Grey's Anatomy


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Every since early last season I have been the biggest fan! Are there any other Grey's Anatomy fans out there other than me?!?

Last season's finale was one of the best finales I've ever seen!
Absolutely love it!

The season premiere is next week?! RIght?
It is so great! I have been watching reruns of it while I work out on my elliptical! It helps to pass the time!

I love it too! I'm glad I saw this, I forgot that season premiers are just around the corner! its on ABC right?
Just don't forget that they moved it to Thursday nights at 9pm (abc). Sunday nights worked so much better for me. I guess i'll have to tape it.

I cried my eyes out on the season premiere. I was really hoping Izzie and Denny would make it :(

Isn't George a cutie... in a dorky, lost puppy kind of way :)

George is definately a cute!

Here is the official Grey's Anatomy Site: Grey's Anatomy

Alright now just to remind ourselves of the last episode...lets recap what happened...(I can't even remember how it all started...can someone start?)

What is going to happen:
Season Premiere:
Thursday, September 21st at 9/8c.
Time Has Come Today
The doctors of Seattle Grace help Izzie cope with the loss of her fianci, Denny, and her decision to quit the internship program. Meredith must decide what the future holds after her hospital liaison with Derek. The Chief is confronted by his wife, Adele, after spending the night in his office, and George seeks relationship advice from a surprising source, on the season premiere of Grey's Anatomy.
I can't remember everything that happened in the last show. I know Meredith and Derek hooked up. I'm actually starting to like Derek's wife so I kind of feel for her now. You just know that she's gonna get crushed sooner or later. Can't remember her name though.

Poor Izzie! I liked Denny a lot.
I think that george is a cutie too! but for some reason I like...o whats his name?...the cute one that was seeing Izzie and screwed that other girl...the one that pretends to be a jerk. anyways, I deffinatley got teared up when Denny died. I'm really excited for this! cant wait to see what happens! is it an hour or two like the finale?
You know what I love the most about this show... the music!
I have been really intrigued by the music since the first season. On that same official ABC Grey's Anatomy website, you can go to the music section and find out the names of all the songs that were in a certain episode.
I download the songs from the episodes. I have created several Grey's anatomoy soundtracks. THe music is amazing!
I have never really noticed the I will have to take notice to it though.

I actually want Izzie and Alex to get together again. After how he treated her when Dennie died, you can tell that he still has feelings for her.
I can't remember everything that happened in the last show. I know Meredith and Derek hooked up. I'm actually starting to like Derek's wife so I kind of feel for her now. You just know that she's gonna get crushed sooner or later. Can't remember her name though.

Poor Izzie! I liked Denny a lot.

Derek's wife's name is Addison. I looooove Grey's!! It is my all-time fav TV show. I have every single episode on DVD. Does anyone remember the episode with Bonnie and Tom? The one with the train wreck where they had the pole shoved through them?? That one was so heart-wrenching.

I was devastated when Denny died! He loved Izzie so much...but I did like the way Alex took care of her.

Derek's wife's name is Addison. I looooove Grey's!! It is my all-time fav TV show. I have every single episode on DVD. Does anyone remember the episode with Bonnie and Tom? The one with the train wreck where they had the pole shoved through them?? That one was so heart-wrenching.

I was devastated when Denny died! He loved Izzie so much...but I did like the way Alex took care of her.


I do and they couldn't save them both, that WAS heart wrenching! I think Alex and Izzie are going to get closer again because of how he took care of her. When he picked her up and carried her out of the room I cried even more!
ALEX! that was his name thanks chunkysoup:D I saw the train episode too, they are all so good! I think that they're going to tease us with alex and izzie... what do you think will happen with meredith, derrik and addison?... hmmmm.... just 3 more days:)
The whole Derrik and Meredith thing totally caught me off tell you the truth I'm not sure what is going to happen this season with them...

No one mentioned Burke and Christina...last season ended very sweetly after she got over that thing and started to help him out.

I'm so excited, but I just found out that I won't be home on Thursday evening so I already set my vcr to tape it!
Hey everyone don't forget about the cute vet!!!

lol I hadn't forgotten about him and I like him and Meredith together...but the chemistry between her and Derek just can't be denied. What's a girl to do? :(

I think Derek is going to tell Addison he wants Meredith but Meredith's going to turn him down and then spend the rest of the season second guessing herself and running from him. That'll make for good TV. :D
So according to the very short description [below] of the first show...any predictions?

The doctors of Seattle Grace help Izzie cope with the loss of her fianci, Denny, and her decision to quit the internship program. Meredith must decide what the future holds after her hospital liaison with Derek. The Chief is confronted by his wife, Adele, after spending the night in his office, and George seeks relationship advice from a surprising source, on the season premiere of Grey's Anatomy.

I think that Geroge is going to ask Meredith for advice...the only suprising source I can think of.
We can't forget about those few episodes with the home-maid bomb that was inside that guy. Remember those? Wow, the one where the bomb blew up was a good show. When it happened it caught me totally off guard. My husband doesn't watch it but was in the same room... when the bomb went off I yelled ..... "Holy @$&#..OMG" and I never yell at the t.v. He turned around and stared laughing at

Yeah, I remember the train wreck one. That was really good too. They've had a lot of really good episodes. I explained the show to my husband as being a mix of E.R. and a really good soap-opera... not that there is any "good" soap-operas anymore.

I actually wish Merideth would stay with the vet. I've lost the spark for Dr. McDreamy. It's kind of like he's wore out his welcome with me. The vet is cute and nice. She should give it a try but I also know how it is to be in love with someone and no matter what ya just can't stay away... even if it is wrong.

I do think that Alex is going to turn out to be a really nice guy. It's so obvious! He's plays all tough but we all know the truth.

I also know how it is to be in love with someone and no matter what ya just can't stay away... even if it is wrong.

*clears throat* is there a story line here ms. jessica? :D lol.....

I can't wait, its tonite! I dont have cable so I have to watch it all fuzzy:( oh well better to hear it than not see it at all right? I'm not a fan of Chris O'donnell so his character as the vet I don't like. I want some drama with meredith and derrik.... I think the story line with meredith sleeping with george wasn't played very well, they should have made it more interesting or something....