I would die for my country.

So on bodybuilding.com there was this thread about how if the USA had gotten into a war with Iran, and a draft was implemented, would you serve?

With no question, I will go immedietely. Even though I do not agree with some of the USA policies, I would fight for my country anyday. Our soldiers are getting killed everyday to help promote democracy and they also get killed everyday so we can have our basic rights protected. Even if THEY themeselves don't agree with the policies set forth by our nation; they fight with courage anyway. By serving in the draft I would be able to return the favor. And if I died in that war; it would bring my family honor.

I could not believe how many cowards in that thread said they would move to Mexico or Canada or some other country. What a bunch of pansies.

And they tell me to open my eyes about the war? pfff.

Again, I will die for my country anyday. I support our troops weather we agree with what there doing or not. For you guys that are not Americans; I hope you would do the same for your country.
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So on bodybuilding.com there was this thread about how if the USA had gotten into a war with Iran, and a draft was implemented, would you serve?

Again, I will die for my country anyday. I support our troops weather we agree with what there doing or not. For you guys that are not Americans; I hope you would do the same for your country.

Suppose someone is a citizen of Iran who has moved to the US due to strong disagreement with Iran's government, but has not yet lived here long enough to become a US citizen.

In such a hypothetical war, would you expect him to join Iran's armed forces (or do espionage and sabotage) in support of Iran's government?

Also, supporting the troops is not necessarily the same as supporting the cause that they are fighting for. And fighting for your country is not necessarily the same as automatically supporting the government (examples: Zimbabwe and Myanmar today, or the Thirteen Colonies in 1775).
Well I am obviously not in the U.S but if New Zealand ever went to war with say.... Australia (Poke at stream and matt) I would fight for my country.

Seriously though I would die for my country.
I honestly wouldn't. I can see how it can be a noble cause for some, and I'm glad there are people who are willing to do it. But I personally have issues with killing and giving up my own life. To me, it's essentially suicide, and suicide is morally wrong. I would like to work towards a greater awareness of life, the world and the meaning of peace. Nothing is worth dying for but life itself. I think there are better ways to solve our problems than with violence. Fighting is seldom the solution. I think a lot of people are just afraid to find the real answer to happiness because they are afraid of what they think the have to give up to get there. Violence is so deeply rooted in our culture, it will take a lot of work in order for it to be eliminated.
If Norway went to war with someone over issues I did not believe in, I would not fight. If Norway got invaded though, I probably would. But I would not give my life to fight someone elses war, no way. I would not go blindly into a war and fight for my country if my country declared war over something I found to be stupid. simple as that really.
I'm with Karky on this one. I'd also add that I would willingly fight for any country who's cause I beleive in. I find it strange that people would fight because their nations leader told them they should but don't feel the need when there is a genuine cause that needs help
haha sure NBS.

Obviously a lot of decisions would be based on ones circumstances. But if North Korea or some other loser country tried to invade then for suree
I can't join the military even if I wanted - hearing issues.

If we're talking about a "what if" and I was perfect hearing and they started draft, I would sign up myself. I much rather have control over what I join rather than getting drafted. I would hate to join the Army. I much rather be in the Marines as infantry or if that fails, the Navy running the gun boats or if all else fails, join the Coast Guard as I don't know. In any case, I don't think drafts work for single sons families, which is me.

I hope all you males in the forum went to the post office at 18 and registered for the draft. Plus, I got a cool shaving thing in the mail.

Honestly though, I don't care about politics. Do I agree with the current war in the Middle East? Yes and no. I really don't care what happens. If the US kicks ass and take names, that's good enough for me. However, I do know that if we went to war with North Korea or China, I would beg to join. I would be in that recruit office 24/7 until they took me in.
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Who are you to tell people how to feel about something? After all, if you're so "God Bless America" then you should fight for MY right to say, "No, I don't believe in this war and would not go if called." Correct?

I support, wholeheartedly, every person over there fighting, everyone going to fight, everyone willing to fight. But would I be willing in this current situation? No. And it isn't because I'm a "pansy" but because I don't believe in fighting a war that was built on a lie. I have the right to feel that way. And I guess you have the right to decide I'm a pansy. Whatever.

There are a lot of ways to support our country. I'm a teacher and I believe that educating the youth of our country and helping them to see the possibilities in their lives is the best way for me to support my country. If you believe laying down your life in a foreign land is the best way for you to support your country, bully for you...but grow up and understand that your opinion is yours alone. You have the right to it, as others have the right to theirs. Even my 16 and 17 year old students get that.
Who are you to tell people how to feel about something? After all, if you're so "God Bless America" then you should fight for MY right to say, "No, I don't believe in this war and would not go if called." Correct?

I support, wholeheartedly, every person over there fighting, everyone going to fight, everyone willing to fight. But would I be willing in this current situation? No. And it isn't because I'm a "pansy" but because I don't believe in fighting a war that was built on a lie. I have the right to feel that way. And I guess you have the right to decide I'm a pansy. Whatever.

There are a lot of ways to support our country. I'm a teacher and I believe that educating the youth of our country and helping them to see the possibilities in their lives is the best way for me to support my country. If you believe laying down your life in a foreign land is the best way for you to support your country, bully for you...but grow up and understand that your opinion is yours alone. You have the right to it, as others have the right to theirs. Even my 16 and 17 year old students get that.

lol you need to chill. I'm saying if there was a DRAFT < - - - THE LAW then you would be a pansy if you tried to avoid it. Even if you didn't support the hypothetical war or not, avoiding a draft by moving to another country is being a coward.

I never said I supported the war, now did I? Weather I do or not, I support our troops fighting over there to protect our rights.
Name one war that wasn't built on a lie?

Vietnam ~ Started from a ship attack that never happened.
Korea ~ Started all because of a law that doesn't exist
WW2 ~ Started all because of ignored intelligent
WW1 ~ Started all because "they suck and we're better"
Civil War ~ Started all because of the class system that never would have happened
Revolution War ~ Started all because of money

And now Iraq and Afghan started on the fact on 9/11 where not a single so-called Taliban warrior even exists. They're all in Pakistan.

Your patriotic duty is to fight for your country. Not ask questions. The best solider is a dumb solider who doesn't question, who shows no remorse, and is able to die for his fellow citizens.

I don't know a single person in Iraq right now who believes in what they're fighting for. Most people sign up for the military simply to prove they got what it takes. Or because they really have no other future and they're from a really poor background. In whatever case, I don't think a single person in Iraq right now actually believes in what they're fight for and I don't think a single person signed up on the fact that they "believe" the war is right. I dont' think a single person signed up just to go to Iraq.
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Name one war that wasn't built on a lie?

Vietnam ~ Started from a ship attack that never happened.
Korea ~ Started all because of a law that doesn't exist
WW2 ~ Started all because of ignored intelligent
WW1 ~ Started all because "they suck and we're better"
Civil War ~ Started all because of the class system that never would have happened
Revolution War ~ Started all because of money

And now Iraq and Afghan started on the fact on 9/11 where not a single so-called Taliban warrior even exists. They're all in Pakistan.

Your patriotic duty is to fight for your country. Not ask questions. The best solider is a dumb solider who doesn't question, who shows no remorse, and is able to die for his fellow citizens.

I don't know a single person in Iraq right now who believes in what they're fighting for. Most people sign up for the military simply to prove they got what it takes. Or because they really have no other future and they're from a really poor background. In whatever case, I don't think a single person in Iraq right now actually believes in what they're fight for and I don't think a single person signed up on the fact that they "believe" the war is right. I dont' think a single person signed up just to go to Iraq.

I somewhat agree with what you have to say. But people are always looking at the negative sides of war. There are many reasons why someone would fight in Iraq and that is to preserve Democracy. Look at we have accomplished (you probably won't know this because the media has to be bush-hating and negative)

Did you know that 47 countries have re-established their embassies in Iraq?

Did you know that the Iraqi government employs 1.2 million Iraqi people?

Did you know that 3100 schools have been renovated, 364 schools are under rehabilitation, 263 schools are now under construction and 38 new schools have been built in Iraq?

Did you know that Iraq's higher educational structure consists of 20 Universities, 46 Institutes or colleges and 4 research centers?

Did you know that 25 Iraq students departed for the United States in January 2004 for the re-established Fulbright program?

Did you know that the Iraqi Navy is operational? They have 5- 100-foot patrol craft, 34 smaller vessels and a navel infantry regiment.

Did you know that Iraq's Air Force consists of three operation squadrons, 9 reconnaissance and 3 US C-130 transport aircraft which operate day and night, and will soon add 16 UH-1 helicopters and 4 bell jet rangers?

Did you know that Iraq has a counter-terrorist unit and a Commando Battalion?

Did you know that the Iraqi Police Service has over 55,000 fully trained and equipped police officers?

Did you know that there are 5 Police Academies in Iraq that produce over 3500 new officers each 8 weeks?

Did you know there are more than 1100 building projects going on in Iraq? They include 364 schools, 67 public clinics, 15 hospitals, 83 railroad stations, 22 oil facilities, 93 water facilities and 69 electrical facilities.

Did you know that 96% of Iraqi children under the age of 5 have received the first 2 series of polio vaccinations?

Did you know that 4.3 million Iraqi children were enrolled in primary school by mid October?

Did you know that there are 1,192,000 cell phone subscribers in Iraq and phone use has gone up 158%?

Did you know that Iraq has an independent media that consist of 75 radio stations, 180 newspapers and 10 television stations?

Did you know that the Baghdad Stock Exchange opened in June of 2004?

Did you know that 2 candidates in the Iraqi presidential election had a recent televised debate recently?

Source: Department of Defense website.
Yes, I've read several books on Iraq/Afghan and I must say the media explains none of it. The media simply concentrates on the policies rather than the progress.

Yes, we've made progress in Iraq. But we're not really talking about progress... we're talking about would you go there and die if your country asked? And the answer is yes, I would if I didn't have the hearing problems. However, to say that you are going there because you "believe" in it is silly. I don't know a single person there who believes in what they're doing. I mean they do believe in it, but it's only because the military asked them to go there, not because they chose to go there. If we all went to places simply because of what we believed, then no one would go to war. Military is the crap end of the government. They're the lowest of the low in terms of who gets to say what. You're expected the do something and not ask whether you believe in it or not.

Imagine, if a pill box is on the hill and you're ordered to charge up the hill to take the pill box. Statically, you're going to die or get injured. Would you tell your CO that you don't want to do it because you don't "believe" it?
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Support the troops fully no matter your views on the war. Protest our governments logic for being involved in something you feel is wrong. But for God's sake do not repeat what happened in this country when we were in Vietnam. The troops deserve our total support for the job they are doing over there.

Would I go to war? Heck yes if I wasn't a father of 3. I was ready to go after 9/11 and kick some tail.
Support the troops fully no matter your views on the war. Protest our governments logic for being involved in something you feel is wrong. But for God's sake do not repeat what happened in this country when we were in Vietnam. The troops deserve our total support for the job they are doing over there.

Would I go to war? Heck yes if I wasn't a father of 3. I was ready to go after 9/11 and kick some tail.

Yeah, the troops who returned from WWII were regarded as heros, but the soldiers that returned from Vietnam were treated like crap <--and thats wrong on so many levels..
Yeah, the troops who returned from WWII were regarded as heros, but the soldiers that returned from Vietnam were treated like crap <--and thats wrong on so many levels..

My dad is a Vietnam vet. So I've heard all about it firsthand.

The only thing I'm worried about when it comes to a draft is my 3 boys. If they want to serve then great. But as a parent I'd be a wreck everyday they were over there. I'm still skeptical that there will be a draft again.
I agree that we should support the troops that go to war. But that doesn't mean we have to fight for something we don't believe in ourselves. You can support the troops without supporting the war.
Yes, I've read several books on Iraq/Afghan and I must say the media explains none of it. The media simply concentrates on the policies rather than the progress.

Yes, we've made progress in Iraq. But we're not really talking about progress... we're talking about would you go there and die if your country asked? And the answer is yes, I would if I didn't have the hearing problems. However, to say that you are going there because you "believe" in it is silly. I don't know a single person there who believes in what they're doing. I mean they do believe in it, but it's only because the military asked them to go there, not because they chose to go there. If we all went to places simply because of what we believed, then no one would go to war. Military is the crap end of the government. They're the lowest of the low in terms of who gets to say what. You're expected the do something and not ask whether you believe in it or not.

Imagine, if a pill box is on the hill and you're ordered to charge up the hill to take the pill box. Statically, you're going to die or get injured. Would you tell your CO that you don't want to do it because you don't "believe" it?

wouldn't it be great if we had no wars.
If you are already in the war you gotta fight, simple as that. But I wouldn't go if the war was about something I did not believe in. I will not fight other peoples' wars for them.

How would you feel if you had to go to war against an all black country because they were black? I would not do it, because it is not something I believe in. That's an example of something I would not fight for, I can mention more if you want, but I think one will do to illustrate my point. I don't want to die for something that's flat out stupid.