Have You Ever (Game)...

No, I just had to look it up, never heard of it. I like a good Egg Shaped Tomato though. ;)

Have you ever eaten a Physalis Fruit?
YES!!! Another Tomato like Fruit! Mmm Mm :p ;)

Have you ever chugged 4 liters of water in four hours?
No way.

Have you ever put "sexy" pictures of yourself on something like hotornot.com or some other hilaaaaariously ridiculous website like that, just to see if people on the internet thought you were hot? If so, HAHAHAHAHA. Oh, and...let us see them. HAHAHAHA
Accidentally drunk? Umm, I don't even know how that would happen, HAHAHA. I've gotten drunk on purpose though...like, a lot.

Have you ever fallen down a flight of stairs?
Yes, multiple times. Im quite a clutz.

Have you ever drank off of a can of pop that you thought you just opened when in fact it had been sitting for god knows how long?
No - but I'd really really love a road-trip right about now. :auto:


Have you ever had an argument IN PUBLIC with a complete STRANGER :argue:

(eg: road rage incident etc)
Can't Recall.

Have you ever been caught pulling out a wedgie?
Can't Recall.

Have you ever been caught pulling out a wedgie?
Haha, probably. I try to kick them out, if possible, but sometimes you just gotta go for it.

Oh, and I had an argument in public with a stranger once when I saw a guy run over a dog (accidentally, mind, the dog ran out into traffic), stop, check to see if it was alive, then got back in his car and started to drive off. I chased after the car, and finally got him to stop then chewed him out. Got him to call the SPCA and wait for them to get there. I felt good about myself that day :D Sorry for answering a question that wasn't mine :D

Have you ever made something out of papier mâché?
Yeah back in elementary school we used to do that in art every now and then. Most of my stuff ended up looking like a wasp nest. lol

Have you ever shaved your head or significantly changed your hairstyle on a complete whim?
No! Hell no. My mate did that and ploughed into the back of another car. Thankfully it was a parked car and no one was in it. Freaking idiot.

Have you ever driven while intoxicated?

Have you ever fallen off of your bed when you were asleep?
Umm, yeeeeeah. I've also done it while I've been awake. And, the worst part...it wasn't during sex; it was just during "ChefChiTown-is-lying-down-watching-TV-time".

Have you ever made out with someone without even knowing their name?
Yes, I'm easily swayed...

Have you ever liked ultra suede furniture?
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They make that kind of furniture? Umm...no, I guess not, considering I didn't know that it even existed.

Have you ever known somebody (personally) that ended up becoming a celebrity?