I'm back and ready to get big and strong!



Bench Press


-Almost failed on that last rep on the squats. Heels and toes were coming up fighting for that rep lol. Wednesday or Thursday I will finnally be working with 225! Gonna try to get a friend to Ipod Tape it with me and I'll try to get it on youtube as soon as possible so you guys can look at my form and what/not
-Bench Press felt easier
-Deadlift felt great; though I think my back might have rounded one of those reps but I'm actually not sure because my abs were flexing really really hard.
-Found out we can get our bodyfat checked for free at our gym. Thursday morning I decided to go find out what mine is. I'm actually scared to check lol. I graduated basic weighting 168, I now weigh 202. Though I am still under 34" waist I know I have put on lots of fat along with the muscle.
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greatttttt stuff man. get a video of all 3!!!! : D great gains!!


Military Press


-Thinking my cns or something didn't recover by today. Didn't get on tape but I'm glad I was able to get at least the first set
-I think I'm ready to switch over to a bodybuilding routine and going for the abs. I want abs and bigger arms. Also wanna hit the legs for size; I think I have some good numbers to work with and I can work around PT easier. Rippetoes getting old.
Just did some abs and biceps for fun and for the hell of it. Ate lots of Turkey and Ham :) so far.

I'm gonna start eating more protein and fat and eating really low carbs- kinda like the Anabolic Diet. But I'm not gonna cut or bulk I am just gonna eat only protein and fat dominated foods. So some days I will lose fat from a calorie deficit and some days I will gain muscle from a calorie excess. I'm looking for a routine to start following. Thinking of a split. I can't wait to start a new workout and diet.

Wanna get my bodyfat checked one of these days but the trainer is never in the gym.

Thinking something like this:

It would actually work really good because our dining facilty always has some form of meet and the salad bar always has tuna, chicken pieces, ham pieces, cheese. :)
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