My thoughts for Kitty today:
All you need is YOU:
What ever it TAKES. Be so glad you found YOU, and be glad you will never lose YOU--whatever it takes, YOU will stay here with YOU.
Take it through the bad times, see it through the good times, Whatever it takes, is what YOU are gonna do.
Put your arms around YOU--never let go, and never lose YOU.
YOU are all it takes. YOU will never break apart if YOU are heart to heart. YOU can build this thing and stand all the storms, and nothing will stop YOU. This world can bring YOU down, but you always have YOU to bring you back up.
Let YOU flow all over the place within your fitness quest, and be at your best. Be the reason the heart candle burns hot, let it warm your face and leave the past without a trace, and feel the loving embrace of your new face. YOU can always be in season, YOU just have to give it a reason to be in the growing season.
ROCK ON! Push the very best out of YOU!
You are a ROCK to realize a bunch of CROCK and will TICK-TOCK aroung the FRIGGEN-CLOCK
Be proud of who you are. In each of us their are qualities no one else possesses. And, you posses the quality within YOU to impede any and all obstacles.
To all, peace, love, and harmony, (feel its loving embrace!)