Gay marriage

I peronally only prefer to do it missionary with the lights off.
Don't get me wrong, sometimes I like to rent a pony and an orangutan for the weekend just like the next guy, but I try not to trash the house too much
Don't get me wrong, sometimes I like to rent a pony and an orangutan for the weekend just like the next guy, but I try not to trash the house too much

Hahaha. Yeah, that's nothing too extreme.

No matter what I do, I enjoy parting ways after a gift of a pearl necklace.
I think everyone knows that the issue of same sex marriage isn't really about marriage. It's about something bigger.

It's about what we, as a society, think of "homosexuality". Those who oppose same sex marriage use arguments such as "homosexuality is not natural". That's the biggest load of rubbish I've ever heard.

It goes back down to what we were taught as children. Some of us learned that homosexuality was wrong, and some of us didn't. Some of us have observed the world and have come to a conclusion based upon what we have seen. Unfortunately, I think a lot of people are following traditions that just don't work in this day and age.

It used to be, and in some places still is, commonplace to regard some races as innately superior to others. I think the majority of us now would disagree with this. But for some reason, it's still widely accepted to believe that one expression of sexuality is somehow superior. This is just plain wrong. It's called hate. It's called the illusion of heterosexual superiority.

I think the battle to take away same-sex rights isn't just about marriage. It's about the nature of "homosexuality" itself. People think it's wrong and they want the world to know it. They want the homosexuals to know it. And most importantly, they want to be the ones who are right.

Sexuality is natural. We were all born with sexuality. It is a human quality. It is one of the most sacred and beautiful things about human beings. Unfortunately, because of it's complexity, it has been misused, hated, feared and condemned throughout history. Heterosexual, homosexual and autosexual acts have been condemned. If you think about it, everyone has committed horrible crimes against nature if you take into account every religious or societal law.

So, because some people are innately attracted to members of the same sex or both sexes, it's natural. That's how were were born/made/created. Homosexuality is not a choice. You can't choose who you're attracted to. Yes you can choose what to do with your attractions, but you cannot choose what sex to be attracted to.

And for those of you who claim that homosexual sex is wrong because it isn't procreative, think of all of the non-procreative things that heterosexual couples do. (And yes, at times, the end of the digestive tract is involved in some heterosexual situations.)

And just in case anyone was wondering, I'm only attracted to men. Yes, it's possible for a "straight" person to support gay rights, believe it or not.
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Spicy, excellent post.

It's very wrong to judge a person by who they sleep with. It holds no bearing on what type of person they are inside or what they are capable of doing. What happens in people's bedrooms is private. I'm certainly not going to give my co-workers a play-by-play of what variations me and my BF decided to tackle on the weekend. It's nobody's business.

I also agree that homosexuality/bisexuality is NOT a choice. You are born that way. Just like heteros are born that way.

I pose this question to the heteros who think homosexuality is a choice: Why would a heterosexual choose to be homosexual? So they can be persecuted, judged, labelled, beaten up on a regular basis, ridiculed, laughed at, and had their lives turned into a living hell just so they can ultimately have sex with the same sex? News flash: Heteros don't wake up one day and make a decision to "turn into" homos. Why would somebody CHOOSE that for themselves? The reality here is our society is not kind to gays/bis. You'd have to be nuts to choose to start walking down that road. It's a tough row to hoe.

While we're on the topic of stereotypes, here's what they used to do to women who were actually receptive to men in the Victorian Era. This horrible condition was called "Nymphomania" (and heaven help you if you were caught masturbating). Women were sent to mental institutions, tortured, mutilated, beaten and often murdered simply because the male population at that time in history believed we weren't supposed to be sexual creatures. If we actually had orgasms, we were immediately deemed to be either promiscuous, insane or both, and institutionalized.

The Victorian Era was not very long ago historically speaking. Women have really come a long way since then because male attitudes have finally changed and we are much better educated/informed.

It's the same thing with gays. A lot of people have very negative attitudes towards gay people, and those stereotypes are systemic. Unfortunately, misinformation and negative attitudes give rise to homophobia. People fear what they don't understand and what they don't know. I've known gays and bis all my life so I just see them as people (which they are). I don't care what a person's sexual preference is. All I care is whether or not they are decent human beings.

The bottom line is being gay isn't contagious. It's not a disease. It's an innate preference for the same sex. Period.

Does that hurt anybody? No. It doesn't. So why do people think being gay is so horrible? IMHO, there are much worse things a person can be, e.g., a pedophile; a rapist; a psychopath; a serial killer; an abusive person.
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Very eloquently worded, Spicy. I agree completely. It's about the feeling people have about homosexuals, not "saving the institution of marriage" You don't hear too many people up in arms about divorce in this country
I live in California. This November, I'm shooting down Prop 8. Like LV said, these issues are a waste of time. Let them eat cake, I don't care.
its not an issue of whether or not 2 dudes want to share benefits of marriage.

why is gay marriage always referred to as "2 dudes"

What is the real issue here? Why do gays want to get married? Simply for health insurance, joint tax returns etc. Let them have it.

They want to get married for the same damn reason hetero couples get married. Did I marry my wife for health insurance and joint tax returns? Of course not.
How can a supreme court overturning a decision made by the majority be constitutional?

The Constitutions of the US and of the states do not give the majority unlimited powers. To take an obvious example, a law respecting the establishment of religion will be found to be an illegal law, due to a provision in the US Constitution. Similarly, a law prohibiting the free exercise of religion will also be found to be an illegal law.
Spicy, excellent post.

It's very wrong to judge a person by who they sleep with. It holds no bearing on what type of person they are inside or what they are capable of doing. What happens in people's bedrooms is private. I'm certainly not going to give my co-workers a play-by-play of what variations me and my BF decided to tackle on the weekend. It's nobody's business.

I also agree that homosexuality/bisexuality is NOT a choice. You are born that way. Just like heteros are born that way.

I pose this question to the heteros who think homosexuality is a choice: Why would a heterosexual choose to be homosexual? So they can be persecuted, judged, labelled, beaten up on a regular basis, ridiculed, laughed at, and had their lives turned into a living hell just so they can ultimately have sex with the same sex? News flash: Heteros don't wake up one day and make a decision to "turn into" homos. Why would somebody CHOOSE that for themselves? The reality here is our society is not kind to gays/bis. You'd have to be nuts to choose to start walking down that road. It's a tough row to hoe.

While we're on the topic of stereotypes, here's what they used to do to women who were actually receptive to men in the Victorian Era. This horrible condition was called "Nymphomania" (and heaven help you if you were caught masturbating). Women were sent to mental institutions, tortured, mutilated, beaten and often murdered simply because the male population at that time in history believed we weren't supposed to be sexual creatures. If we actually had orgasms, we were immediately deemed to be either promiscuous, insane or both, and institutionalized.

The Victorian Era was not very long ago historically speaking. Women have really come a long way since then because male attitudes have finally changed and we are much better educated/informed.

It's the same thing with gays. A lot of people have very negative attitudes towards gay people, and those stereotypes are systemic. Unfortunately, misinformation and negative attitudes give rise to homophobia. People fear what they don't understand and what they don't know. I've known gays and bis all my life so I just see them as people (which they are). I don't care what a person's sexual preference is. All I care is whether or not they are decent human beings.

The bottom line is being gay isn't contagious. It's not a disease. It's an innate preference for the same sex. Period.

Does that hurt anybody? No. It doesn't. So why do people think being gay is so horrible? IMHO, there are much worse things a person can be, e.g., a pedophile; a rapist; a psychopath; a serial killer; an abusive person.

Maybe they chose it because they feel more attracted to guys.. duuuh
my two cents....

Honestly.....Who are we to tell other people how to live? I agree with LV we are just in EVERYONE ELSES business, and personally I am soooo sick of hearing people whine :action9: about how "wrong" it is, for religious reasons, or some other lame excuse. Yeah, LAME excuse.

You'd think gays were serial killers by the way society treats them...oh wait...serial killers actually seem to get MORE rights!!!!!!

I hope Prop 8 DOESN'T PASSES and the rainbow flag waves eternally!!!!!!

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why is gay marriage always referred to as "2 dudes"

Because for some reason, for the majority of the population, it just doesn't seem to register that there are also gay females. Most people only think about gay men (particularly men because they tend to be highly homophobic). The fact there are lesbians and bisexuals just doesn't register with them.

That's why I thought I'd change the discussion to two women (for the obvious reasons). But judging from the response I got, it's much more fun for people to make jokes about gay males.

They want to get married for the same damn reason hetero couples get married. Did I marry my wife for health insurance and joint tax returns? Of course not.

It goes without saying that gays want to be married for the same reason as heteros.