I have the PDF Version of WS4SB
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Best wishes
the WS4SB is designed for gym i guess. must be hard to do that at home.
I have the PDF Version of WS4SB
What is your e-mail address?
Best wishes
It has been sent.
Best of luck and much success with it!
Best regards,
I was browsing around and came along with this site which I am tempted to buy but I have a feeling that this is a scam or something, unless one of you guys have this manual.
Any thoughts about this?
Hi Bonethug--Welcome to the forum!
I have the opposite problem as you, unfortunately. I "ditto" most of what has been said to you here, especially the part about eating often--even if it is just a few bites at a time to get you going. Your stomach will get used to constantly digesting a little bit of food all the time and will give you "hunger reminders" if you wait too long to eat. Just make yourself eat--it WILL get easier!
One point that I want to suggest is that you consult your doctor before beginning any type of gym/exercise program, as you really are extremely underweight. I don't know much about anorexia, but I do know that extremely thin people can be badly hurt by instituting exercise routines without medical guidance. I really think you need to get your nutrition in order first; whether you are "anorexic" or not doesn't necesarily matter, but as a very very thin person you have to coddle your body as though you are. Anorexic/VERY thin bodies will turn to organs for fuel if there isn't enough fuel from food to work with. Increasing the load with exercise might be premature at this point.
I am not trying to be a turd--I just want you to be successful in your goals and thought that point worth mentioning. Keep coming here for advice--there are many people here who really know what they're doing!
Step 1--Find a few nutritious, calorie-dense foods and find a way to start getting them in!
That might be a scam. Even if it isn't, you don't need it.
Body weight exercises would probably be a good place for you to start so you can build up strength before you head into the gym. Pushups, situps, back extensions, bodyweight squats and lunges. Also, do you have somewhere where you can do pullups? If not, get a pullup bar and do pullups.
Don't forget to eat right.
Don't do exercises every morning. Your body needs time to rest. Start with Mon, Wed, and Fri like your doctor said.
Since you're joining a gym, go with the weights and don't worry about the body weight exercises.
Check out the weight training forum on this site and read the weight training 101 sticky thread. That has all the info you need to put a routine together.
Get ready to change your user name from boneThug to muscleThug
Keep us posted how your progress is going. It will keep you motivated and us to. It wont happen overnight but when your body starts to realise that good nutrition is coming in at a constant rate it will feel safe to make changes. Thats how I see it anyway
I did chest, shoulder and biceps.. Now, I feel in pain.. aarrghh! :11doh:
I would change my username when I really change.. Its just a start dude..
Well I went to gym yesterday.. start with stretching exercises.. I did chest, shoulder and biceps.. Now, I feel in pain.. aarrghh! :11doh:
Soreness will go away - keep at it.
Have you come up with a routine yet?
Soreness is to be expected, but should go away after a few days as the muscle heals (growing stronger), assuming your calorie and protein intake is sufficient. The healing / recovery time is why it is best to not work the same muscles hard every day.
Sharp pains are a warning that you are either doing something wrong and could injure yourself, or have an injury that needs medical attention.
Yeah, my biceps hurt like that too if I work them hard after a long break. A few times I couldn't straighten my arms for a few days.
You should come up with a routine. There are 6 exercises you should be doing - Squat, Deadlift, Bench Press, Shoulder Press, Bentover Rows, and Pullups. You could do a full body workout (FBW) by doind all 6 exercises 3 days a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday for example). Or, you could split them up between pushing exercises (squat, bench press, and shoulder press) and pulling exercises (deadlift, bentover row, and pullup). Do pushing exercises on Monday and Thursday and pulling exercises on Tuesday and Friday. There are countless other ways you could make a routine. Just make sure to get enough rest as your body will build while resting. Figure out what works into your schedule. You can always post your routine in the weight-training forum for advice.
I'm not familiar with the Weider principal, someone else will have to comment on that. HIIT (high intensity interval training) is a way to have a more intense cardio workout in a shorter amount of time. HIIT is great for weightloss, not what you are after. At least not yet.