat sweets, anyway; none, whatsoever. If the soda makes me crave sweets, rather than heading to the pantry and having myself a cookie I'll wait til it's snack time and grab some fruit.

-not letting the word "diet" trick me into eating more than I should. I know that what's on my plate is more important than what's not in my drink.

-drinking my can a day at night, after my final meal. Metabolism slows down when you go to sleep anyway; since i'm not eating until breakfast, I do a quick exercise routine when I wake up and then eat.

All my life I rarely drank soda, and just drank water most of the time (with the occasional diet soda here and there, but definitely less of an amount than the average soda drinker). I'm getting sick of it; and when I let myself have 2 cans of Diet Coke on the 4th of July, I slowly began craving more, and now I feel as though I really must have it. I've drinken about 4 cans of soda since the 4th of July.

But, since I was never a big drinker of regular soda, instead of thinking "oh, this diet soda is better for me", i'll be thinking "whoah, this isn't exactly a positive change; i'll have to be more aware of what i'm eating and when".

So, all these things considered, would a can of diet coke a day be no threat to my weight? I definitely don't want to put on the pounds that those who are heavy drinkers of diet sodas apparently tend to put on, so I don't want to start drinking the soda until I can get a few opinions on my plan.
Well, first off, you have to ask yourself why you want a diet soda every day.

I drink a diet coke every once in awhile - about four a week - usually have two on the weekend and then one or two during the week. Because I don't drink alcohol anymore, this has kind of replaced the whole "pop! fizzzzz" sensation I used to get from beer.

The thing I am working on is making sure I don't drink it at any specific time, after any specific activity, because I don't want to make an association / habit. I DO use it as a "treat" for myself and because of that I totally relish it. But, I am trying to not have standards for it - just that I always try water first. I think that's the thing quitting drinking taught me - I always ask myself my reason for wanting something, whether it's ice cream or a cookie or soda or whatever. Am I hungry? Thirsty? Tired? Bored?
I think it's because diet soda is the closest thing I can get to a sugary snack without the calories attached.

Moreover, if it takes me about a half hour to drink a can of Coke (taking a few sips a minute or two; of course, I'm just estimating because I've never timed/watched myself), that's thirty minutes that food is off of my mind; food always seems to be on my mind, and I've found that while drinking that can of Diet Coke, I actually crave food less.

And I am often bored, so I'm sure that has something to do with it. I have managed to go three months now without eating when I'm bored, and frankly this has just caused me to become more bored. A can of soda might distract me from my boredom for a bit; I'm weird, I enjoy paying great attention to whatever I'm consuming at the moment.
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I would first try to do something about the boredom, and then I would indulge in a diet coke. ;)

But it sounds like you've got the thing down... I don't see why it would hurt except that you are consuming a bunch of artificial junk sweetener.

You may want to try soda water instead with a little Pomegranite juice or lime juice - it is quite distracting, really good, and is better for you.
i know its not the best for you, but i personally dont have a problem drinking diet sodas and losing weight etc etc....sweet food was never my problem anyway.
i am a diet coke addict and i am trying to cut down.but still do enjoy it daily. it also doesnt give me food cravings. stress is my trigger, one which i am still struggling with. slim
You also forgot to mention the harmful effects of aspertame, especially with brain functions. It as been shown that aspertame may display mild symptoms of ADD.

For me, its water! :). Maybe an occasional sweet tea, but very rare (I had 2 cups in the last 3 months). Oh, and if I reach graduate school, then I'll probably start drinking coffee ;)
Dpes Diet Soda Actually Make You Gain Weight??

That and other related concepts are discussed in interesting and informative video:

I used to drink like 4 bottles of diet coke a day. And then I went cold turkey. Ohh the headaches were quite vicious, but I think unsweetened Japanese tea (sencha) helped give me little doses of caffeine where I needed it. So I try to limit it to one or two a week now and usually as some kind of reward...
All this for not even know if it's bad for you or not :cheers2:
I've never had trouble with it and my Doctor and nutritionist only told me to not over do it with like 4 liters a day. All that crap about artificial sweetners is crap from BIG SUGAR lobbyists.
There was some study that showed that those that drink diet sodas are more likely to gain weight over time than those that drink regular...it kinda makes sense to me, but i don't really drink soda to begin with
There was some study that showed that those that drink diet sodas are more likely to gain weight over time than those that drink regular...it kinda makes sense to me, but i don't really drink soda to begin with

Well, yes, I just read some articles yesterday and it is written there that drinking diet sugar will contribute to weight gain faster then regular ones. Not sure how true is it though...:confused:
Well, yes, I just read some articles yesterday and it is written there that drinking diet sugar will contribute to weight gain faster then regular ones. Not sure how true is it though...:confused:

The only reason you gain weight is if you consume more than you expend.

Diet coke has like 1 calorie, so it wont lead you to gain weight.

HOWEVER some people find that they eat more when they drink diet sodas. But its not the diet sodas that cause the weigt gain it is the excess food.
I used to drink Pepsi (regular, not diet) for years. Then, about 6 years ago, I got on a health kick, changed to diet pepsi, and lost 30lbs. Was it the diet pepsi? Well, duh, of course not. But did it help? You betcha! I started drinking that to keep me from eating. It worked, I'll tell ya! And since then I have become addicted to it. Is it as good as water? hell no, but since I can't stand water, I'll drink my diet pepsi, thank you.

When I drink water, it makes me bloated and I feel like crap, and angry because I'm drinking something I hate when I'd much rather drink my diet pepsi. I end up eating something I **shouldn't** to make up for the lack of taste in the water. I have tried the sparkling water and although it tastes good, I prefer to drink what I want and watch everything else in my diet. It works for me, and all the warnings in the world won't make me stop. :D
I think that the problem with diet drinks is that there are NO calories.When you drink a sweet tasting drink and even while you are getting ready to drink it...your body releases INSULIN in readyness to digest the sugar it is expecting,this has been proven.
When there is no sugar calories for the insulin to deal with the insulin hangs around to do what it's job is..storing fat! So this false insulin response does not happen to everyone,but maybe the people who have a problem with DIET drinks and artificial sweeteners!
Carbonated water can help you retain fluids in your body and irritate your bladder. I'd stay away from them if I were you.