Governor Crist signed a bill a couple of months ago requiring schools to have a mandatory 1/2 hour of PE every day.
However, chances are, it won't start this year because the schools have to "work out a schedule" which is beyond my comprehension - wouldn't it be easier to increase school time a half hour a day???. Don't quote me on that, but this is what I hear from one of the parents on the pta at my son's school. So we're probably looking at recess every few days for another year.
I hated pe myself, I do think, however the kids need a break while at school to run around and scream and holler and burn off energy.
Don't even get me started on the FCAT!
While I agree that alot of nutrition has to do with parents (considering that my son was the only kid in his class sent to school with a healthy snack - but mom! everyone else brings candy and cake!) the school is horrific about what they encourage kids to eat.
For instance. The 4th grade had a "store" where they could shop with class money. What was the store stocked with? Candy and sugary juice boxes and soda. I can't be there to look over my kid's shoulder, I can only hope he'll make the right decision.
What do you think he chose? I allow my son sugar only on certain days of the year: Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter and birthdays. He gets a diet soda maybe once a week.
Before FCAT - the standardized test we are so blessed with. Would you like to know what his young and skinny teacher brought for the kids to eat before the test? Cupcakes, donuts, sugar laden morsels of cr@p. Soda. I suppose she thought it was brain food.
We put money in my son's account for lunch. He's supposed to get one lunch. He gets 2. I have harped on my school and harped on my school and told them he is only allowed *one* lunch. Do they listen? No. How tough is it to put a limit on his account? We finally quit putting money in his account, period, and he takes his lunch now.
We had to stop taking him to school early (I believe in getting places early) and get him to school just in time to keep him out of the cafeteria for breakfast. It seems they serve chicken nuggets because some kids don't/won't eat a regular breakfast. He was pigging out on chicken nuggets till I caught him. There was a time when parents could go and sit with the kids at breakfast, but that was stopped. I suspect because a health concious parent pitched a fit at some of the choices offered.
If you have a kid who plays in sports, or is in scouting, and parents bring a snack. Have you noticed what those parents bring? Pure junk. How many kids are going to turn it down? Last year in scouts the parents discussed the snacks, and most of us chose to bring healthier stuff, but not everyone. I hope snacks are done away with this year.
That's my experience. I do my best to feed my kid as healthy as I can, but I can't be on him every minute. I try to give him the right tools, but it doesn't mean he'll listen.