Spicy, excellent post.
It's very wrong to judge a person by who they sleep with. It holds no bearing on what type of person they are inside or what they are capable of doing. What happens in people's bedrooms is private. I'm certainly not going to give my co-workers a play-by-play of what variations me and my BF decided to tackle on the weekend. It's nobody's business.
I also agree that homosexuality/bisexuality is NOT a choice. You are born that way. Just like heteros are born that way.
I pose this question to the heteros who think homosexuality is a choice: Why would a heterosexual choose to be homosexual? So they can be persecuted, judged, labelled, beaten up on a regular basis, ridiculed, laughed at, and had their lives turned into a living hell just so they can ultimately have sex with the same sex? News flash: Heteros don't wake up one day and make a decision to "turn into" homos. Why would somebody CHOOSE that for themselves? The reality here is our society is not kind to gays/bis. You'd have to be nuts to choose to start walking down that road. It's a tough row to hoe.
While we're on the topic of stereotypes, here's what they used to do to women who were actually receptive to men in the Victorian Era. This horrible condition was called "Nymphomania" (and heaven help you if you were caught masturbating). Women were sent to mental institutions, tortured, mutilated, beaten and often murdered simply because the male population at that time in history believed we weren't supposed to be sexual creatures. If we actually had orgasms, we were immediately deemed to be either promiscuous, insane or both, and institutionalized.
The Victorian Era was not very long ago historically speaking. Women have really come a long way since then because male attitudes have finally changed and we are much better educated/informed.
It's the same thing with gays. A lot of people have very negative attitudes towards gay people, and those stereotypes are systemic. Unfortunately, misinformation and negative attitudes give rise to homophobia. People fear what they don't understand and what they don't know. I've known gays and bis all my life so I just see them as people (which they are). I don't care what a person's sexual preference is. All I care is whether or not they are decent human beings.
The bottom line is being gay isn't contagious. It's not a disease. It's an innate preference for the same sex. Period.
Does that hurt anybody? No. It doesn't. So why do people think being gay is so horrible? IMHO, there are much worse things a person can be, e.g., a pedophile; a rapist; a psychopath; a serial killer; an abusive person.