Say you wanted to lose fat mass and either maintain or decrease lean mass* (*while eating a high protein diet!), short of actual fasting. How would go about it?
Please try to be more specific than, 'Eat less than you need.': what I'm wondering is, would you still make efforts PWO for recovery? Would you still feed yourself carbs before and after lengthy endurance exercise? Would you train strength at all, or just do ridiculous amounts of cardio? Would you train in a specific way? HIIT or LISS? 3x10 or 20x3?
Would you buy new genetics?
Please try to be more specific than, 'Eat less than you need.': what I'm wondering is, would you still make efforts PWO for recovery? Would you still feed yourself carbs before and after lengthy endurance exercise? Would you train strength at all, or just do ridiculous amounts of cardio? Would you train in a specific way? HIIT or LISS? 3x10 or 20x3?
Would you buy new genetics?