I'm not exactly sure what to do here...

I would agree with this. I doubt many of your guy friends are saying to you as a chick walks by, "damn, look at that ass. I'd love to hit that."

Yeah I think this is true because my best guy friends are gay. They say the same type of thing when a hot guy walks by. It's fun because I can actually relate to it.
Haha, my girlfriends gay work friends fancy me

I'm straight but it's always nice to know you have options ;)
Well, that's why it doesn't count for you-- your guy friends are essentially girls with dicks, and you carry a double standard.
Haha, my girlfriends gay work friends fancy me

I'm straight but it's always nice to know you have options ;)

Haha nice one CCR it is kinda flatering that you know a gay guy has the hots for you even if you are no way interested haha.
I dislike the general stereotyping of gay men, that sometimes even gay men (especially younger ones) play into. Just because you like men, doesn't mean you have to walk around saying oh hunny and looking at shoes.

Which is why I was quite offended when Lei said that gay men are just girls with dicks. Not true at all. They're just as much "men" as are straight men if not more so.
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Yeah I think this is true because my best guy friends are gay. They say the same type of thing when a hot guy walks by. It's fun because I can actually relate to it.

This is what I said. This is all I said. I said that my gay guy friends don't say stuff about girls being hot. It's obvious why they wouldn't. In no way did I stereotype them saying that they all liked to look at shoes or some such nonsense.
This is what I said. This is all I said. I said that my gay guy friends don't say stuff about girls being hot. It's obvious why they wouldn't. In no way did I stereotype them saying that they all liked to look at shoes or some such nonsense.

I think that they're meaning that you don't like it when guys are vulgar towards women; however, you portrayed your gay friends as being that way towards men and you related with them.
I dislike the general stereotyping of gay men, that sometimes even gay men (especially younger ones) play into. Just because you like men, doesn't mean you have to walk around saying oh hunny and looking at shoes.

So true! I'm not ghey and I love to shop for new shoes. :D
I think that they're meaning that you don't like it when guys are vulgar towards women; however, you portrayed your gay friends as being that way towards men and you related with them.

Yeah, because I like men. And it wasn't vulgar stuff either. It's just admiration.:D

Anyway, let's get back on topic. I'm tired of arguing about stupid stuff. I'm trying to be as positive as possible. :)
So, back on topic.

Tonight I just got asked out again, second time in one week, by an old friend/acquaintance who I haven't seen in years. He was actually the first boy I kissed, I was 13 :) but that's another story for another time. So, I'm pretty excited about that. I started comparing the old acquaintance to this new guy that asked me out on Monday, I can see a huge difference. I know now that I should definitely pick the old acquaintance over this new guy. So, this guy is an athlete with an awesome muscular build, definitely a plus, and he's studying engineering. Sexy and smart, the perfect package.

So, in the world of men, I would say I'm doing pretty well, and this all happened the week of my 18th birthday, I wonder why?

I guess it's true when they say the men all flock around you once you turn 18. ;)
You should feel comfortable with someone you date. I'm thinking that the initial guy asked you if you smoked weed to see if you were cool with it because he'd probably prefer to date someone who smokes or is at least cool with it. (I'll give the guy the benefit of the doubt.)

I have a friend who liked to smoke and his girlfriend hated it sooooo much that they'd argue about it all the time. So, he either had to stop smoking, hide it from her or break up with her. They eventually broke up (don't know why) but now he asks women when he meets them how they feel about smoking because he never wants to date a women who will be against him smoking because it's not worth the drama. For him, it's important to know from the get-go because he went through hell in his past relationship over this issue (as did you).

Consider yourself in a win-win situation -- you found out he smokes and you're not into that so you can make the choice now about whether you'd like to date him. ALSO, he found out that you are not into smoking and honestly, he's probably not as into you either (at least to some degree). Otherwise, I don't know why he'd ask..
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I think I've made up my mind not to waste my time with a guy who's obsessed with pot. I will never be okay with it, and it would probably result in me pestering him about it just like you were saying. I don't want to waste my time or his.

I've already made a date with the other guy and I'm looking forward to that. He's more my type, and doesn't have an issue with drugs.
I think he'll get the clue when I don't call him.