is that really what you were saying?
whatever you say...
edit: for the record, i don't care whether or not anyone does mushrooms. i was just stating my opinion about them, good and bad.
When I said I know what it's like, I mean, I know what it's like to see the world without the filter of perception. No, I don't know what mushrooms are like because I have never tried them, nor do I ever plan on it. No, I will never have that exact same experience. What I am saying is that my perception of the world is good enough and pure enough for me. The way I can see things if I really try hard enough is very similar to the way you described. No I'm sure it's not exactly the same because we all perceive things differently, and I am sure that your perception, so helpfully aided by the use of psychotropic drugs, is quite different than mine. Iam in no way claiming that I can experience the exact things you can. You just seemd to be illustrating the pont that your way was somehow better. that it was something wonderful that only drug users can experience. I am here to set things straight and say that profound enjoyment of the natural world can be tactfully achieved with only the use of one's clean and whole mind.