Gastric Balloon

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Yeah i've heard of this too, but i meant the balloon i have in just now, i was wondering if they could add some more saline to it to fill it up a bit. i have 12lbs left to lose and im really struggling with it. i've been the same weight the last 3 weeks, its just not budging. i feel i can eat pretty much anything just now.
how r u getting on?

yeah i wish they could tailor the balloon to your weight and appetite instead of the same size for everyone, i have found from week 2 i could eat anything i liked so i have had to really watch myself, some weeks i lose and some i dont it all depends on how much i eat, i have really thrown myself into exercise and in 3 weeks my fat percentage went down by 8 percent so overall its working for me because in 8 weeks i have lost 17 pounds in total i now aim to lose 1-2 pounds a week if possible, I never set myself a goal starting out cos i would only stress and not lose any weight then, I am happy enough with my progress but i know i could do better if I really applied myself :piggy:
Hi, have been following your weight loss, my balloon been in for 6 months
and I have lost a small amount each week and have now lost 71lb - yes
5 stone!!! I know its not easy to resist food but I try to keep to tiny
amounts and the results are so worth it, my life is changing and I am so
happy. Keep up the good work, you can do it.

Hi, have been following your weight loss, my balloon been in for 6 months
and I have lost a small amount each week and have now lost 71lb - yes
5 stone!!! I know its not easy to resist food but I try to keep to tiny
amounts and the results are so worth it, my life is changing and I am so
happy. Keep up the good work, you can do it.

That's fantastic! I wish I would lose that much! When are you having the balloon removed?
That's fantastic! I wish I would lose that much! When are you having the balloon removed?

Had a chat with the doc last week and he agreed to let it stay in
another month as doing well, so sometime in June just waiting for
the date. Hope to be in and out in couple of hours again as doing
without a sedative again, not nice but quicker!
Hi, have been following your weight loss, my balloon been in for 6 months
and I have lost a small amount each week and have now lost 71lb - yes
5 stone!!! I know its not easy to resist food but I try to keep to tiny
amounts and the results are so worth it, my life is changing and I am so
happy. Keep up the good work, you can do it.

that is an amazing loss if i lose half that in the next 4 months i will be thrilled, i do try see the bigger picture which is the overall weight loss insted of getting down the odd week when i loxse nothing or less than i expected tell me any tips or advise you have to keep me going these next 4 months:seeya:
ironicly i have had surgery which has the side effect of swollen stomach, and i can only fit in light foods that are very small meals, somewhat like having a gastric balloon :)

So give me some ideas on meals you guys. 1 small pottle of yoghurt fills me to bursting point, a cup of tea fills me up. a single cheese slice is the heavyest i can eat. Also a bit of acid reflux going on as well :/
that is an amazing loss if i lose half that in the next 4 months i will be thrilled, i do try see the bigger picture which is the overall weight loss insted of getting down the odd week when i loxse nothing or less than i expected tell me any tips or advise you have to keep me going these next 4 months:seeya:

I find the weeks I drink plenty of water and eat fish rather than meat
I have a better weight loss. Also I try to walk every day, tried
swimming but the balloon bobbing around was horrible! I have to
still avoid my trigger foods to stop overeatting and try to avoid snacks
unless its fruit. Hope that helps a little, good luck.
Hi there

may i ask what you are able to do in the gym with the balloon inside your stomach ? does it cause any great problems ? i assume abdominal exercises could be problematic...

Regards and good luck
Hi there

may i ask what you are able to do in the gym with the balloon inside your stomach ? does it cause any great problems ? i assume abdominal exercises could be problematic...

Regards and good luck

at the moment my exercise of choice is dancing, i do feel the balloon jiggling about but i hardly notice it cos I am having so much fun, have not done abdominal exercise but i do play on the floor with my toddler a lot and when i sit up from lying down i feel like the balloon constricted but i dont think crunches would adversely affect the balloon as its up kinda under the ribcage they would be more uncomfortable tho because of the balloon.

I swim, do water aerobics, jog, bike. I feel the balloon if I am doing abdominal crunches, but not too bad. I don't really notice it moving much and it doesn't really prevent me from doing anything.

My experience though, is that it shifts some time. I had a period when it was under my rib cage and very uncomfortable. I am not sure where it went, but it is currently in a much more comfortable place.
ironicly i have had surgery which has the side effect of swollen stomach, and i can only fit in light foods that are very small meals, somewhat like having a gastric balloon :)

So give me some ideas on meals you guys. 1 small pottle of yoghurt fills me to bursting point, a cup of tea fills me up. a single cheese slice is the heavyest i can eat. Also a bit of acid reflux going on as well :/

I ate a lot of soup at first. Those premade boxes of potato leek, squash soup, whatever. I found those very satisfying, and not high in calories.
hmm well its still happening. I would love a pie, but wouldnt be able to eat more than half of it. In fact half would be pushing it!
Donate a kidney and get a free gastric balloon! :)
Having fun eating bad foods though, and still struggling to get the calories in.
Wow, thats brilliant....I'm 10 weeks in and have lost to date 2 1/2 stones, which I am really pleased with. If I could get another 2 1/2 off in the next 16 weeks I would be really pleased with that too...Can I ask what your starting/finishing weight was Hayling40? Cornishgal xxx
Wow, thats brilliant....I'm 10 weeks in and have lost to date 2 1/2 stones, which I am really pleased with. If I could get another 2 1/2 off in the next 16 weeks I would be really pleased with that too...Can I ask what your starting/finishing weight was Hayling40? Cornishgal xxx

Hi I was a hefty 20st 7lb at start having lost 2st 9lb before the balloon
was put in. Thankfully I am now a much happier 15st 5lb so well on the
way, doctor still thinks I should start the process again a month after
this one comes out to make sure I don't go back but I would like to do the
rest on my own. Got date today it's coming out on 5th June!!! Good luck
Hi All, i'm new in the forum and been reading your posts for the last couple of hours. I've almost decided to get the balloon and i'm ready to take all the vomiting and pain that apparently everybody had and to re-educate my eating behaviour. I'm 29 years old, 1.70 and 92kgs, way too young for just ignoring that i have a huge problem with comfort eating.

In Spain (where I'm from and live) the treatment goes together with a nutritional and a pyscological evaluation and monitoring for the 6 months you have the balloon in, so that way you can identify and change all the habits that made you become fat.

Anyway, just wanted to say hi and know the experience of one of the first people in this post (going back to 2008) who had the balloon, took it away and went back to normal life. Did they went back to their weight? Could they ignore all the advertising input on tv/newspapers/social events and keep on doing well?

Many thanks and good luck to all of you! I'm planning to have it done for 12 June so I'll let you know how it goes (if I dont die the second day after the fitting! :puke:
Getting nervous now, my 7 month old balloon is being removed
tomorrow!!! Guess the real hard work starts after that, lets
hope I can keep to the diet. Will let you all know how it goes!
hello hayling40, how are you? how did the removal go? I hope you are feeling alright now, let us know how it went. take care
hello hayling40, how are you? how did the removal go? I hope you are feeling alright now, let us know how it went. take care

Hi Enjoy, all went very well. After a two hour delay to go into surgery
I was in, back on ward and home having my tea within two and a half
hours!!! Had a sore throat for about 36 hours but now feeling great.

76LB A TOTAL OF 5st & 6lb SO FANTASTIC, well worth the effort.

I have now lost 8st 3lb and have another 3st to go to my target.
I have not been hungry since the removal and have kept to my
tiny healthy portions of whatever the family are eating. Have been
offered another balloon to achieve this but being in a positive frame
of mind at present want to try on my own.

Good luck to everyone else. xxx
B Day

Well I am all set and booked for the procedure on June 19th at Prague Beauty. Nervous already!

A couple of questions:

What clothes shall I take with me?
Is it ok to go on my own?
Will I be able to see any of Prague?

I received my paperwork today and it mentions the currency etc. as if I am going to be shopping or something? Surely I will be in the apartments and not feeling too good? I haven't told anyone what I am doing so am not taking anyone with me, has anyone else done this? Also, not sure if I should take any jeans, trainers etc. or if it is just nightware, slippers and travel clothes.

There is very little information in the letter.


I never had my balloon done in prague but from experiance i doubt you'll be able to go out shopping or anything afterwards. i felt really sick for 4 days afterwards, some others have felt like this for 3weeks after-dont let it put u off tho as its worth it in the long run.
i was given a hospital gown to wear for procedure, so wouldnt worry too much about what u wear.
i had my partner pick me up as obviously i couldnt drive after sedation, plus i needed someone to look after my baby for 24 hours while sedation wore off but im sure you'll be ok on ur own afterwards.
hope this helps a little.
good luck!
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