Have You Ever (Game)...

LOL PSYCH!:seeya: as in it's ironic we both asked the same question....:D
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Once or twice !!


Have you ever slept out in the open - no tent - no nuthin' ?
No way, I get anxious without cable, even though I really only watch about four channels.

Have you ever peeked at the scale because you were afraid of what the reading might be?
Not sure if you mean had a sneaky weigh-in before your normal weigh-in day, or if instead of looking at the number head on you peek through your fingers. I haven't done the second thing, but the first I have done.

Have you ever done a cartwheel?

Have you ever found out after going to the Doctor's office for a Physical that you actually weighed waaay less?
No. I haven't had a physical in a looooong, looooong time. Maybe I should. Eh, but then they'd want to put a finger in my bum and touch my prostate. But, that might feel kinda good. Yeeeeeah, I'm gonna go to the doctor.

Have you ever drank an entire 2 liter of soda in one sitting?
Yes, I used to be addicted to Mountain Dew. There were many times when I'd demolish entire two-liters. :banghead:

Have you ever called someone out for trying to get you to exhibit "bad" eating habits while you were trying to lose weight?
Sure, yea, Just because I haven't practiced a whole lot of my anger management skills. ;):p

Have you ever yawned purposely just to make the chain reaction?
Yupp, and it works.

Have you ever pretended to be ill so you won't have to go to work/school/whatver, and ended up really ill later?
Hmm, not that I can remember. I used to fake being sick to stay home from school, but I can't remember actually getting sick afterwards.

Have you ever taken a shower or bath, but forgotten to actually wash yourself?
No. I'm a "valuable employee"...pfft, yeah right.

Have you ever seen someone taking a poop in a public place? Like, in the bushes?
Not me personally.
But my partner saw this drunk guy pull his pants down and lean his arse up against a wall and shit standing up. :puke:

Not pleasant.


Have you ever been really irritated by someone and wanted to tell them, but didn't want to sound like an a$$-holio ??
Yes. GRRRRR :willy_nilly:

Have you ever tried out for a reality tv show, such as So You Think You Can Dance <example..?
Nope, I hate any kind of reality shows with a passion.

Have you ever gotten into the bath even though the water was way too hot?
Yeah, you have to do that thing where you sit for just a second then rise up, and do that over and over until you can finally just drop down. lol

Have you ever taken over 10 minutes to figure out another "have you ever" question?
Yes, sometimes I think after I do something throughout the day, Hey that's a great "Have You Ever" question! ;D

Have you ever had a story written about you?