I did a mock run of my sprint triathlon on June 29 in Rochester, MN. Home of the world famous Mayo Clinic
Swim: 440 yards in 65 - 70F expected water. I swam 22 laps in my 10 yard heated (84F) pool wearing a Desoto 5mil wetsuit over a 6.5mil scuba diving farmer john wetsuit. I was burning up as you would guess!
Time: 16:00. I had to stop and float way too many times. And I was unfamiliar with swimming in a full wetsuit, something that I will have to practice. Also, I need to get the matching Desoto Bibjohn which is 5mil rather than 6.5mil and more flexible. I forgot to warm up beforehand and hit that shock sensation after about 1 minute where I start hyperventilating because my heart is not up to speed yet. All of these contributed to a slower than expected time. But the wetsuits kept me at the surface
T1: 7:00
. I puttered around, struggling to get my wetsuits off, drying myself off, putting on a dry shirt, putting on socks, but, most importantly, I was still winded and needed much of this to catch my breath. What I need to realize in the future is that because I am so comfortable on the bike, I can be catching my breath even at a slow pace of 15 - 16 mph. I can easily shave 4 minutes off this time. My bodyglide arrived today but I didn't use it. I will certainly use it during the real deal.
Bike: 43 minutes. Rode the mountain bike 11.3 miles, which I think is comparable to 13 on the sprint. In hindsight, I think I can go 13 miles on the road bike a lot faster than 11.3 on the mountain bike. I think I can shave 3+ minutes off this time. To save my legs, I went easy on the last 1/2 mile and that was a big improvement over my brick the other night.
T2: 30 seconds. Because I rode the mountain bike which has old school toe clips, I was wearing running shoes and didn't change. Obviously, with a road bike, I will have to change so add 1:30 minutes to this time. But, I was not winded when I got off the bike and I would have drank on the bike if I had remembered a water bottle, so I should be hydrated for the run.
Run: 18 minutes + 15 minutes + 1 minute = 34:00. The first lap was tough; I had to stop and walk for about :30 about 4 times which cost me. At first, my calves were giving me that little twinge like they were threatening to cramp up, but didn't. During the second lap, I toughened up and applied an old cycling trick: when faced with tough conditions and monotony, I would count my revolutions on the bike. It keeps my mind involved and (somewhat) forgets the pain. I counted my breaths on the second lap and didn't have to stop and ended up with a decent, for post-surgery me, time of 10:00 miles. To make it a 5K, I added 1 minute for the additional .1 mile.
Total: Swim + T1 + Bike + T2 + Run = 1:40:30
So, if I continue to improve and get back some of my pre-surgery endurance, a 1:30 sprint tri (440yd, 13 mile, 5K) is well within my grasp.
Edit: I just noticed the bike is only 10 miles, not 13. That will cut another 9 minutes off my bike time.