I am ready to get back into dating and am going for it this weekend!

I am ready to get back into the dating game and I am gonna go for it this weekend!

So all of a sudden I am finally very ready to get back into the dating game...

I just feel that I could get a girl pretty easily right now and I am gonna do it!

I am gonna get some nice clothes and go to this dance club/bar in my town... I went there last weekend and there was so many hot girls there.. hah. I just played blackjack the whole time though and didn't talk to anybody... then my friends wanted to leave at like 12 cuz the DD had to work in the morning.

So this time I am gonna pull the trigger and go dance or talk with some girls!

Uh, and hopefully make out with one after that...hahaha


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Do it man! Get laid! Don't stop, can't stop, RWS gets down baby, he gets down...girls girls they love him!

But seriously, yeah man, do it and have fun.
So I went to the club this weekend... and there was all these softball tournaments in town so it was VERY busy there... and there was TONS of hot chicks...

AND I.......

had an epic fail... lol
Lol failiure is always good to make you re evaluate your game. The best game is being yourself by the way, unless you are an a$$
if you're an ass, be yourself. Being an ass works! :D

*waits for spicy*

Hmmm.... :rolleyes:

I agree, just be yourself. Don't try to be someone you're not.

I don't know, maybe some girls like asses. But hey, just remember to treat the girl the way you would like to be treated in return.
Girls love the smart ass, it's worked for me for many years. And educated smart ass is the best kind..
It's not epic until you're 40 years old and living with your mother. Section 7, Article 12 of the Guy Handbook. Fishing is a patience activity. Yes, even trolling. :p

Also, please provide some details so we can mock you-- err, I mean, offer awful advice -- err, I mean, help. :D
It's not epic until you're 40 years old and living with your mother. Section 7, Article 12 of the Guy Handbook. Fishing is a patience activity. Yes, even trolling. :p

Also, please provide some details so we can mock you-- err, I mean, offer awful advice -- err, I mean, help. :D

lol :rofl:

Well, yeah to call it an epic fail is not correct at all actually.

So anyway, I got there and it wasn't too busy yet, I played some blackjack with my buddy, the dealer was raping us, so I quit once I lost $15.. played for at least an hour. Then I got up and there was people EVERYWHERE! Every spot where a person could stand was full..

So I just went to the dance floor and sat by the rails watching the hot babes dance. A few cool songs came on, and I would have gone out there but the dance floor was way too full.... so I just sat there watching chicks for a while, and got bored then left....

I spose I would have to TRY first to call it an epic fail.. haha.
lol :rofl:

I spose I would have to TRY first to call it an epic fail.. haha.

I suspected as much. YOU ****Y.

Haha, kidding. Nah, that's how it goes. Looking's good, just make sure you actually do something eventually. Do you have any girl friends? They can make an amazing wingman. Excuse to get on the floor, can talk you up, shows you're possibly not a creeper, blah blah blah. And, who knows, it might turn out that she thinks it's a date and jumps you in the bathroom. Worked for me. ;)

Not trying is instant unconditional fail. Trying and failing is fail, but is subjective.

I on the other hand have a date with legs tomorrow night


Oh, snap, son. You gonna take that!?

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Its allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll about confidence if you ask me. No matter who you are if youve got confidence your going to pull someone and hammer the f**k outta them.
I am gonna get some nice clothes and go to this dance club/bar in my town... I went there last weekend and there was so many hot girls there.. hah. I just played blackjack the whole time though and didn't talk to anybody...

So this time I am gonna pull the trigger and go dance or talk with some girls!

You should be doing this most weekends...And next time, don't play blackjack, get on the dance floor!

then my friends wanted to leave at like 12 cuz the DD had to work in the morning.

Sorry dude, but your friends sound extremely lame. Whenever i head out, i usually arrive at 12

Good luck with it all (and i do sincerely mean that).
epic win?

I have a story!

So, I got back from my workout on Thursday after work, the weekend had just started. But all of my friends were either working or out of town...

SO, I decided to go for a bikeride, the weather was absolutely perfect for it.

I biked around my favorite places in the town, the places with the best scenery and I went down to this park..

as I was driving my bike there was this good looking lonely girl sitting in a picnic area shelter all by herself taking some pictures.

I looked at her and she looked back, but I just rode past her.

Then I was just like.... "man... I should really go talk to her" and I kept thinking it over, thinking of what I would say etc.

Finally I made up my mind that I was gonna go over there.

SO! I rode up there and I was thinking "well, you don't really have to stop, could just bike past....."

Then I was like ... "nah, you can't turn back now, that would just be weird."

So I rode up there and said this.....

me: "hey, what's up??"
her "hey, nothing much"
me: "what are you doing???"

Then she kind of giggled and said "I am waiting for my boyfriend"



I was already stopped though and she said

"haha, sorry I look like a damsel in distress and all, didn't mean too"

me: "ha, nah that's ok"

Then we just bull**** for a while and got to know eachother for about five minutes and she says

"can I get your number? Is that wrong for me to ask that??"

so I gave her my number and she called it right there so I have hers.

so whatever, I took a shot. What do you think?
Yeah, buddy! :D Swoop. Swoop like a... bird of prey? lol

I'm gonna say swoop one more time now because pizza is on its way and I'm so damn excited. I apologize.
