Weight-Loss Icy's Workout Challenge #2



New member
To start off the new year I'm doing another challenge, this will last 8 weeks:
Start: Sun. Jan 5
End: Sat. Mar 1

The goal: Workout at least 3 times a week. For me my night job will no longer count towards this. It doesn't have to be a long or intense workout, but just get up and move and do SOMETHING. Whether it's walking, running, DVD workout, going to the gym, jumping jacks, whatever. I have no idea what workouts I will be doing but I will keep track basically the same way I did before.

Everyone is welcome to join in! I'm starting this on Sunday because I'm not wanting to do anything about it this week.

This is what I will use to keep track of my progress. You can use the same, similar, or a completely different way of tracking your progress.
If there is a workout you really like please feel free to share it with the rest of us as I for one am up for suggestions!

Week #1: Jan 5-11
Week #2: Jan 12-18
Week #3: Jan 19-25
Week #4: Jan 26-Feb 1
Week #5: Feb 2-8
Week #6: Feb 9-15
Week #7: Feb 16-22
Week #8: Feb 23-Mar 1

Week #DateWorkoutDetailsWeight
1-1Thurs. Jan 9Randomness: jumping jacks, pushups, planks, etc12 mins134
1-2Fri. Jan 10Randomness5 mins133.5
1-3Sat. Jan 11Walking (Mall) - About 3.5 miles the full day5 hours?133
2-1Sun. Jan 12Walking (Shopping) - About 2.8 miles the full day6 hours?134
2-2Fri. Jan 17Cleaning (that counts right?)30 mins133.5
2-3Sat. Jan 18Walking1 hour133
3-1Mon. Jan 20WiiFit/Just Dance 230 min132.5
3-2Tues. Jan 21WiiFit/Walking/Running (while watching Doctor Who LOL)90 min133
3-3Wed. Jan 22Walking/Jogging60 min132.5
3-4Thurs. Jan 23Walking20 min133
3-5Fri. Jan 24Walking45 min133
3-6Sat. Jan 25Walking30 min132.5
4-1Sun. Jan 26Walking60 min131.5
4-2Mon. Jan 27Walking15 min131.5
4-3Tues. Jan 28Walking30 min131.5
4-4Thurs. Jan 30Walking60 min131.5
4-5Fri. Jan 31Walking2 hrs130.5
4-6Sat. Feb 1Walking3 hrs132.0
5-1Sun. Feb 2Walking3 hrs130.5
5-2Thurs. Feb 6Walking60 min
5-3Fri. Feb 7Walking/Cleaning60 min132
5-4Sat. Feb 8Walking/Cleaning90 min132
6-1Tues. Feb 11Walking30 min
6-2Wed. Feb 12Walking30 min
6-3Thurs. Feb 13Walking60 min
6-4Fri. Feb 14Walking90 min
6-5Sat. Feb 15Walking/Shopping3 hours132
7-1Sun. Feb 16Walking/Shopping
3 hours
7-2Mon. Feb 17Walking1 hr
7-3Tues. Feb 18Walking30 min
7-4Wed. Feb 19Walking30 min
7-5Thurs. Feb 20Walking30 min
7-6Fri. Feb 21Walking/Cleaning45 min
7-7Sat. Feb 22Walking/Cleaning3 hr
8-1Sun. Feb 23Walking/Cleaning2 hr
8-2Mon. Feb 24
30 min
8-3Tues. Feb 25
30 min
Wed. Feb 26
30 min
Thurs. Feb 27
30 min
Fri. Feb 28
3 hr
Sat. Feb 29
3 hr
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I'm upping the ante for myself.

7 days a week for the 8 weeks. No blanks, 56 workouts in a row.

Week #1: Jan 5-11
Week #2: Jan 12-18
Week #3: Jan 19-25
Week #4: Jan 26-Feb 1
Week #5: Feb 2-8
Week #6: Feb 9-15
Week #7: Feb 16-22
Week #8: Feb 23-Mar 1

Week #DateWorkoutDetailsPant Size
(Red means tried on new pants)
1-11/5/2014Run/walk30 min avg HR 14942
1-21/6/2014walk in the woods30 min low intensity (LI) 16 deg F42
1-31/7/2014fieldwork/walk in woods4 hours LI,1hr LI42
1-41/8/2014fieldwork9 hours moderate intensity40-42
1-51/9/2014stretching calisthenicsminimal effort (very sore from work)40-42
1-61/10/2014Run/Walk38 min 12 sec avg hr 145
Almost all slow jog. Yippee!
1-71/11/2014walk in the woods /stretchingwalk low intensity probably an hour40-42
2-11/12/2014Run30 min 55 seconds
avg HR 144 NO WALKING! 1.7 miles
2-21/13/2014Field Work/Run7.5 hours moderate intensity/31 minutes 7 seconds avg HR 14440-42
2-31/14/2014Run30 min 2 sec avg hr 145 1.8 miles40-42
2-41/15/2014fieldwork/stretchingrunning has made this much easier40-42
2-51/16/2014fieldwork/run31 min 44 seconds avg HR 146 1.9 miles40-42
2-61/17/2014mixed cardio35 mins low impact run in place w/dumbbelss and pedal seated pedals40-42
2-61/18/2014run30 min 2 sec avg HR 14940-42
3-11/19/2014run32 mins 19 sec avg hr 155 2 miles hilly38-42
3-21/20/2014run30 min 36 secs avg hr 148 1.9 miles dirt38-42
3-31/21/2014fieldwork/run7 hours in field/30 min 05 secs avg hr 150 2.0 miles dirt and pavement38-42
3-41/22/2014fieldwork/run4 hours/39 min 08 secs avg hr 149 2.5 miles38-42
3-51/23/2014fieldwork5 miles in brush and soft soils with rocks38-42
3-61/24/2014brief walk/stretchingneeded a break38-40
3-71/25/2014run31:46 avg hr 146 2.1 miles38-40
4-11/26/2014run47 min 5K38-40
4-21/27/2014run30 mins 3K38-40
4-31/28/2014run30 minutes 3.1K38-40
4-41/29/2014run30 min 2.9K 145 HR38-40
4-51/30/2014cutting firewood40 mins38-40
4-61/31/2014stretching/bodyweight exercisesminimal effort38-40
4-72/01/2014run44:11 5K38-40
5-12/02/2014stretching/BW ex/houseworklight effort38-40
5-22/03/2014run43:20 5K38-40
5-32/04/2014run32 mnutes 3.3k SUCKED!!!!!!!!38-40
5-42/05/2014field work>2 miles steep hills 6 hours in the woods total38-40
5-52/06/2014stretching/walkingMy calves are toast and need a break.38-40
5-62/07/2014dumbbell workarms38-40
5-72/08/2014run30 min avg HR 149 2.7K38-40
6-12/09/2014yardwork/run3hrs raking/30 min 1.7 miles38-40
6-22/10/2014run2.1 miles 30 min avg HR 14738-40
6-32/11/2014run2 miles 30 min avg hr 145 freezing/rain/sleet38-40
6-42/12/2014run1.9 miles avg hr 145 very cold 30 min38-40
6-52/13/2014run2.12 miles avg hr 149 cold 30 min38-40
6-62/14/2014run1.9 miles avg hr 144 tummy hurt 30 min38-40
6-72/15/2014run2.22 miles avg hr 149 30 min38-40
7-12/16/2014run30 minutes 2.1 miles avg HR 145 bpm38-40
7-22/17/2014run30 min 2.15 miles avg hr 150 bpm38-40
7-32/18/2014run30 min 2.10 miles avg hr 158 bpm38-40
7-42/19/2014run2.22 miles 30 min avg hr 15338-40
7-52/20/2014run2.12 miles 30 min avg hr 15638-40
7-62/21/2014run2.20 miles 30 min 147 avg hr38-40
7-72/22/2014run2.3 miles 30 min38-40
8-12/23/2014run2.2 miles 30 min 154 avg hr hilly38-40
8-22/24/2014run2.1 miles 30 min 139 avg hr38-40
8-32/25/2014run2.2 miles 30 min 152 avg hr38-40
8-42/26/2014run2.3 miles 30 min 150 avg hr38-40
8-52/27/2014run 2.2 miles 30 min 148 avg hr38-40
2.1 miles 30 min 142 avg hr38-40
8-73/01/2014:hurray:run (22 in a row):hurray:
1.95 miles 30 min 143 hr
38-40 2 new 38s and 2 40s retired

To put the pant size in perspective I retired 3 pairs or size 42 jeans on 1/24/2014. I retired pair number 4 sometime last week. They tore, but I also fit into a new pair that hadn't fit before. I have two pair that are too big, but I will need to replace them with smaller pairs (which almost button) to retire them.
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I'm on board with this. I like this since at work we have decided to do a weight loss pool and it is to begin this Monday and run until the end of March, so this one will work right in tangent with that.:hurray:

Week #1: Jan 5-11
Week #2: Jan 12-18
Week #3: Jan 19-25
Week #4: Jan 26-Feb 1
Week #5: Feb 2-8
Week #6: Feb 9-15
Week #7: Feb 16-22
Week #8: Feb 23-Mar 1

Week #DateWorkoutDetailsWeight
6/1/2013ZumbaSo out of shape not funny, almost stopped halfway through282.2
7/1/2013Zumba40 minutes, still getting used to exercising again, a little sore but straggling along279.4
8/1/2013Zumba55 minutes, soreness has set in, can't wait for next week when it should be more manageable.279.2

I probably wont update everyday, but I will be sure to update this at least 2X a week.
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Wow Quercus! Good luck :) Just make sure you don't overwork yourself everyday!

Transparent: Welcome to the Challenge :) This will definitely help with your weight loss pool at work, which by the way is awesome!

I know this challenge is starting today but if anyone else wants to join today, or later on, latecomers are welcome.
Hi Transparent! I haven't kept up since our challenge. I hope your weight loss pool goes well. It should be a good pairing with this one.

Icy, I don't plan to work hard every day. I just want to have no zero days. Something no matter how trivial is the forging of a habit of daily activity. Some days it will be stretching or yoga.

The weather is actually cold at the moment here (-10 C). Which is pretty ridiculous by east Texas standards. That limits my ability to run outdoors as it's dark and cold when I get home and the cold air doesn't go well with my asthma. As weather permits I'll try to run as many days as possible. I have a gym with an indoor track, but being the first full week after new year's and as cold as it is there will be a ridiculous crowd at the gym that I won't tolerate. I'll make do until the weather warms and the herd thins.

Okay I'm the only one that's posted so far. I'm going to toot my own horn a bit more to say that yesterday was day 4 in a row of exercise. Which means 59 days in a row by the end of the challenge.

Lets all post something for today and get this challenge going. Whatever you can fit in. Just get that ball rolling. Maybe our momentum will inspire others to join.
That sounds like a really good plan Q! I hope to get more than 3 days, but need to push for at least that. I knew while the challenge started yesterday that I wouldn't do anything until today. I've not even taken off my coat at work, which is OK really because I leave in about 10 mins to get the truck checked out (A got in an accident but isn't feeling well today for other reasons and so I need to get it assessed), and then I hope to have a productive day today (starting with re-reading a procrastination post from my diary - seems counter productive I know but hopefully long term benefits) and look for a good fun workout that I may actually enjoy doing. I shall update once I have done something and yes hopefully that will get others excited to join in :)
I'll join this one as well! :)

Week #1: Jan 5-11
Week #2: Jan 12-18
Week #3: Jan 19-25
Week #4: Jan 26-Feb 1
Week #5: Feb 2-8
Week #6: Feb 9-15
Week #7: Feb 16-22
Week #8: Feb 23-Mar 1

Sunday, January 5. 1 - 11 hour walking, 20 min yoga.Walked for 30 min in the morning and 30 min in the night. The yoga was a beginner's low intensity class.
Monday, January 6.1 - 2Day off.I'm sick :(
Tuesday, January 7.1 - 3Day off.:(
Wednesday, January 8.1 - 430 min walk.Had a 30 min afternoon walk, but not much besides that.
Thursday, January 9.1 - 51 hour walk.Dedicated 1 hour to walking, 30 min in the morning and 30 in the afternoon.
Friday, January 10.1 - 640 min of walking + 10 min brisk walk.---
Saturday, January 11.1 - 770 min walking.2 sessions; first one was a 30 min walk and 10 min brisk walking.
The second one was a 20 min walk and 10 min brisk walking.
Sunday, January 12.2 - 160 min walking + 50 squats + 50 push-ups.A total of 60 minutes walking, 15 were at regular pace and 45 were brisk walking.
I also added two sessions of 25 regular push-ups and squats.
Monday, January 13.2 - 2120 min walking.Just regular walking (I.e: normal pace)
Tuesday, January 14.2 - 3120 min walking.Regular walking.
Wednesday, January 15.2 - 4120 min walking + 25 squats + 25 push-ups.---
Thursday, January 16.2 - 5Day off.I was water fasting and felt too tired to do anything special.
Friday, January 17.2 - 6150 min of walking + 75 squats + 50 push ups + 25 cross-body mountain climbers.Walked for 1 hour at regular pace in the morning.
In the afternoon (after a horrible binge, I must add), I did 1 hour of brisk walking, and 30 minutes of mixed brisk walking / regular walking. I also added some bodyweight exercises, in the form of squats, push-ups and mountain climbers.
Saturday, January 18.2 - 780 min of walking + 42 minutes of yoga.The walking was done at a regular pace, and I did 42 minutes of yoga class.

The class was way out of my league, and I had to stop after the 42 minutes. I still tried to put up a fight, though.
Sunday, January 19.3 - 190 min of brisk walking + 15 min of isometrics.-On the early afternoon, 15 mins of isometrics (Normal, side and reverse planks, bridges, etc) and 60 min brisk walking.

-30 min brisk walk on the night.
Monday, January 20.3 - 2197 - 207 min walking.- 20 / 30 (not really sure) min regular walk in the early afternoon.

- I walked for 2 hours and 57 minutes non-stop at night. I wanted three hours, but didn't know I had 3 minutes left and my legs were hurting. Still pretty happy with this.
Tuesday, January 21.3 - 360 min regular walking.30 min in the morning and 30 min in the night.
Wednesday, January 22.3 - 420 min regular walking.---
Thursday, January 23.3 - 5Off.---
Friday, January 24.3 - 6Off.---

I'll expand the table as the time goes by. Good luck to the three of you. :)
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Ok... I'm in. Let's do this. I'm shooting for 3 times a week. I'll update this as I do it. I exercised yesterday, so I went ahead and put that in already. Feel free to yell at me if I start lagging.. :)

Week #1: Jan 5-11
Week #2: Jan 12-18
Week #3: Jan 19-25
Week #4: Jan 26-Feb 1
Week #5: Feb 2-8
Week #6: Feb 9-15
Week #7: Feb 16-22
Week #8: Feb 23-Mar 1

Week #DateWorkoutDetailsWeight
1/5/2014Treadmill/arm workout40 minutes of torture on the treadmill. Various arm exercises with hand weights.214
1/7/2014Treadmill/arm workout40 minutes on the treadmill and hand weights. 214
1/9/2014Exercise videosLow Impact Cardio Workout for Beginners-30 min & Lower Back Stretches for Sciatica Pain-9 min213
1/11/2014Treadmill40 minutes walking on the treadmill210
1/13/2014Treadmill/arm workout/pilates40 minutes on the treadmill and hand weights, 15 minutes of beginner pilates video209
1/15/2014Treadmill/Pilates30 minutes of really fast walking on the treadmill/15 minutes of hell doing beginner Pilates208.6
1/17/2014Treadmill40 minutes on the treadmill208.2
1/19/2014Treadmill40 minutes of walking. Hip was kind of hurting.-
1/20/2014Pilates23 minutes of a beginner workout.207
1/21/2014Treadmill40 minutes fast walking. My left hip is still hurting pretty bad. Back seems to be improving though.207
1/22/2014Pilates15 minutes of beginner Pilates-
1/27/2014stretching/treadmill10 minutes of stretching out the hip flexors(felt great!), 20 minutes on the treadmill. 206.8
1/31/2014Treadmill30 minutes of walking on the treadmill and 5 minutes or so of stretching.-
2/1/2014Treadmill40 minutes on the treadmill and about 5 minutes of stretching-
2/3/2014GymWent to the gym for an hour- treadmill, elliptical, and tried out a lot of the machines.-
2/5/2014Gym60 minutes- cardio and strength training206.6
2/7/2014Gymcardio and strength training- treadmill, elliptical, and weights203.2
2/8/2014Gymcardio and strength training- treadmill, elliptical, and weights204.2
2/12/2014GymCardio/strength training- 60 minutes205.0
2/14/2014Gym60 minutes-
2/15/2014Treadmill30 min.204.0
2/17/2014Treadmill45 minutes203.2
2/19/2014Gym60 minutes- Cardio & Strength Training-
2/22/2014Treadmill45 minutes201.8
2/22/2014Gym60 minutes- Cardio & Strength Training-
2/24/2104Gym60 minutes-Treadmill, Bike, Strength Training-
2/26/2014Gym60 minutes- Cardio & Strength training-
2/28/2014Gym70 minutes- Cardio & Strength training199.8
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Nice start Jen!

Last night I got tired of short days and being indoors so I roamed around in the below freezing woods with a headlamp on. I saw 1 armadillo and nothing else. I think the other mammals had better sense and were trying to stay warm instead of roaming around. Just me and one pea brained armadillo braving the cold.

Today's field work wasn't very difficult, but working in the cold made me tired.
Welcome Athala and Jen!!

I feel horrible...I started this challenge and have made no progress on it yet. Hope that changes today!

The rest of you are doing great, keep it up :) I will catch up!
So if following my diary you will know that I have yet to do a workout this week. Just been too busy I guess and haven't found the time. But now it's crunch time because there are only 3 days left in the week and 3 workouts I must do including one on Saturday somehow - maybe weather will be nice and I'll just go for a walk with Winter. If nothing else some pushups and situps in my room it is!

Anyways, also wanted to post this: http://weight-loss.fitness.com/thre...rty-games-style-challenge?p=881928#post881928. I think everyone should join it :) There will be challenges and points for not only weight loss but also the things we do to achieve the weight loss like eating right and exercising. Join us! :) (I think I'm a challenge junkie LOL).
It's not much but I finally did a workout. Now to keep that going the next 2 days and catch up for this week!

Though honestly if I go home tonight and do another workout I will likely count it but still try for 2 more this week. In reality if tonight is like the last few nights that won't happen.
Nice work folks!

Icy, even if it is short and random you should do something tonight and tomorrow and finish the first week as planned. I'm very happy that you got the 1st on done. That's the hardest one for sure. Everybody else has there 3 for the week. You can do it too! I've joined Omega's challenge as well. Hopefully we end up on the same team. You're now less than 20 pounds from your goal. The exercise is going to kick that into high gear.

Transparent, 3 days in a row and the weight is coming down quickly. Way to go!

Jen, I'm happy to see you are down a pond and have your 3 in already. Don't think I've forgotten about our challenge.

Athala, you got your 3 in despite being sick. That should make next week seem like a breeze.

It's supposed to be raining tonight but fairly warm. I am going to commit to running tonight even if it's pouring. Mild and sunny all weekend will be great too. HAPPY FRIDAY!
Thanks Q for all the encouragement, and recap! Looks like everyone is doing awesome this week! I must get my next 2 workouts in, if Athala can do it while sick, I can do it while not sick!

Was too tired last night when I got home, but I got the workout earlier that day so that's fine. I plan to do something similar today, possibly earlier though. Tomorrow I have shopping plans with my mom in the morning and might try finding a Just Dance game on my way home to test out. If not, or if FBIL is home or something I shall simply do low impact stuff in my room that won't end up causing the TV/Dresser to fall over LOL. Planks, Pushups, Crunches that type of thing. I WILL NOT fail this challenge like my last one. Been steadily decreasing my weight since Sunday's horrible weigh-in, hoping this keeps up :) Took me 3 weeks to lose 0.5 lb which is quite sad but hopefully I'm on a good downward route now and the exercising will help me out.
I'll join in on this :) The main issues I have with my health are more lack of exercise then my diet, so, hopefully this will help me stay motivated! I'll update the table as I go along, I'm aiming to exercise 3-4 times a week

1-16.1.20142hr Walk, 45min HIIT, 1hr yogaMy first day of exercise in months, went very well, HIIT is very hard, loved the yoga171
1-29.1.20141hr Dance fit, 20 min swimDance fit is very fun, was nice to use the steam room afterwards-
1-310/1/20141hr Tai Chi--
1-411/1/20141hr Circuit trainingThis was hard work, my body is going to ache tomorrow!-
2-112/1/201430 lengths breaststroke at pool--
2-213/1/201412 lengths breaststrokedidnt have much time before work to do many lengths174
2-314/1/20142 hours landscaping, 30 lengths breaststroke--
2-416/1/201430 lengths breaststroke, 10 lengths front crawl kick--
2-517/1/2014Cardiocombat, Tai Chi, 10 lengths, 5-6 hours dancingBest day so far-! Went clubbing as well-
3-119/1/201450 lengths at poolMy aim is to get to 60 lengths at some point!-
3-220/1/201420 lengths at pool, 1hr step classMy co-ordination skills are terrible-
3-321/1/20141hr zumba, half hour treadmill, 30 lengths in poolZumba was great fun, will do it again171
3-422/1/201420 lengths in poolSmall swim before work
3-523/1/2014hours walk
7-120.2.20143 hour walk
7-221.2.201420 minute walk home
8-124.2.2014half hour walk
8-226.2.2014half hour walk
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Welcome BlueDragon!!

I didn't do much yesterday and nothing yet today cept a ton of walking at the mall, which I guess could count? I did find Just Dance 4 but I can't find a tutorial area where I can learn the moves. Perhaps I should have tried the first one first? I dunno, may just have to youtube a bunch and figure out what moves are what. Would have kept experimenting but FBIL got home so there went that plan. Will think of something else to do at some point today but since I've already done a ton of walking I will likely count that as well.