G8r80's training / dieting / cycling / log

I spent all day yesterday getting one of my rental houses ready for the new tenant, including rolling a concrete anchor 2'x2'x2' (8 cu. feet) x 145#/cu ft = big @$$ heavy (900#) 50 feet. That wore my old @$$ out. That should be a Strongman category;) Then, I lifted with a come-along onto a tree branch, backed a trailer under it and hauled it off to a landfill. A 5-year problem finally solved.

Today, went to the gym but only managed 500 yards in pool before I was winded, worn out, and ready to call it a day.
Happy 4th of July, Richard.

Hope you enjoyed time with family, friends.

Best regards,

Thanks Don! Yes, I had a nice 4th of July except I fell carrying some stuff during a downpour and bruised my lower leg and foot. Now, my foot is all black and is alarming me. I may have to have it checked out when I return from Alaska.

Today I went to the YMCA in Anchorage. I forgot to pack my swim trunks, but it was just as well. Anchorage is unusually hot for this time of year (mid 80s) and everyone was in the pool. Most did not wear goggles and were just farting around. So, I headed to the weight room:

Bench press: 135# x 3, 185# x 3, 225# x 1 failed, 185# x 3, 175# x 10, 225# x 1 succeeded.

Squats: 135# x 6, 155# x 6, 185# x 6, 225# x 2 x 4

Parallel bar pullups bodyweight: 8, 7, 6

Stationary bike: 1 hour, moderately hard pace, heart rate: 128 - 140.
July 7: swam 500 yards. Shoulders ached from the bench press and pullups, so that ended the swim. Shoulders were sore this morning as well.

Stationary bike: 50 minutes at moderate effort heart rate: 130 -140.

July 8: rest day

July 9:

Bench press: 135# x 3, 155# x 3, 175# x 9, 185# x 7
Wide arm bw pullups: 7, 7, 6
Ab work
Plank: 2 minutes
Dead lift: 185# x 6, 225# x 6
Stationary bike: 1 hour, moderate pace

Flew back from Alaska
My doctor called and told me I have a relatively uncommon (for a male) urinary tract infection of Streptococcus Bovis. This would not be a big deal, and is easily treated with penicillin, except that persons who have had heart valve surgery, like me, are more susceptible to endocarditis. So, I'm taking the next 8 days off until I finish my round of antibiotics.

Something else to worry about, as if I didn't have enough on my plate already...
My doctor called and told me I have a relatively uncommon (for a male) urinary tract infection of Streptococcus Bovis. This would not be a big deal, and is easily treated with penicillin, except that persons who have had heart valve surgery, like me, are more susceptible to endocarditis. So, I'm taking the next 8 days off until I finish my round of antibiotics.

Something else to worry about, as if I didn't have enough on my plate already...

No kidding, Richard. :(

But, you have the shoulders and psychology to handle this and anything else that may come. You will adapt and over come. Your body has already shown you its capability; continue to have faith in it, and keep working at it.

Keep us posted, Richard. I will be thinking about you, and checking in on your journal to see how you are doing.

Peace.......and a speedy recovery and improvement.

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Thanks for the concern, Chillen

You are welcome. I have followed your medical and fitness history nearly from the beginning. And, with all of your medical complications (heart surgery, etc, etc), you are strong, forthright, confident, and most importantly, have heart. I respect what you do and whom you are (for what its worth). A lot of young ones, with much less problems accomplish less, cause they can't handle the everyday life stress-test.

You pass with flying colors. And, all of them are born from the heart.


Although I probably should have been laying low until the antibiotics had run their course, that is not my style

This week in Boulder, Colorado, at the YMCA:

Monday, July 13

Bench press: 135# x 3, 155# x 3, 185# x 5, 4, 5
Front squats: 65# x 6 x 3. Mens Health magazine recommended these, but I don't like them.
Seated cable rows: 3 x 10
Stationary bike: 40 minutes at moderately hard pace
Bodyweight dips: 3 x 10. These are hard to do after the bench press.
Ab work
Pool was busy

Tuesday, July 14

Stationary bike: 1 hour at hard pace.
500 yards in pool. I don't know if it was the elevation or what, but I was gasping for air after each 50.

Wednesday, July 15

Stationary bike: 1 hour at hard pace
Dumbbell bench press: 75#. These are hard to handle. I don't lift them over the chest/face in the event that I lose one: 3 x 10. 6 months ago, I struggled to do 50# dumbbells
Wide arm pullups: 8, 7, 6

Thursday, July 16

Stationary bike: 40 minutes at moderate pace. No energy.
Squats: 185# x 3 x 5
Ab work

Friday, July 17

Flew from Denver to Tampa

Leg doesn't bother me at all. I think I might test out my running legs in Madison next week. But, alas, I am in no condition to do the Racine Half (Ironman) on Sunday, but I am scheduling that for next year.
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Saturday and Sunday: Got egged into Flyinfree's squat competition to do 500 bodyweight squats in 24 hours. I got all 500 done but my legs were trashed - couldn't do another one. I gave it all I had.

Monday: YMCA in Madison, Wisconsin:

Bench press: 135# x 3, 155# x 3, 185# x 3 x 5
Pullups: 3x6
Stationary bike: 30 minutes
Seated side twists with legs raised
600 yards in pool. Swimming felt awkward and my arms were sore.


2 miles on treadmill. No issues with shinsplints. I think I am cured!


1 hour on stationary bike - moderately hard
1200 yards in pool. Felt much better after not dring bench press and pullups beforehand.


5k on treadmill. 10:00 / mile pace.


1 hour on stationary bike
1200 yards in pool

Saturday: I joined a weightlifting club at the gym. First meeting was meet and greet, today was to determine 1-rep maxes.

Deadlift: 135# x 3, 225# x 3, 315# x 1, 365# x 1, failed at 405.
Bench press: 135# x 5, failed at 225# 3 times
10K run today in 59:55. Had to do last mile in 8:27 to get in under 1 hour. My longest run since my half iron on April 5. No pain, but a little tenderness in leg. I'll be curious to see what it feels like tomorow.
Way to go especially that last mile!!!! Hope you aren't feeling sore today. I am thinking of training up for a trail 15K after my comp. I miss running for fun instead of fat loss. :)
10K run today in 59:55. Had to do last mile in 8:27 to get in under 1 hour. My longest run since my half iron on April 5. No pain, but a little tenderness in leg. I'll be curious to see what it feels like tomorow.

Good for you, Richard! :) How is it feeling today?

Best wishes,

Thanks, Don. There is mild tenderness, but nothing like I had experienced previously. I am going to get back into running gradually, doing no more than 3 - 6 miles at a time and providing 2 days rest in between. I was concerned that I had a stress fracture, but that is much less likely now.

Thanks for checking in.;)
Thanks, Don. There is mild tenderness, but nothing like I had experienced previously. I am going to get back into running gradually, doing no more than 3 - 6 miles at a time and providing 2 days rest in between. I was concerned that I had a stress fracture, but that is much less likely now.

Thanks for checking in.;)

You're welcome! This is good news; good to hear it! :)

Best regards,

That's fine, Don, it's all in good fun;)

Today: 4.5 miles in 48 minutes. I felt sluggish. Heart rate was well under control, but legs were dead. That long layoff set me back, but I'll regain it (and pass it) quickly.
Gym today:

Squats: 135#x3, 185#x6, 225#x2, 185#x6
Dumbblell bench press: 50# x 10, 65# x 10, 75# x 9 (to failure)
Felt like sh-t! Later in day had chills. I am worried that I have swine flu, although I realize the odds are really, really low.
Well, I was right that I didn't have the swine flu or the regular flu for that matter. Yesterday, I woke up with my lower right leg (not the one with the shin splint issue) swollen, hot and sensitive (don't get excited Big Tom!). Then, I started about the coincidences:

1. I had a strep B urinary tract infection a week ago.
2. I had flu-like symptoms this week.
3. My leg sure feels infected to me.

The chances of me having 3 separate infections seemed implausibly low, so I started thinking that there was some relationship between the three.

I made an appointment with my general practitioner today and when I saw her, I thought she would nonchalantly give me a antibiotic and possibly drain the swelling, but to my surprise, she was very concerned. She is very knowledgeable of my prior cardiac procedures and was very concerned that I had deep vein thrombosis. So concerned that she personally called the radiologist and had them take me right away. She gave me instructions that if my condition deteriorates on the way over there, to pull over and call 911! That was very alarming.

At the radiologist office, they take me almost as soon as I walk in the door, ahead of the 30 people waiting. The ultrasound tech does an ultrasound on the deep vein in my right leg. I ask her how long will it take to hear the results from the radiologist and she says that dVT is the only diagnosis she is allowed to make and tells me that I don't have DVT nor need to go to the emergency room. I stick around and get an xray as well.

I get a call from my general practitioner a couple of hours later and she confirms no DVT and no broken leg bones and gives me a scrip for an antibiotic and tells me no exercise for a week.
Good that you take care of it. It's a bit of a bummer not to be able to work-out, but enjoy the relaxation!