Sport How NOT to gain muscle?

Sport Fitness
Say you wanted to lose fat mass and either maintain or decrease lean mass* (*while eating a high protein diet!), short of actual fasting. How would go about it?

Please try to be more specific than, 'Eat less than you need.': what I'm wondering is, would you still make efforts PWO for recovery? Would you still feed yourself carbs before and after lengthy endurance exercise? Would you train strength at all, or just do ridiculous amounts of cardio? Would you train in a specific way? HIIT or LISS? 3x10 or 20x3?

Would you buy new genetics? :p

Fun exercise! Remember that guide, uh.. what's her face... Rachel Cosgrove! had, 'The Top 5 Ways to Gain Body Fat'? I was thinking something along the lines of, 'The Top 5 Ways to Lose Lean Body Weight'. :D

But also on a serious note. Just a talking point, really, as obviously for most people it doesn't need to go beyond the old, "eat less" or "eat more". I guess if no one goes first, I'mma just talk to myself about what I think. :p
I know a female physique competitor who had quads that were too muscular and large. She trimmed them down a lot.

But I don't know how. Her coach has teh majick juice.

Does that help?
Wasn't there a discussion where we decided long distance running would cause your upper body muscles to waste away in order to make your running more efficient by lightening your overall body weight? :p
LOL i think its funny that nobody is taking little Focus seriously. I wish i could answer but im too uneducated :D

That's the reason I'm not taking him seriously. I really don't have a clue ... I've never wanted to not gain muscle. OOPS! Double negative ... I should have said "I've always wanted to gain muscle."

What I think Focus wants to know is how to cut without losing muscle mass or just losing minimal muscle mass while maintaining a high protein diet. It might be possible. But if it was, BBers would already know how to do it using a plethora of supplements/performance enhancers.
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If you wanted to lose muscle, why would you create an extra pool of aminos in the bloodstream?

Well, it wouldn't be a very interesting discussion if the answer was, "a) eat less, b) create amino debt, c) avoid exercise or d) all of the above". Packed full of truths, but really really boring. Not unlike mathematics.

Why must you all be so difficult. :bncry:
so how to lose muscle without going catabolic?

I stick by my answer about slicing off your quads :D

Who said not going catabolic? You can eat high protein and be in a deficit.

Do people like you grow on trees in Norwegia? Just curious because if they do I would like to know where so I CAN BURN IT DOWN AND SALT THE EARTH. :violent2:
Remain sedentary (keeping all anabolic hormones low) and do whatever you can to keep cortisol up(and other catabolic hormones high).. Little sleep, high stress, etc.