how not do to shrugs

My buddy told me that the guy who benches 405 at my gym with 3 spotters had an accident the other night. Two of his spotters let go and it dropped on him lol. He was telling them, "Guys you have to HOLD the bar evenly."
Two guys doing what they titled as "Hardcore workout" , yes bunch of curls on the curl machine are included, but you gotta see the guys who are doing them

hint -> Both with huge guns
I only watched about half of it, but it is some pretty clean work if you ask me.

and for an overweighter like that, it is definately "hard core"

Good for them!
Sweat Daily
It's not hard core.. not even close
But they're both severely overweight, and they're putting some sweat and effort in the gym so I respect that, they should keep trying hard.
I see many overweight people telling me they can't lose weight, "it's genetics", they're meant to be fat or something like that, and I see that every other day eating at Mcdonalds, that's the sad thing.
If you're not gonna work hard.. you're not gonna achieve, simple as that, if you make excuses the only one that you're fooling is yourself.
I laughed at the guy with the funny stuff but the overweight dudes need some props man, its not easy for them to go into a gym and be looked at and it take even more guts to put something on the internet where everyone can see it.

Word to each of their mothers respectively!
I guess its better then sitting on the couch munching a 4 stack Whopper, 3 large bags of fries, and.....a diet coke (gotta cut the calories ya know).



Just another good example of how not to do shrugs...