How to eat healthy without spending more money

Steve is blunt but I have yet to see him proven wrong.


Have to admit though, I would love to see him proven wrong at some point, just to see his reaction. So come on people, try harder!! *lol*

Seriously though, ultimately he wants to help, and has helped a lot of people. That's what matters to me.
Why does everyone have to be "hazed" as Doc Bunkum called it to prove how much science they know.

It has nothing to do with being "hazed" or proving how much science they know.

It has everything to do with someone coming on here and suggesting we Eat FOODS that are high in fat without qualifying their statement.

That suggestion is right out of the Fatkins playbook and I'm going to call them on it.
And I stated my previous claim, which I assumed you'd state that I was fibbing. It certainly seems that would be the easy way out-- I make a claim, get challenged on those claims with no real evidence or facts to back my statement, so I say "Oops, I didn't mean to write that."

I can honestly see why you'd call BS on that, Doc. I'm just going to stick with a "touche" and agree to disagree with you.

I'm not sure how to respond to the avatar comment, as I'm not sure exactly what you mean by that.

I'll break down your post this evening when I get a chance and respond to all of your questions, etc.

I'm not here to push any products, as I have nothing to sell. Yes, the initial "hazing" comment was a bit off-putting, as I'm not here to challenge anyone, especially someone who has more education and/or training in the field of nutrition than I do. I will, however, try to stick around and offer valid advice (short of suggesting someone eat high fat meals) to those who ask. I will get into debates on a professional level, but pissing contests aren't for me.
I'm not here to challenge anyone, especially someone who has more education and/or training in the field of nutrition than I do.

Well, I for one certainly don't make any claims about having studied at a higher level than others around here. I haven't.

The biggest screwups in the field of nutrition are doctors that publish those retarded diet books, and they have more initials behind their names than most people.

I will, however, try to stick around... and get into debates on a professional level, but pissing contests aren't for me.

Aw shucks, that ain't no fun. ;)
Oh really? So lets see if I have this right.

You're saying now that you didn't mean what you said in your OP about Eat FOODS that are high in fat?
Absolutely. It wouldn't make any sense at all to suggest high fat meals, but we agree to disagree on this one. Moving on...

Take Matt for instance. "I guess when I heard high in fat I was thinking 60% fat or something rediculous like that."

So tell us, what exactly do you mean by high fat meals? What %age of your daily caloric intake do you suggest be from fat?

I like to keep protein and carb percentages pretty loose depending on the client I'm working with, whether they're more of a proponent of muscle gain, weight loss, or cardio improvement. Either way, I like to flex carbs between 40% & 65%, usually on the lower end of that spectrum. Proteins between 20 & 35%, & fats no more than 25%, but have sometimes gone as high as 30%-- suggesting that the client try to take none or as little as possible of that from trans fats.

I believe I saw a suggestion by JB earlier to the effect that I might like to read up on some current research in the field of nutrition, but I see that post has been edited. Believe me, I have read a an article or two.

And I've also put the sweat equity in in the gym to figure out what works and what doesn't work. Believe me, if I use a photo of myself in my avatar, it wouldn't look anything like Justin Bowers.

I did not suggest you brush up on nutrition science. I also still don't understand the avatar statement. Are you saying you're buffer than I am? Probably. I stay lean and small. So, no I will not challenge you to any arm wrestling contests unless I'm allowed to use both arms. :coolgleamA:

As it says in the introduction to this forum, THINGS COULD GET NASTY!.

I was thinking mud wrestling nasty. That I can handle.

If you've got a thin skin, then maybe public forums isn't the place you should be posting advice.

I function well in hostile environments when I expect it. I did not, however, anticipate a weight loss forum as a hostile environment. Now I know. I'm adjusted and have changed into my big boy pants :]

What's the weather like this time of year where you're at?