Boy am I glad that I didn't read this post until after I watched the show!
I didn't watch it Thursday night, I taped it and watched it yesterday morning while I worked out.
What a great show!
Re: Shawn lighting a smoke while wearing oxygen. My grandfather did that! It didn't blow as huge as that, but he did have burnt plastic all across his face under his nose where the tubes go up your nose etc. Brilliant eh?
I think George was a good friend to Izzie that night, just sitting there holding her hand. And I think he realizes that he needs to seriously make it up to Kallie. I think he likes her, they aren't over.
Yeah I didn't like them making Kallie such a skank with McSteamy...
And I hate McSteamy, yes granted he is cute, but what an ass... even Alex isn't all that impressed by him. And Addison said that Alex was just like him, I think Alex is starting to realize what he could become... I think Alex will end up staying on the gyno squad.. He has these little glimpses of sensitivity with these women and thier babies.
Re: Meredith, Finn, and Derek. I felt kind of bad for Finn. He's so sweet and kind. But I always really liked the chemistry between Derek and Meredith. I was just as torn. Why do we girls go for the guy who will hurt us?
Anyway I must go and work out again! Hope you are all well!?