Hey guys and gals
Sorry if anyone has gotten confused by this whole process. I sometimes forget that not everyone is an RPG (Role Playing Game) geek such as myself

Let me take some time to review the leveling process a bit more and hopefully clarify things for you.
For every pound you lose, you gain one experience point. Two experience points will grant you a level up. However, by earning an achievement, you may unlock a "perk" that may increase the rate at which you gain experience. For example, if you have "Fast Metabolism" or "Protector of the Damned" instead of earning one experience point per pound, you earn 1.5 points per pound. If you have the "Overseer's Blessing" (which adds 0.5 to any perk you have) you would then end up with 2x experience points for the week.
Additionally, some perks, such as "Diplomat" (which is unlocked by earning the [Jet-Setter] achivement) allows you to "share" experience points with another member (the person with the highest EXP for the week normally, unless you chose someone else beforehand). For example, this week, Davey earned 12 experience points. With the "Diplomat" perk, Anton, Monster and Mr. Love were able to "share" 25% of his EXP, so they each got a 3 EXP bonus on top of whatever else they earned for the week.
The important thing is not to worry too much about the Perks section. The achievements are what you want to focus on. Once you unlock those, I will handle the game mechanics from there

Oh and yes, do try to read the Overseer's Messages on the first post if you get a chance. (its right above the weekly quest) Its where I announce small updates, achievement, perk additions/changes. LOL sorry for the constant changes Ryan