heh i hate waiting its shitty. Is there seriously nobody else in town that does it? or even within an hour or twos drive?
i have gallstones not good
Think it would help others, to write what happens after the ballon comes out as this is the time to apply the learning!
I had my ballon out by appt this Sat 25/4/09. 9am.
I needed it out before my holiday ( the clinic was adamant it could not stay in any longer than 6 months and my return date was 5th June) and the only date available that suited us both was so had it in for 5 months.
Iwas really wishing i could have had it the full six months in the end as it was great once it settled down which i admit took a good deal of time.
In total i lost 3 stone 3ibs in 21 wks ( i think) most of it was gone by February 8th when i went to Florida for 2 wks.
In the interim time i took up jogging 3 times a week self defence classes and a boxing class, and chi gong class.
So looking a lot more toned and trimmer and feeeeeell Goooood about
I think i would like to be another 6 ibs lighter, but taking it easy and trying to stay of carbs as these are the" pile on weights for me .
I made a decision not to have any local anasetic to have the ballon out,as i wanted to enjoy the rest of the day,which i did .
It was'nt pleasant but i tried to relax and breathe deeply,closed my eyes and did what they asked me to do.
Anyhow, really working the follow up program, will keep you posted not feeling hungry but also not filling full like i did when i had the ballon in.
Really got to love my smaller portions and will keep to those sizes where i can.
Good Luck to you all, Its defintly worth it to be a new exciting person in MY life,someone who looks good ,feels great, and is so much healther in 21 wks.
Way to go
I attended a big bbq last night and I had a throughly miserable time
Normally I would have had a great time, but, perhaps because its all still so new I felt like I was missing out, not sure that makes any sense ??
I couldnt eat anything really- Had a chicken drumstick and a spoon of potato salad which I picked at, and everyone else was in full drinking mode. I tried on sip of wine and decided it was likely to make me feel sick.
I felt like a complete party pooper, and to make it worse I left at 11 and my partner stayed till the early hours, so I went home alone and really rather dejected.
Has anyone else had a family or friends event as yet? How did you cope with it?
I am sure it was just because it was the first 'event' since the op and I guess I need to realise that things just wont be the same as before, and I need toi enjoy it without the food and drink . It has been an important learning event for me as food and drink has always been a very social thing for me and the family , long lazy lunches, evenings with a glass of wine in the garden etc.
well thats me for now.
Take care guys
Hey AmyHas anyone else had a family or friends event as yet? How did you cope with it?
Hi, just want to give u an update on how its been since i had the balloon inserted on the 29th.
First of all, thank you so much to all the people that have shared their post op experiences, if it weren´t for your posts, I really would have been shocked to the core. The clinic that I am using is a reputable one, but i think they play down the after effects of the insertion. This is understandable.... they don´t want to scare people off.
Anyway, i had the surgery at c. 4pm and was out of the theatre an hour later. There was a guy that was scheduled for his balloon to be inserted before me but he was refused by the surgeon (something to do with the medication he was on). Dissappointing for him I´m sure, but their system works almost like a check and balance. The clinic that does the tests and determines if you are a likely candidate is ´independent" from the hospital and surgeons that place the balloon. So they(the surgeons) can very easily over rule what the clinic says. Infact whilst i was l on the "slab" being prepped for the insertion, I heard them discussing if i was suitable ... they seemed to think that i wasn´t fat or rather didnt look fat. But appearance wasnt the issue, the figures panned out and i qualify.
So they did it... and an hour later i was lying in bed waiting for the effects of the sedative to wear off. I was expecting to start spewing but it didn´t happen..... not until a few hours later.
At that point I was throwing up every couple of hours, it wasnt unpleasant... it was more of a relief (I found the waves of nausea and stomach churning far worse). I remember someone posted on one of the threads about the relief they got from throwing up. I welcomed it, infact i had to do so, before i took the medication. Unfortunately, 90 mins to 2 hours wasnt enough for me to experience the full benefits of the meds.
There was someone from the clinic at the end of the phone, in case of an emergency. It wasn´t an emergency but we had to have phone contact with the doc 24hrs after the op (this was obligatory). He advised us to crush the meds, mix them with water and squirt them down with a syringe. That way they´d get absorbed faster with less air absorption. He also reminded me to frequntly eat ice cubes made from an isotonic drink to settle my stomach and to help keep the fluids in.
The amount of throwing up has dramatically reduced. I don´t have the apetite for anything but i am forcefeeding myself with isotonic drinks, lots of iced water, Actimel and today I had some yoghurt.
I´ve come through it, it was a short intense period, there were times that i thought my system was trying to get me to regurgitate the balloon.
So far my battle scars are... I´m a little shaky on my feet, I have zero apetite, occasional nausea and a weight loss of 5kg, after 5 days.
This definitely beats waking up at 5am in the morning to do a 4.5 mile run 3 days a week without visible results!!! Hopefully, I can now do my running with less calories in the bank and a better outcome.
So the fight continues...![]()
Thanks Amy, ur always so supportive
I was down to 6kg by the next day.
I don't know what I am now because my boyfriend has advised me to stop weighing myself so often, so I'm trying.
I am managing to keep down what i eat which at the moment is 2 tablespoons of non fat, non sweet yoghurt, a nutrition shake with fat free milk and the bf made me some vegetable soup. I usually have about 3 tablespoons of that.
However, this eveing i had a very strong need to have some grilled chicken (that i'm supposed to be starting on wednesday) so I had 3!!! bits (fat finger sized) based on what i've been reading here the balloon starts to reject too much food. I'm wondering if I've eaten too much, I also, easily drank half a glass of unsweetened fruit juice. So far I feel fine but do you think I am expanding my stomach in doing all this eating? I'm anxious about defeating the objective of the ball or fooling it (I've heard this can be done). I'm really concerned about this i'd welcome any advice. Ta Zoo
p.s I also forgot to mention I have a very visible stomach bulge it sticks out at the top and I look bloated. someone at work mentioned they had noticed it also. Is this bloat? Does it eventually go down or is it my friend the balloon? While I'm waiting for guidance, I think i'll try a short run .....
well 1 month in and just over 2 stone down. The loss is def slowing down now I think this week its been about 2/3lb but I was expecting that.
I have only been sick once this week so far, didnt eat loads just had a small bit of fish with courgette (funnily enough it was courgette that made me sick last time I think so thats of the menu!!)
I feel a little odd this week but am due my period my PMT seems worse with the balloon in , has anyone else had this? Have had lots of early starts this week as well.
Hoping now its the weekend a good lay in tomorrow morning will sort me out.
Hope your all well, and the weight is falling of you all.