Sport How NOT to gain muscle?

Sport Fitness
you're right on the latter.

you won't see much sarcoplasmic hypertrophy due to low range of reps and intensity. you see much hypertrophy with this periodized model, in general. You asked about strength without size.
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you're right on the latter, but I can look into the former, if you'd like.

Please do. I'm currently doing the same. Well, more looking at what I already know from an applied vantage. I look forward to exchanging ideas!
see edit to post. i actully didn't look, just thought about it a little more.

I'm studying right now for an exam, so my attention is not all there.
No worries. I definitely wouldn't want anyone to do like me and sleep through exams due to seriously bent priorities. :rofl:

Taking that further, though, might it not be best to have a strength day, a power day, and a speed day? Why have a hypertrophy day at all?

Currently due to operating at a massive (>70%) deficit, my scheme is to make all 4 days speed days (in a very high rep range, 20+, sometimes just time trials of say, bench press the bar as many times as you can in 60 seconds without bouncing it). This is not because I think it's ideal in terms of strength progression but rather because my (albeit very limited) past experience has taught me that I tend to be psychologically devastated by what "unreasonable" caloric deficits to do my strength in the gym (total annihilation, essentially).

So, reasoning for what I'm currently doing is basically this :

1) out of sight, out of mind, psychologically (because sustainability is still the primary consideration at my training age)
2) at or beyond the supposed "endurance" rep range to avoid hypertrophy
3) emphasis is on form and control (for later benefit), since ideal geometric strength gains will not be feasible