
Let's talk about God, not so much people's religions. Let's discuss the idea or the concept of God, whether or not you believe in God(s), why, and so on.

I moved this from another thread because I wanted to address it.

Tim_14 said:
I dont want people to critisize God, so i dont really wana be a part of it. Coz it will only hurt me...

But if you do some research, ull find plenty. Ill just give one example, Why is the bible the most widley sold book? Why do we have christmas and easter and everyone celebrates it but not everyone celebrates special days of other religeons? Why do we have BC and stuff? How come in a public school they only teach about God when they have stuff like christian studies?

Just a few...

But keep it UFO's pplz, lol

Tim, those have nothing to do with God, moreso the dominance of your religion, but it doesn't prove anything about the existance of God...
Personally I don't really ask myself if there is or is not a God, I focus rather on hypotheticals like "If God exists, then..." or "If God doesn't exist, then..." I find myself thinking more about "If God exists..." rather than if he doesn't exist. Most likely because it is more fun to theorize about him existing.

I use "him" and "he" because "god" repeated dozens of times looks, to the trained and religious-phobic person, like it's some kind of sermon or some **** like that. Honestly if there is a god, and "he" is the ultimate anything, he should trancend gender. I mean, what is gender? It's balls and ovaries. God should be so great that he has neither, yet both...ew.

Basically I've got a pretty good idea of what I think a God should be. I guess I'll reveal it as more people put their thoughts in and it surfaces mine on the matter.

On a side note, if I had to categorize myself I'd say an agnostic buddhist. Most of my core beliefs are buddhist. But I don't like categories for this kind of thing so whatever.
Sure, I believe in God. Speaking from a physiological stand point, I just refuse to believe all this happened by 'accident' or through subtle changes coming from lower life forms.
Interesting choice of discussion, LeiYunFat. One of the forbidden twosome.

Evo, I'm not criticising your beliefs, but intelligent design doesn't necessarily dictate monotheism. There are a lot of other possible scenarios to explain intelligent design, even if someone were able to prove it for a fact. There exists the possibility of intelligent design by something other than a single god. There could be multiple gods in a hierarchical system as the ancient greeks and romans believed. The world itself could be one conscious, connected life force with an all-encompassing will as many eastern mysticisms believe. There also exist possibilities such as the theory that the earth itself was developed and cultivated by a race of highly advanced beings.

Personally, I believe that life is a dream, a sort of reverie we, our true selves, enter voluntarily as a journey towards enlightenment. Something like an advanced form of meditation. When we die, we wake from the dream and interpret it to further our understanding of our selves. This is admittedly flaky, but as far as I'm concerned just as likely as anything else, and it would make a lot of sense given what I've experienced of life thus far. Admittedly, that's not a whole lot as I'm only 20 years old.

Faith is interesting that way. The true measure of faith would have to be believing despite the lack of any absolute proof that your beliefs are well-founded. The proof? How many people have you met who went about proclaiming that the sun would rise the next day? :) I think what's most likely is that the act of choosing to believe in something and taking the journey to spiritual enlightenment is what brings you closer to god, allah, the buddha-nature or whatever it may be. That particular line of logic is what leads me to believe as I do.

I'm always interested in hearing others' views on the matter.
Ali, I'm not a proponent of intelligent design (ala what is taught in schools) as I am a Creationist. I have a firm believer in a higher power, be it a God entity with multiple aspects ("Let us create man in OUR image"). So, to reitterate what I just said, I believe in a higher power and choose to call that higher power God in the Biblical sense.

I did write an analysis paper on the comparrison between Jesus, Krishna, and Buddha and their trinity aspect for a lit class...good stuff.
I have no problem discussing religion, and I hope nobody else does either. Knowing what a hot topic this can be, this thread needs to be kept civil.

First off I'm gonna say on this subject that these are my beliefs, I don't necessarily expect anyone to believe the same as I do, nor do I wish to have anyone elses beliefs pushed on me.

Do I believe in a supreme power? No I do not... Do I believe religion has its place in society, yes I do... It has all through history. Some cultures believed that the sun wouldn't rise unless a sacrifice was made... That was religion.

I believe religion in its most basic forms were meant as a way to keep people in line. They couldn't police them by force all the time, so lets tell them that a supreme power will smite them down if they do wrong. What I believe religion has evolved into is a way to get people by in their lives. If a person says they believe in God and that gets them through, thats great, Im not gonna tell them any different. If they ask me however I will tell them.
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Oh boy, what a topic to have in a fitness forum. I'm not complaining though. If you have not guessed by now my username implies that I am most likely protestant. For those of you not up on your Latin Solafide is Latin for faith alone. The term was popularized by the great reformer Martin Luther. I've been studying Christian theology for a few years now and am a Christian. Please, please everyone don't turn off your R rated movies, put down your beer, or watch your language. Contrary to popular belief neither God, nor the Bible are trying to be "cosmic cops." If someone has any questions at all about the Bible or Christianity I think I am more then qualified to help answer. I have spent the past 5 years of my life studying Christian theology, cults, and doctrine. One thing I will say is that we all live our lives Solafide. We all live by faith alone, faith that there is no God, or faith that there is a God. No one can have absolute 100% proof that the God of the Bible does or does not exist. However, I think that it is important for us to know what God does say, because if he does exist then some of us may be wagering with currency we do not have.
I'd consider myself one of the earth based religions....I like the idea of seeing what I believe in like the sun,moon etc....I don't believe in one supreme God.

But if a religion (regardless of what it is) gives you that feeling of wellbeing and lets you have those quiet moments (praying,meditating etc) to clear your mind its got to be good.
I follow no religion but i find it funny how all these people claim to be religious yet they only follow what they want to follow out of the bible...the true sabbath is on saturday..which Jews and 1st day adventists follow and Jehova's Witnesses have the right idea as in the bible God states that he shall be known as Jehova..yet only 1 religion calls him Jehova. Here are some pretty scary things that are in the Old Testament..although im aware that most people follow the new testament this is still in the bible and it is scary stuff.

a) When I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice, I know it creates
a pleasing odour for the Lord (Lev. 1:9). The problem is my
neighbours. They claim the odour is not pleasing to them. Should I
smite them?

b) I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as sanctioned in
Exodus 21:7. In this day and age, what do you think would be a fair
price for her?

c) I know that I am allowed no contact with a woman while she is in
her period of menstrual uncleanliness (Lev. 15:19-24). The problem
is, how do I tell? I have tried asking, but most women take offence.

d) Lev. 25:44 states that I may indeed possess slaves, both male and
female, provided they are purchased from neighbouring nations. A
friend of mine claims that this applies to Canada, but not
Mexicans. Can you clarify? Why can't I own Mexicans?

e) I have a neighbour who insists on working on the Sunday (the
Sabbath). In the book of Exodus verse 35:2 it clearly states he
should be put to death. Am I morally obligated to kill him myself?

f) A friend of mine feels that even though eating shellfish is an
abomination (Lev. 11:10), it is a lesser abomination than
homosexuality. I don't agree. Can you settle this?

g) Lev. 21:20 states that I may not approach the altar of God if I
have defect in my sight. I have to admit that I wear reading glasses.
Does my vision have to be 20/20, or is there some wiggle room here?

h) Most of my male friends get their hair trimmed, including the hair
around their temples, even though this is expressly forbidden by
Lev.19:27. How should they die?

i) I know from Lev. 11:6-8 that touching the skin of a dead pig makes
me unclean, but may I still play football if I wear gloves?

j) My uncle has a farm. He violates Lev. 19:19 by planting two
different crops in the same field, as does his wife by wearing
garments made of two different kinds of thread (cotton/polyester
blend). He also tends to curse and blaspheme a lot. Is it really
necessary that we go to all the trouble of getting the whole town
together to stone them? (Lev.24:10-16). Couldn't we just burn them
to death at a private family affair like we do with people who sleep
with their in-laws? (Lev. 20:14).
Ozzie guy these are written by people that are under the influence of god to bring a broader societal view to a specific audience doesnt mean people actually live by this. For someone who isnt religious you have a great knowledge of the bible.
NBS 4life said:
Ozzie guy these are written by people that are under the influence of god to bring a broader societal view to a specific audience doesnt mean people actually live by this. For someone who isnt religious you have a great knowledge of the bible.

I know dont ask me how i know all these things..i guess it comes from having religous friends and asking them questions..another thing i dont understand from the bible is that if the earth was only created 6,000 or 4,000 years ago i cant remember which one it was...explain dinosaurs...i find that amusing that my friends response was that god put dinosaur fossils on earth to test people's faith...personally i think god if he exists would have better things to do then to f*ck with his own followers.
i believe when you die you get put in a box and the lid is shut :p well that comment only applys to religion.. there can be god without religion.my picture of god would be a big glowing sphere with all the shades/elements of the universe in it lol.also believe religion was made to keep people in order- which is more scary, the threat of being stabbed/shot or the threat of being burned for all eternity.god may be real, may not be.i believe in aliens! :eek: 1000s of planets in the universe certainly they arent all for us.anythings possible
I also have no qualms with discussing religion. However, when it comes to religion, you're going to get some people that aren't discussion material...

I don't think a reason to believe in something like God or religion is "because what if you're wrong"...I think that, among many other things, is selling yourself short.

And "if it makes you feel good, it must be good" is just crazy...if I shoot up heroin, and it makes me feel good, it must be good, right?

Milkay I know where you're coming from. If there is a God, I believe he/it is beyond organized religions.

I'd prefer a God that is powerful enough to leave his creations and not constantly tend to them. Let's say someone builds a wall. I'd say more about the skill of the man who's wall stands tall against the elements than the man who's wall crumbles so ofthen that he often has to go and repair it.

There is no God but Allah (if you understand this saying, then kudos)

And "if it makes you feel good, it must be good" is just crazy...if I shoot up heroin, and it makes me feel good, it must be good, right?

What I meant by this

But if a religion (regardless of what it is) gives you that feeling of wellbeing and lets you have those quiet moments (praying,meditating etc) to clear your mind its got to be good.

Is if a religion/faith/path (whatever you want to call it),
gives you those times to clear your mind,take away your frustrations,and generally make you feel good then it has to be a good thing regardless or which direction you are taking,I'm not saying a religion has to be good for that reason..I am saying it is good for the individual who follows that direction with their beliefs..I am not supporting or condoning any religion.That is the one good thing about humanity we have the right to choose our own direction in life..
thatozzieguy said:
if the earth was only created 6,000 or 4,000 years ago i cant remember which one it was
No one knows that. It could be millions of years old. Coz if you think about it, it would have taken millions of years for Adam and Eve to make this many people.
Did Ozzie find that from the Bible? And even so...

Two people populating a world of now several billion? I don't think so...