About two weeks ago I started eating ALOT healthier. I stumbled over "Eat to live" by Dr. Fuhrman, and I have cut out most dairy products, but occasionally eat meat.
Maybe I can show a quick view of my daily intake, to get that out of the way:
Breakfast around 6:15:
Two, three eggs
Leek or Scallions (Cut and mixed with the eggs)
Approx two big spoons of Kidney beans
A handfull of salad (either Spinach or cabbage)
Small "lunches" throughout the job-day, This meal divided over these hours: 07:00 to 15:30
Grapes (A handfull or two)
One apple
Cabbage (Sometimes, usually 'comboed' with grapes)
Sometimes Nuts, in a small amount (cashew)
One carrot
(not all these in every lunchbox. My lunchbox probably fills around 0.7 liters or so, if I 'measure it')
When I get home I'm rarely hungry, and that's what alarms me, as I ate a lot before. Now I'm wondering if this is enough.
For example, I ate about 1/8 of a watermelon now, and will probably not eat for a couple hours or so.
So what I have noticed myself is I eat a lot of fruit now. I'm not experienced when it comes to food, but after reading (a couple chapters) of Fuhrmans book, and
googling a lot, I have a decent idea of what is healthy and what is not. (The eggs for example, is not a daily intake according to Fuhrman)
Should I add something more? Is it enough?
One thing is for sure, my energy level is skyrocketing.
I have lost 6 or 7 kilos (13.2 pounds +)
Am I losing weight a safe way?
About two weeks ago I started eating ALOT healthier. I stumbled over "Eat to live" by Dr. Fuhrman, and I have cut out most dairy products, but occasionally eat meat.
Maybe I can show a quick view of my daily intake, to get that out of the way:
Breakfast around 6:15:
Two, three eggs
Leek or Scallions (Cut and mixed with the eggs)
Approx two big spoons of Kidney beans
A handfull of salad (either Spinach or cabbage)
Small "lunches" throughout the job-day, This meal divided over these hours: 07:00 to 15:30
Grapes (A handfull or two)
One apple
Cabbage (Sometimes, usually 'comboed' with grapes)
Sometimes Nuts, in a small amount (cashew)
One carrot
(not all these in every lunchbox. My lunchbox probably fills around 0.7 liters or so, if I 'measure it')
When I get home I'm rarely hungry, and that's what alarms me, as I ate a lot before. Now I'm wondering if this is enough.
For example, I ate about 1/8 of a watermelon now, and will probably not eat for a couple hours or so.
So what I have noticed myself is I eat a lot of fruit now. I'm not experienced when it comes to food, but after reading (a couple chapters) of Fuhrmans book, and
googling a lot, I have a decent idea of what is healthy and what is not. (The eggs for example, is not a daily intake according to Fuhrman)
Should I add something more? Is it enough?
One thing is for sure, my energy level is skyrocketing.
I have lost 6 or 7 kilos (13.2 pounds +)
Am I losing weight a safe way?