Friends And Drugs

is that really what you were saying?

whatever you say...

edit: for the record, i don't care whether or not anyone does mushrooms. i was just stating my opinion about them, good and bad.

When I said I know what it's like, I mean, I know what it's like to see the world without the filter of perception. No, I don't know what mushrooms are like because I have never tried them, nor do I ever plan on it. No, I will never have that exact same experience. What I am saying is that my perception of the world is good enough and pure enough for me. The way I can see things if I really try hard enough is very similar to the way you described. No I'm sure it's not exactly the same because we all perceive things differently, and I am sure that your perception, so helpfully aided by the use of psychotropic drugs, is quite different than mine. Iam in no way claiming that I can experience the exact things you can. You just seemd to be illustrating the pont that your way was somehow better. that it was something wonderful that only drug users can experience. I am here to set things straight and say that profound enjoyment of the natural world can be tactfully achieved with only the use of one's clean and whole mind.
...see this is exactly what I'd be afraid of, I'd start thinking: who am I, where am I, what is this universe I live in, is the sun gonna burn out or explode, what if there's no atmosphere and I just float away, oh my god I'm gonna would be downhill from there LOL...

yeah, i totally know what you mean! and, you know yourself best so maybe you shouldn't do them. :eek: but, the one thing that you do learn (after doing them a few times) is that you can literally manipulate the situation so that you are only thinking about good, the second a negative thought enters your mind, you can decide to change your mind and you can avoid a bad trip. it's totally different from real life where sometimes it takes a while to snap out of a bad funk. (but, like i said, this actually takes some practice).

the other thing about mushrooms is that you can snap out of it in phases. it's strange actually! you can make yourself sober for a few minutes at a time.

but, it's refreshing that you and others here have a open mind about drugs. drug laws sometimes have little to do with the effect that they actually have on people and their bodies, particularly when compared to cigarettes and alcohol. and, it's always better to talk and understand the differences so that people aren't living in fear or ignorance.
Yeah, I'm pretty open about most things even if I chose not to involve myself directly.

People have been experimenting with drugs since the beginning of time. In fact I think I read somewhere that's how they discovered how anethestics can help in the medical field. Some guy was high on something and had a gash in his head and had not felt a thing...something like that. Or it could just be my imagination...:yelrotflmao:
You just seemd to be illustrating the pont that your way was somehow better. that it was something wonderful that only drug users can experience.

is that what i'm doing? lol! i'm trying to point out that the truth -- that you don't know what i'm describing because you haven't done it. if you agree, then we have no problem (even though you weren't saying this a while ago). anyway, this whole thing started when you said:

If you need mushrooms to do this [enjoy nature], then I think it is highly unfortunate for you. My method costs a lot less and it's legal. (That's always a plus) :)

so, who is really trying to say that their "way" is somehow better? i mean, c'mon.

I am here to set things straight and say that profound enjoyment of the natural world can be tactfully achieved with only the use of one's clean and whole mind.

i can totally accept your point but it has nothing to do with my point. i'm talking about doing shrooms. at what point did i say that i or anyone else needed drugs to enjoy nature or the world? of course it's possible to do this w/o shrooms. all i said is that the drug brings your mind to another level, a level that is impossible if you are sober's a drug. it's poison and it's literally affecting your brain in a very specific way. of course no one needs to do shrooms and if you do them, it doesn't mean that you are inducted in some super exclusive club of people who can enjoy nature. it just means that you've done shrooms and you've had that experience! that's all.

basically, it comes down to this: i'm talking about doing shrooms. meanwhile, you don't know what i'm talking about because you've never done shrooms. no matter what you say, you've never done them and you don't know what i'm talking about. and you don't want to do them so that's fine, no problem, right? it doesn't mean anything more than that. if you think you can mentally produce some kind of pseudo-shroom trip, then fine. but, i was just confused as to why you were so intent on comparing your own experiences with something that you've never done before and basically, don't have actual experience with.

anyway, i could continue this forever (as everyone knows) but i'm pretty sure that no one else cares and i'm also pretty sure that at the end of the day neither one of us care that much about this topic.
Wow, sounds intersting enough. I guess if there was someone there who I fully trusted it would be ok. LOL, though I wouldn't even begin to know where to get some!

Just look under where cows graze and empty their bowels. Mushrooms taste like ....... yeah, they taste bad. But so does peyote.

Aeon...can you please use capital letters in your posts? It drives me nuts.
You just seemd to be illustrating the pont that your way was somehow better. that it was something wonderful that only drug users can experience. I am here to set things straight and say that profound enjoyment of the natural world can be tactfully achieved with only the use of one's clean and whole mind.

No I think what he's saying is the euphoria achieved from taking mushrooms can not be matched by a sober state of mind. I have to agree to some extent...being on hallucinagenic drugs (acid, mushrooms, peyote) is extremely different than other drugs and wayyyy different than not being hallucinagenics.

I never read that he posted that you can't have profound enjoyment of the natural world without being clean and sober.

...ehhhh...I think I'll have a Guiness to toast to sobriety.

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I care. Friends don't let friends do drugs



There is a bit of truth in this though; I was drinking cactus juice with a friend and his mates in Spain when one of the Irish guys he worked with looked in the mirror and saw himself dead after getting run over. We then had to get to the pub about 5 streets away without crossing the road because he was scared sh*tless :yelrotflmao:

So kids, don't do drugs -

Just give them to your mates and laugh at them
I know this is an old thread, but I just wanted to say that acid beats mushrooms anyday (at least in my experiences). I've had too many bad times on shrooms where I just did not feel like I could function. There were definitely some good times too, but I've never had any of these bad experiences on acid. I have to say that acid is AMAZING. It's definitely not something you want to do all the time though. I go to festivals a lot over the summer, and some of those people do it all the time. They take like 20 hits at a time. It's ridiculous and you can definitely tell it's affected their brain over the years. I tried it for the first time over the summer, and I'm so glad I did. I've probably done it on 3 other occasions since then and plan to do it again.

Also weed is not evil. I am a senior at Ohio State. I have a 3.7 cumulative gpa. I work out 5-6 days a week and work 20-30 hrs a week while in school. I also am going to be doing an internship next quarter on top of everything else. I am HIGHLY motivated, and I smoke almost every single day (usually at night once I get all my stuff done).

I think it's completely up to the individual how they let it affect their daily lives. I am planning on quitting sometime though because I really don't want to get cancer, but for now, it's something I like and will continue to do. In fact, I think alcohol is a lot worse for someone's body than marijuana is.
you felt you had to post on this old thread so bad you created a account lol. I am 17 and i did weed in year 8 alcohol in year 9 and E in year ten i have also done speed. Those are the times i started ;) i dident just do them once but i stoped like half way threw year ten. Ecstasy is heaps good at bush doofs/raves with the phat psytrance beats playing. Thats the only time i ever did it was at massive party's.
oops forgot to say i quit pretty much anything that isent healthy once i became edicted to the gym. I prefer this ediction rather then ice or cocaine
Being an anti-drugs crusader I noticed there was a news item on Army 'losing battalion' to drugs. Many work places do test for drugs and the guy the OP quoted as keeping a regular job and doing his thing on weekends is puzzling as one would expect due to the addictive nature for him to do his thing regularly and get into trouble at work(or for his performance at work to deteriorate).

Bottom Line :- Stay away from drugs
you felt you had to post on this old thread so bad you created a account lol. I am 17 and i did weed in year 8 alcohol in year 9 and E in year ten i have also done speed. Those are the times i started ;) i dident just do them once but i stoped like half way threw year ten. Ecstasy is heaps good at bush doofs/raves with the phat psytrance beats playing. Thats the only time i ever did it was at massive party's.

No I actually made this account a couple days ago. I've been on this site for awhile, but have never really posted anything. I was actually searching for something else, and I came across this thread. Just felt like adding my opinion.

Anyway NOT everyone who does a drug is an idiot, but I agree that most people who are addicted to drugs are idiots. I'm not an idiot, I'm just open-minded towards trying certain things. There are a LOT drugs I will NEVER try though. Almost all of them actually. I'm not addicted to anything and never will be. The only thing I would be a little sad if I never got to do again would be smoking, but honestly I don't even care. Plus I don't really think that should be considered a drug.

Overall, drugs ARE bad and can be very very dangerous. I've done plenty of research though and have tried what I've wanted to try. My priorities were never affected, and I don't regret a thing.
Being an anti-drugs crusader I noticed there was a news item on Army 'losing battalion' to drugs. Many work places do test for drugs and the guy the OP quoted as keeping a regular job and doing his thing on weekends is puzzling as one would expect due to the addictive nature for him to do his thing regularly and get into trouble at work(or for his performance at work to deteriorate).

Bottom Line :- Stay away from drugs

Tribal we have something in common. :beerchug:

Rock On with being drug free!
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I don't do drugs, I just smoke weed. lmao :D I've been waiting for an opportunity to use that..