Weight-Loss Halloween Challenge:The Voluptuous Vampires

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So, if the scale says 175 tomorrow I'm going to believe it...it said 175 this morning but I was a little skeptical--my point being that I have almost (.5 pounds away) from meeting my goal for the Halloween Challenge!!! I can't believe I'm 10 pounds less that I was 30 days ago! Weehee!! Sometimes it feels like absolute torture, filled with my endless whining but looking back it's like 'Wow, there's 10 pounds less of me.' Actually there's 27 pounds less of me which seems freakin' surreal but hey, I'm all for it!
wholy crap................hav i really lost 23 pounds since this challenge began?? yeah....i double checked it.........this rocks!!! I have almost doubled my 12lb goal!!! WooooHoooo!!!!!!!! Lets go VAMPS
YAY !!!!!! REACH4STAR!!!!! you go girl! And KATIE Good for you! YAY!!!! 10 Pounds.!!!!!

I'm sooooo Jealous:mad: have a Good DAy everyone. Drink your WATER
Hey Vampies! I'm so proud of you Star and the whole team is doing a great job! This is the most awesome challenge I've ever been! Thanks again for this idea Mal!

Keep up the great work team...I'm hoping the scale will be kind to me on Friday. *OHD prays*
Wow, 23 lbs! What in the world are you doing? That's totally awsome, great job!

I guess I went over my goal..with two weeks left umm.. so than maybe I'll up my goal a little.. I totally will be out of the 200's by Halloween! I totally can do it!!

Have a wonderful day everyone!
ug, might not make my goal... gained a pound so far, but i've been eating ok for the last two days...

though, oh my gosh, i was pretty bad this week... we got the cookie dough in for vb fundraising... it's good... and that = not good... lol. so, i'm going to give mine away to some friends so that I wont eat any more of it. :D Good luck everyone for tomorrow! I'm hoping that i just won't have to move my ticker tomorrow... unless it's to lower it of course.. :D
Hey everyone!
Just wanted to say good luck with the scales tomorrow - and remember, there are so many ways to help our team besides the weightloss - this whole challenge is about life changes that will ultimately help us reach our goals...and lead a healthier life! I LOVE that about this challenge :)
Very kind words...from a very kind person! Thanks M2M.

I must say that I have really sucked it up this week with the challenge. I only got 7 hours of sleep one day this week....oh, forgot to put my asterik for it. Sorry Vampies, I know I suck. I can get my exercise in, limit my tv, drink a lake's worth of water, eat all my veggies and fruits, but I can't get in the darn bed to save my life!!!! :( :(
Good morning challengers... I love M2M's wise words.. that was the intent of this challenge, and I'm glad it came across :D

Please don't forget to update your original post with
todays weigh in
Number of 7 hours of sleep
number of exercise minutes

(enter it as Sleep (7) Exercise (150)
or whatever your nubmers are)

Also please be sure to make sure past exercise minutes are updated.
that was the intent of this challenge, and I'm glad it came across :D.

I think it definitely came across - that's one reason why I've been trying to do everything each week - I just can't seem to ever get 5 vegies or fruits in ;)

Anyway, I'm down 2 pounds - I was at 193 for two days this week, but I wasn't there this morning :\ Anyway, I very much plan on reaching my goal by next week!

This has been a GREAT challenge!

Hope you guys have a great day!
Katie~ I was just looking at your page and you have lost 10 pounds!!!!! That was your goal for this challenge. YAY!!!!!!!! I see that you put (.5 to go) Just you go Potty:p and you'll be there:D

OhappyDaye~ Just ONE more Pound!!!!! C'mon girl You are so There. You'll hit your goal by monday!!! I just know it.

Reach4Stars~ Girl, You done passed your goal weight!!! *Claps*

Ehinata~ SAme to you!!!! Already passed your goal!!! *claps*

M2M~ One more Pound!!!!! Just go for one of your WALKS and you'll drop it.
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...and JB, it's 1.3 pounds :eek: :p and this week I lost .75 of a pound which leaves me with .50 lb to go. YAYYY!! I'm VERY happy, but had I worked out every day this week like I was supposed to I would've met my goal today...I can't believe I'm so close. Now I'm mad at myself for not pushing myself even though I was tired. :eek:
ha! I'm at 192.2!!! YES! I can't believe it! Only 3 more lbs to go! AI!!! AAAANNNDDD... A girl in my choir this morning said, "Wow Jacqui, you look skinny." ...:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

AH!! I've been a good mood alllll day! I can't believe that someone said that to me! *does happy dance*

good job everyone on the weight loss! only 1 full week left! Keep it up Vampires!
Okay Vampires, I did ot do everything yesterday or today!!! I got in my WATER,of course:D I did not get in any veggies nor fruit:eek: I did get my sleep and no t.v. And got in exercises for both days so far!!! Sorry. I'll do my best tommorrow.. have a GREAT weeknd!!!!! Drink your WATER!!!!
Hi everyone,
I just want to mention that the only thing we get points for is the exercising and "sticking to our plan".

I'm still trying the sleep, vegies, water etc., simply because for me, it is what I want to incorporate into my lifestyle, but in terms of what we NEED to do for the team, we need to stick to our plan and EXERCISE :D

Since I got half my walk in yesterday and none for today, I plan on doubling up every day this next week to make up for my loss!

I have a team banquest for Megan's swim team tonight, and have planned my day around knowing I'll be having pizza tonight - I'm NOT gonna blow it!!

(power of persuasion eh?) ;)
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