It's human nature to want when it is not wanted. There are many times in your life where you will want something so badly, and once you get it, you will ignore it and let it go until it goes away again and the want comes back.
It's a game. She's playing you a fool. Now you want her, and she knows it and she's going to keep acting like this while you sit on your butt all day long thinking about her. How do you resolve it? Forget about it. Pretend like she doesn't exist. Play the tough guy. Don't be her friend and don't be her support. Instead, act like she doesn't even exist. Bring other girls with you when you visit and sooner or later, she's going to want you so badly like you do now. She already gave you a hint. She said she loves you but not the same as before. What it translate to is, "You stupid ***hole, you dumped me, you ignored me, now it's payback *****."
She's not playing a game. This has gone too far and for too long for me to think that anyone would start with some kind of mind game. We are talking YEARS. She wanted him back for over a year and he refused and now he wants her back. Believe me, if she felt the same way still she would take him back. People that don't have too much pride to ask for someone back for over a year don't turn the person away to play a game. Geez Dallen.
And the others are right when they say that even if you do magically get back together with her it won't be the same. She will most likely resent you for what you did. It will be in the back of her mind for a long time.
I say learn from your mistake. You messed up but you are not evil or anything. It happens to a lot of people. I've hurt a guy before and felt terrible for it. He wasn't the love of my life and we wouldn't have made it but I still feel bad for it. In a way though I am a better person from it. Now in my next relationship I know what NOT to do.