Weight-Loss Halloween Challenge:The Voluptuous Vampires

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I just edited my first entry? Is that all in eed to do? This week I will be down about 5-7 lbs. I took a rest week as I prepare for a new phase of workouts. If youre interested, you can read about it in my diary. Not that interesting ,but it will get rid of a lot of extra water weight .
Yep, everyday that you meet the challenge edit to update as well as when you weigh in on the respective Friday.

I got my Curves workout in and I'm feeling good. Planning on getting some strength training in tonight...work my biceps, triceps, back and upper leg. Gotta get that Cheesecake Factory off!
Oh yeh Cheese Cake Factory is Beyond Yummy:p They serve you soooooooo Much food. :eek:

Well, Vampires, how are you??!!!! Hope your morning is off to a GREAT Start. I did my 5 servings yesterday and Water. Today I knocked down 3 servings and half my WATER!!! YAY!!!!!! Still did no exercise:( I did do one of my walks yesterday and I'll get another in today. Just gotta push myself to do my Billy and Pilates.

Well, ya;ll have a GREAt DAY and drink your WATER and Eat your Servings:D
Ok, I met the goal twice this week.I will ad the ** after this post.

I am kicking butt, just hope the scale agrees with me.
hey everyone! I got in my fruit yesterday, and I have 2 more servings to make today. Water's good, i have another vb game tonight! hope we win!

... aaaaannnd....

I made it back to one-derland! I'm so excited! 199.5! *does happy jig around the scale* yes yes yes!!! I missed this place so much! Now i'm even more pumped to lose more weight to just watch the scale drop. And, if I meet my goal, I'll FINALLY be able to be the weight that my driver's license says that I am! :D

Keep up the good work eveyone! Together we can, together, WE WILL!!!!
made my fruit, but we lost the game. oh well. we'll get monroe on thursday, and marysville (who we played today) when we play them again next week. Keep it up everyone!
Woo Hoo Xorie! Congrats on hitting One-der-land!!

FGT, thanks for the motivation :D I'm finding this challenge MUCH easier then the last! LOL!

Also, for those who didn't get many days of water in last week, did anyone read where Malificent said something about counting the people that got at least half their water in?

Did I read that wrong?
OK - I found where I read it (there are so many threads I'm having a difficult time keeping up)

Originally Posted by amomono View Post
when our team's water intake is figured, and we have to have 50% compliance to get our point.... if someone has drunk 50% of their water goal every single day, does that count for something? or do only the days in which you have had the whole goal met count?
close enough might count... as long as a person is trying...

Also, just a reminder, apparently the water bonus is still going.
I've been drinking all my water, but I didn't realize the bonus was still in effect :eek:
Good Morning!!!!!! ya'll have a WONDERFULR DAy and Drink your WATER and eat your 5 servings!!!!

M2M~ is the Water challenge still going, really???? So do we still add the * ??
I love the veggie challenge...it's tons easier than the water challenge!!

Keep up the good work everyone!!
Congrats Xorie! WOOWOO Onderland! I have to fess up fellow Vamps, my week started off really bad. I was out of Onderland by Monday, but I have got back on track now! I am offically 200.0 pounds this morning, So hopefully the execise and good eating for the next 2 days will help me show at least a 1 or 2 lbs loss for the weigh in! Fingers crossed as it is the wrong time of the month for this weigh in for me, if ya know what I mean!! We all did great last week, let's do it again! YAY Go VAMPS!!
JB - I've read that the water challenge is still going - but I don't know if we're supposed to put the *'s down.

Skye, good for you for getting back on track!! It's not the best time of the month for weigh in's for me either, but the nice thing about a challenge this long, we have time to get beyond it ;)
*Confession Time*
I did not get all my servings in :( Sorry team. I had One more left but did not make it. Today wil be a better day. Already got in a fruit. :D Ya'll have a GREAT one and Drink that WATER!!!!!:p
Don't worry jelly...I missed yesterdays veggie challenge too.

Last day everyone---let's go for the ultimate veggie intake day!!! :)
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