Have You Ever (Game)...

No..I learned the first time...

Have you ever made yogurt ice cubes for your blended fruit smoothie?
punched a hole with fist yes.. kicked.. no

have you ever went to light stove/grill.. turned the gas on for to long then lit it and almost started on fire?
Yes, $5.00, Vegas lol

Have you ever gotten tummy aches from too many crab apples?
Yes, $5.00, Vegas lol

Have you ever gotten tummy aches from too many crab apples?

Never eaten a crab-apple, but I DO get stomach aches from drinking apple juice...for what reason I don't know.

Ever had your boxers snap out of your hand while you were putting them or/taking a piss, and then they hit your balls?

(I know its aimed at the guys, but I couldn't think of any other questions because that JUST happened to me)
Never Been

Have you ever tripped over your foot in public, but made it look like you were supposed to, out of embarrassment?
Never Been

Have you ever tripped over your foot in public, but made it look like you were supposed to, out of embarrassment?

YES quite often as a matter of fact. When I was a child I had to wear "special" shoes, because I was pigeon toed, and I would trip over my feet. Never really grew out of it.

Have you ever took a pooh and lit a match to see if took the smell away?
I don't even know what that means, so I don't think so....*lol*

Have you ever fallen asleep at the computer and woke up with impressions of the keys of your keyboard in your face?
Nope, that would be pretty funny though.

By the way, I Just joined here...looks like a great community!

There's a site that just came out, and has a bunch of Have You Ever's.

have you ever had a prostate exam?? for those that haven't.. i don't recommend one

being that my 62 year old grandfather was diagonosed 5 years ago with stage four prostate cancer... and died last weekend a very slow, long, painful death from it....

I certainly DO RECOMMEND one.

sorry hit a personal note... not to be the party pooper but... its not really a joke.
I don't even know what that means, so I don't think so....*lol*

Have you ever fallen asleep at the computer and woke up with impressions of the keys of your keyboard in your face?

Nope I havent.

Have you ever called to police on your neighbor? :reddevil::reddevil::reddevil:
Yes, and again some time soon...

Have you ever had your tonsils removed??
Yeah, and my first meal afterward was a bologna sandwich with potato chips. YEAH!!!

Have you ever had some random ass weird dude talk to you at the hospital?
Not in a hospital, but in other places definitely

Did you laugh at this?
-There is an Overweight Society in Colorado...the Colorado OverWeight Society. They are known as C.O.W.S. Thats a true story, seriously, its true.

Have you ever eaten too many cough drops and gotten sick?