I am drastically losing weight, but is it healthy enough?


New member

About two weeks ago I started eating ALOT healthier. I stumbled over "Eat to live" by Dr. Fuhrman, and I have cut out most dairy products, but occasionally eat meat.
Maybe I can show a quick view of my daily intake, to get that out of the way:

Breakfast around 6:15:
Two, three eggs
Leek or Scallions (Cut and mixed with the eggs)
Approx two big spoons of Kidney beans
A handfull of salad (either Spinach or cabbage)

Small "lunches" throughout the job-day, This meal divided over these hours: 07:00 to 15:30
Grapes (A handfull or two)
One apple
Cabbage (Sometimes, usually 'comboed' with grapes)
Sometimes Nuts, in a small amount (cashew)
One carrot
(not all these in every lunchbox. My lunchbox probably fills around 0.7 liters or so, if I 'measure it')

When I get home I'm rarely hungry, and that's what alarms me, as I ate a lot before. Now I'm wondering if this is enough.
For example, I ate about 1/8 of a watermelon now, and will probably not eat for a couple hours or so.

So what I have noticed myself is I eat a lot of fruit now. I'm not experienced when it comes to food, but after reading (a couple chapters) of Fuhrmans book, and
googling a lot, I have a decent idea of what is healthy and what is not. (The eggs for example, is not a daily intake according to Fuhrman)

Should I add something more? Is it enough?

One thing is for sure, my energy level is skyrocketing.
I have lost 6 or 7 kilos (13.2 pounds +)

Am I losing weight a safe way? :)
I'm a bit puzzled.

What do you eat after 15:30 apart from the watermelon?
Usually just one more meal. At most times it's just a portion of cooked greens. :)
Randomly I'll have some fish or meat with that meal.
I would add some fish to my last meal of the day.
And be careful not to eat too much fruit bc it contains lots of sugar. Just eat it in moderation. Eat more veggies than fruit. Congrats on your weightloss!! How long did it take you to lose the 13 lbs??
It feels like I lose my weight way too fast. At most I lose 1 kg (2.2 pounds or so) a day. I don't really believe that myself, but seeing as it isn't water (since it's stable going down).

I went from 101.5 kg to 94.5 kg on approximately two weeks. that's about 7 kg on these two weeks. :)
its only 7 kilos in 2 weeks and ur rly heavy so its not that big deal...

ppl who have alot to loose usually loose fat faster than those who doesnt have that much..until ur only some kilos closer to normal or ideal, then its practically not going off anymore.....
How did it drop after the first fortnight? Water weight often does come off in a stable manner over the first week or two - then the curve of the graph changes... How has it continued?

With a start weight of under 16 stone - the OP should not be described as "really heavy" - since they do not indicate their height or BMI. Forum members have no way of knowing how heavy someone is - simply that the OP has posted that they would like to lose weight.

For the record - about 1% of weight is a healthy amount for people to lose in the midst of their project (once water weight is not an issue) and this takes account of the notion that larger people have more weight to lose so are likely to lose more in a week.
I too am following Dr Furmans dietary plan. Eating all the greens I can as well as two to three boiled eggs, plenty of fruit, broccoli etc. Have lost close to 40 lbs in two months. I am seldom hungry since the veggies and fruit keep my stomach full. Energy is high and a lot of health problems are going away. Blood pressure is at an all time low 100/70 and total cholesterol is at 149 vs 210 a couple of months ago. I don't know how much weight you need to lose, but I started at 290 lbs and am shooting for under 200. The caloric intake on this way of eating is low so the body burns the fat for fuel. Eat beans as well every day.
I should have replied here way earlier! I totally forgot this thread through the vacation.
Maybe I can update some info, because now I daresay my eating is .. quite different.

Okay, so for two weeks in the vacation (My girlfriend and I traveled home to her, and here I didn't want to bother them with whole new eating habits, so I kind of accepted the old eating habits, like bread, milk and you know the drill.)

After I got back now, school started again. Now I eat maybe a handful of grapes for breakfast, a rather large portion of salad for lunch (green salad, small handful of nuts, and some more grapes).
This paired with an apple at the bus trip back home usually keeps me not too hungry.

However, since I started at school again, I've had a very increased appetite. I'm starting to wonder if working in the summer vacation took FAR less energy of me than school does. Now I feel like eating almost all the time!

So I come home around 17:00, and here I eat a large portion of salad, a handful of beans, and two eggs. I ate that for slightly over an hour ago, and I still so unbelievably hungry that it feels like I could eat that whole meal all over again.
Closer to bedtime, around 20:00 I eat a decent portion of cooked greens, and two more eggs, as well as some more beans. I should also note that I sprinkle some pepper at these two meals when I come home. I have yet to research if this is 'acceptable' or not.

I should take pictures or weigh the food I eat, so it's easier to log/write about here. One thing is for sure, I'm a lot more hungry now than when I was working. I suppose that can be a good thing. :)
I don't think it was water weight, because it went stable from 101.5 kg to 92 (where I am at now).

I do believe I can be described as really heavy, considering I'm 170cm tall. However, I have never really felt as heavy as the numbers show.
NOTE; I am fully aware I should cut out the eggs, or at least so much of it. The last two days I've eaten four eggs a day, which is waaay above what Dr Fuhrman reccommends, as he says it's best with next to none. What could I switch this out with though? It's so delicious.
I just noticed I ate 2/3 of the beanpack I bought TODAY. ()
It says it's 380 grams per pack, in the lower left corner.
I believe this is also way too much. Might this be the reason for my increased appetite? Too much delicious eggs and beans? Don't get me wrong, I love greens as well. Maybe it's just the combination being too tasting. From what I understand, I should change my eating habits in the future. Fuhrman says a lot of eggs promotes cancer, and even though I love eggs, i should probably stop. And I should probably decrease the beans I use, to the amount I ate when I first started this post.

And close to the same pepper I use:
I was wondering if you are taking anything that's appetite suppressant, at all? Or is it all just that? Because if not then you're one lucky person to lose that much weight fast. At least for me and to some. It's not that easy to lose weight that fast.
I was wondering if you are taking anything that's appetite suppressant, at all? Or is it all just that? Because if not then you're one lucky person to lose that much weight fast. At least for me and to some. It's not that easy to lose weight that fast.

I think my weight might have stopped rushing down now. The last few days I haven't had these quick losses like before. Looks like it just was in the starting phase. :)
I'm not using any appetite suppressant. At the start I lost weight fast, but now it's much more stable. In fact, I do even at times gain a pound. Seems like it has stabilized now, and I guess I won't lose any more weight unless I start to exercise regularly.
I belive the only health way of losing weight and generally keep the results is to eat less, as usual but less, of course we should avoid risky products, I mean risky for our health in long term but from my own experience eating less but not limiting ourself to specific products only is the healthier which confirms my blood tests before and after and my clothes I had to change several times during that period. This is not only my opinion and experiences. But of course I can tell you thanks to this what I wrote I lost during 2 years about 45 kg, I need to my ideal weight yet about 10 kg. Have you heard about intermittent fasting ?

Try to find Michael Mosley in Google and BBC tv show where he tested on himself intermittent fasting, blood tests results was incredible, and lab tests the scientists have done on the several groups of people who fasted a bit different way, the results of them are really eye opening, it was changed my whole thinking about health/diet etc.
The diet you follow should be a system you can sustain over the long period. With a decrease in food consumption, it is a natural reaction of the body to lose weight. However, if you are unable to keep up with the diet over a period of time, and, go back to old eating habits, your weight will shoot up all over again. The perfect diet is one which incorporates all food groups in the right proportion and is structured such that you can make it a way of life. All the best.