If you're on solid foods, limit bread, pasta, rice and starches
avoid eating and drinking at the same time - 15 min before and 45 min after
Pea size bites, chew thoroughly
Consume 65 - 75 grams of protein every day
Optimal food choices:
Protein first 75% to 100% of meals
Some complex carbs (fruits, vegetables, whole grains) 0 - 25%
Choose mainly dense proteins )chicken, turkey, fish, beef)
Boil, broil, bake, poach, barbeque, crockpot
Hydrating fluids - goal of 64 oz per day, remember to sip sip sip
Nothing deep-fried
Avoid: tough/stringy or overcooked meats, foods hard to chew up that might get stuck, refined(white) carbs, fried or high fat foods, protein shakes.
That is what my diet sheet says from my doctor. I haven't had mine placed yet but I got this early to go over.
Hope this helps, good luck and welcome back!
Hi Mary B,
Thanks for your reply.
The diet that you wrote is a common sense one

I thought there are more specific things they would say.
Of course, low carb, no fried food, no refined/white carb, etc. This is a diet that would help to lose weight even without a balloon.
The protein shake exclusion somewhat surprised me. I went through all of the posts here, before
I started to post myself (also, on other, non-English written sites), and I saw that people were using protein shakes.
I decided three days ago to combine balloon with WeightWatchers, and start a 1500 kcal/day diet. Guess what? I found that one day I can easily go on 400 kcal! Though next day I got 1200 kcal, and so on. I would love to have an equal kcal intake every single day instead of the ups and down. I got mine 20 days ago, I did lose some weight. Digital scale will arrive on Tuesday, and I will know my Dec-1 weight on that day, when my physician's assistant will call me back. I guess I am just being impatient when I read that people lost 25 lbs after one month, and I did not.
I also must add that I had only fluid intake between Jan-3 3 PM and Jan-9 3 PM (6 days total; balloon was inserted on the 4th), and I lost a lot of weight, was thinner than now, but I guess when I started to eat, most of that weight came back.
I also planned not to lose suddenly a lot of weight, because I don't want saggy skin, but I would be very happy with a 22 lbs weight loss in the first month

I think I started somewhere around 270 lbs, and I was 140ish lbs 15 years ago. So, I have a to lot go, but I don't want any surgery. Plus don't have conditions where the insurance would pay for the surgery. My goal for the 28 weeks (7 months) is to lose 28-42 kilograms (x 2.22 = lbs), which i 1-1.5 kilogram per week (2.2-3.3 lbs/week -> ~60 is ideal, 120 would be way too much and probably impossible).
What bothers me if that I can easily drink half liter of fluid, although took it back to 200-250 ml, just to make sure that I will not expand my stomach.
I have never in my life could eat without drinking. It is very difficult for me to eat and not to drink or drink 30-45 min later. I am struggling with that part.
So far, I noticed on myself, that one sandwich with ham can fill me up for whole day. Eating at around 8 AM, then at around noon, and notbing after 6. I know that I should eat more frequently, but I just cant :-(
Anyway, will try to do my blog today.
The good thing is that I have not vomited since Jan-6 (two days after the balloon insertion), no bloating, I have bowel movement regularity. And yes, I have those burps other have been complaining, but they are small, not loud at all, and survivable.
Thanks again for your response.