Hey again everyone, just a couple more clarifications:
- you do not need to track your achievements (unless you just want to) since I'm usually checking the boards everyday. In regards to [Symp Res]...you don't have to necessarily respond to a fellow challenger's diary but that's cool if you do

we definitely should be supporting each other. The only things you really need to track yourself are [Wired and Fired Up] and your quests.
-In regards to the pets, Christen you did it right

And, technically the pets won't be available to purchase until after this weigh in, since only a handful of people have gold right now.
-In re: [I Wanna Hold Your Hand]...You can do this ANYTIME before V-Day. You then tell me who you want to "hold hands" with for the V-Day weigh in. (First come, first serve) But the person you hold hands with can also choose to hold hands with someone else.
Christen holds hands with Anton
Anton holds hands with Anna
Christen shares 100% of Anton's EXP for the Week
Anton shares 100% of Anna's EXP for the Week
The [All You Need is Love] and [Caught In A Bad Romance] achievements work similarly.
Christen and Anton both end up in Tier One during the weigh in.
Anna ends up on the bottom tier.
Christen earns [All You Need is Love] achievement
Anton earns [Caught in A Bad Romance....] achievement.
I hope that's not too confusing. >_<
Here are the achievements so you dont have to flip back to page one:
[I Wanna Hold Your Hand]: wish three or more forum members a Happy Valentines day. You and whomever you choose will then share 100% of each others EXP gains for the week.
[All You Need is Love]: if you and whomever you held hands with both end up during the same tier for the V-Day weigh in, you are both granted a one pound advantage at the next weigh in and unlock the title < the Lovefool >
[Caught in A Bad Romance...]: you and your V-Day partner end up on opposite tiers during the V-Day weigh in.