Sport Gaining Weight

Sport Fitness
Hi guys, I'm new in the forum.

I want to ask if there is any way I can improve myself. What I mean is I'm a skinny guy, 25 yrs old. I have no appetite. Once I eat.. I get hard time being hungry again. I am semi-vegetarian. I got a Soy Protein as a supplement, but I think its not working. Im getting desperate. I want this thing in my life to be handled properly because everybody says I'm like a walking skeleton.. I need your help.

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Hey, welcome to the forum!

This may not be what you wanted to hear, but I don't see how it's possible to be a vegetarian and pack on muscle. You just cannot get enough calories (and especially protein), even with the occasional soy protein supplement.

How tall are you and how much do you weigh? You can use those figures to find out your daily calorie needs (formulas are posted in one of the stickies). Then you need to eat about 500 calories OVER that number for a consistent period of time - that is the ONLY way to gain weight. You'll also need a great deal of protein (at least 1 gram per pound of body weight) and complex carbs. As far as not being hungry, that's just something you'll have to get over. The more you eat, the more your appetite will increase, I promise!

Brouse around the forum for a bit and you'll find everything you need to know about the foods you should be eating and the kind of training you should be doing.

My advice: consider what it is your trying to accomplish (in terms of weight/strength gain) and ask yourself if being a vegetarian (+ low calorie consumption) is going to help or HINDER your goals. Best of luck!
This may not be what you wanted to hear, but I don't see how it's possible to be a vegetarian and pack on muscle. You just cannot get enough calories (and especially protein), even with the occasional soy protein supplement.

May not be as easy, but it is possible to be vegetarian and not be scrawny:

To the original poster: what do you currently eat, and what exercise do you currently do?
Hey, welcome to the forum!

This may not be what you wanted to hear, but I don't see how it's possible to be a vegetarian and pack on muscle. You just cannot get enough calories (and especially protein), even with the occasional soy protein supplement.

How tall are you and how much do you weigh? You can use those figures to find out your daily calorie needs (formulas are posted in one of the stickies). Then you need to eat about 500 calories OVER that number for a consistent period of time - that is the ONLY way to gain weight. You'll also need a great deal of protein (at least 1 gram per pound of body weight) and complex carbs. As far as not being hungry, that's just something you'll have to get over. The more you eat, the more your appetite will increase, I promise!

Brouse around the forum for a bit and you'll find everything you need to know about the foods you should be eating and the kind of training you should be doing.

My advice: consider what it is your trying to accomplish (in terms of weight/strength gain) and ask yourself if being a vegetarian (+ low calorie consumption) is going to help or HINDER your goals. Best of luck!

I am not 100 percent vegetarian. Just put it this way, I am only vegetarian when I'm at home. Whenever I go out with friends then I eat non-veg food. I weigh only 90 lbs, I'm 5'6" tall.

Dude everybody is saying me I just need to get over with. I tried several times.. I just can't eat.. I don't know what's wrong with me.. that's the biggest problem in my life. I only eat when I want to or if I get hungry, otherwise I do not. :(
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To the original poster: what do you currently eat, and what exercise do you currently do?

At home, indian food.. like 'chapati', then assorted veggies. When I'm out, usually burgers, or pasta because that's the only one I can finish. When I go fine dining.. usually chicken meat with mashed potatoes which unfortunately I can't finish all.. :(

With regard to exercise. I only do some push-up every morning and some stretching. I did go to gym way back 2 years but nothing happened.. :(
Have you ever tried eating little bits of food often? Like really often! Maybe this is the best way to get your calories in. Can you drink alot or is it the same as eating?
There's no other way other than to just start eating. If you started putting more nuts (almonds, etc) and seeds (pumpkin, sesame, etc) those can add up in calories very quickly.

The problem is you're not trying to increase your appetite.

The easy way is to start lighter. As an example, add in an egg and an English muffin with your breakfast in the morning. Add in a protein shake on a regular basis. Have a cup of cottage cheese with a piece of fruit before bed. Do this for a week. Then after a week add in a couple ounces of nuts and seeds a couple times a day. Do this for a week. Repeat with adding in foods.

And nothing is going to happen unless you either go to the gym or buy some weights around your house.
To add to evolution's post above, you may want to see a doctor to see if there is any medical reason for your lack of appetite. 90 pounds at 5'6" is extremely underweight.

Also, if you are Indian, note that people from the Indian subcontinent have a 3 to 4 times higher risk of heart disease than others. You may want to emphasize heart healthy calorie dense foods (e.g. nuts and seeds) for your gains, rather than heart unhealthy junk food, as well as doing muscle building exercises to ensure that your gains include a sufficient proportion of muscle (rather than body fat).
Keep in mind that putting on muscle is a funtion of two things: lifting and eating. You said that you went to the gym 2 years ago with no results. I'm going to assume that you were eating the same back then as you are now. In that case, you didn't see any results because you weren't giving your body the fuel it needs to build muscle.

You need to eat more. I know you're full, but eat anyway. Evolution gave some good advice to overcome your small stomach. As you eat more, your stomach will expand and you will be able to eat more at every meal. Also, scrap the junk food and eat some real food, even when snacking. Chips and combos do not provide the nutrition you need. Take Evo's advice about nuts and seeds.

I grew up with everyone telling me I looking like a walking skeleton. At around 19 or 20 I got sick of everyone's comments and starting taking lifting and eating seriously. I started at 130 lbs and I now weight about 170.
Thanks for your advise guys. I will keep you posted whatever improvement ill be making. I will also consult my doctor for this.

BTW, I forgot to mention. Last year I tried this chinese medicine which boost appetite, and seriously I start eating a lot and gain weight. The problem with that is, I get so many pimples even in my back and also red spots. So then, I stopped it. I was thinking of having that again but afraid that it may just get worst.

The name of that appetite booster is Ling Zhi. You may want to check it out if its safe. I took this without the consent of my doctor.
I wouldn't take that appetite booster. Your much better off doing it as naturally as possible. You never know what is in things like that.
Hi guys, I'm new in the forum.

I want to ask if there is any way I can improve myself. What I mean is I'm a skinny guy, 25 yrs old. I have no appetite. Once I eat.. I get hard time being hungry again. I am semi-vegetarian. I got a Soy Protein as a supplement, but I think its not working. Im getting desperate. I want this to thing in my life to be handled properly because everybody says I'm like a walking skeleton.. I need your help.


I Have to agree with Tjl, first a foremost, you need to see your doctor and make sure you don't have any medical issues because are *very* thin for someone your height. He would be the best person to consult with and head you in the right direction. You could also ask him about seeing a nutritionist. It could be another option to help you increase your appetite.

Thanks once again for all your input guys. Really appreciate it.

Umm.. Should I join gym now or fix my eating habits first?
Thank you. I'll check that out. :)

Don't you have any basic exercise which I can first start at home before hitting the gym?

I have the PDF Version of WS4SB

What is your e-mail address?

Best wishes
