And I stated my previous claim, which I assumed you'd state that I was fibbing. It certainly seems that would be the easy way out-- I make a claim, get challenged on those claims with no real evidence or facts to back my statement, so I say "Oops, I didn't mean to write that."
I can honestly see why you'd call BS on that, Doc. I'm just going to stick with a "touche" and agree to disagree with you.
I'm not sure how to respond to the avatar comment, as I'm not sure exactly what you mean by that.
I'll break down your post this evening when I get a chance and respond to all of your questions, etc.
I'm not here to push any products, as I have nothing to sell. Yes, the initial "hazing" comment was a bit off-putting, as I'm not here to challenge anyone, especially someone who has more education and/or training in the field of nutrition than I do. I will, however, try to stick around and offer valid advice (short of suggesting someone eat high fat meals) to those who ask. I will get into debates on a professional level, but pissing contests aren't for me.