Remain sedentary (keeping all anabolic hormones low) and do whatever you can to keep cortisol up(and other catabolic hormones high).. Little sleep, high stress, etc.
Ahhhh, thank you.
Not sleeping is a good one! In my experience, it's possible to remain mostly functional for a couple months or more on an hour or two a night. Lots and lots of caffeine, perhaps? Uncomfortable sleeping surface and/or environ? Hmm. Find someone to fight with constantly? Short naps with timers set..
Stress, too. Come to think, that'd make a fun, 'Top 5...' topic, too. Somebody esplain to me how to stress good. XD
It's the not doing anything part that's a pain, though I suppose not for most people. Guess I should've added something about 'for "athletes"', maybe, but that'd be ridiculous. More so, I mean.

Thoughts on doing lots of very low intensity exercise? Pace back and forth all day at a very comfortable pace (let's say, never breaking a sweat) while reading, maybe? Caloric deficit > anabolic gains in terms of fat loss: muscle gain ratio, or no? I would say yes.
How to maintain strength without actually encouraging any adaptation.. I suppose that would be move the same weight every session, and only once a week?