Hey Tob,
One for My Piggy is actually last week's quest
The new quest can be found at the Hero's Enclave. Sorry for the confusion, I will update the board later if I have time. I will let you and Shaun do both quests, if you choose, so you can catch up a little.
Everyone's achievements and level ups have been updated at the Hero's Enclave but I STILL don't quite have the time to update this thread's leaderboard yet since my Constitution Law professor went on a ****ing rampage and is making us read two very large chapters by tomorrow. I gotta manage my time better....I really haven't had much time as I'd like on this board lately between school and Anton being sick.
Two things real quick: Grats to Ryan for accomplishing
[My Skinny Valentine]!
Those of you who unlocked the "Russian Roulette" perk. (Four of you did this week-Davey, Ky, Monster, and Maggie) You must let me know if you want to pull the trigger or trade in your chance for 5 gold.
If you choose to pull the trigger, your odds will be as follows:
Chamber 1 [nothing]
Chamber 2 [rep reward]
Chamber 3 [nothing]
Chamber 4 [gold reward]
Chamber 5 [perk reward]
Chamber 6 [unleashes a darkside perk against another competitor]
Results will be determined by random number generator with a spread of twelve numbers to allow for more variance. Your odds of getting something good are still very decent.