Cohen's Lifestyle Geo's weightloss journey

Prefix for Cohen's Lifestyle
Hi Georgina, You poor thing! You have had your fair share of bad luck. Hope you managed to find an alternative sweets, xoxo Cate
Goodness Geo, hope you ok and didn't hurt yourself.

Maybe have your total allowance because if you get hungry and you don't eat then your body will start storing fat - obviously the last thing you want.

Are you drinking enough water? Are you still taking your vitamins - don't know if they are the same as mine (Reeva's) they have a mild suppressant in which helps me a lot.

Just stay strong and use the allowance, that's why its there dear. Maybe you are also training harder than before - so you burning fuel quicker.

Keep up the good work gal!
Hey cate and Mandy,
well i tried to deal with the hunger as i really did not want to deviate..filled up with my crackers and fruit allowance. so i missed meal 2. There was nothing cohen-friendly in the canteen at work. I fell on my knees...knees are a little painful today...the people at work cleared up the cords that were all around the pantry...always takes an accident before people realise how dangerous things can be..sigh...
mandy, coming to think of it, i'm wondering now if the hunger is due to the new vitamin usual brand was out of stock...but it sure has the correct recommended amt of back later.
hey everyone! this is probably the longest i stayed away from the forum, though not intentional....just have so much work on my plate that it gives me neckaches...anyways, i'm doing fine with my programme except that water is now an issue. I haven't had time! that's really how busy i am. sigh...anyways i'm dropping in now coz my supervisor needs to meet me and i've been waiting for an hour!!!