Friends And Drugs

i'm not sure about peyote seeds. i can't find any sites that sell in the US! i'm pretty sure if you could get the seeds, someone i know would've tried to grow by now.

on the other hand, you can buy marijuana seeds but it's illegal to grow them. (unless you live in alaska). so, of course there a ton of people growing on the dl.

anyway, steddie, i feel you in some ways. i don't really like when my friends buy in public. that's just shady (esp in a bar?) and i totally feel uncomfortable. in that case, you should tell your friend to handle his business before you guys hang out because it f@ck$ng pisses you off. also, you can try to make it clear that you'd want to chill out on the town and see if he's down with that. just be honest and explicit about your feelings and i'm sure you're friend will understand.
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I've always been too afraid to try mushrooms, E, etc. I would be the one person who would have to be committed LOL.

I don't do anything (right now) but have friends who smoke pot on a regular basis. I see nohting wrong with anything 'natural', ie pot, I mean it's a plant, it's been around forever, I've smoked it before. But I wouldn't try anything manufactured, other than alcohol...I'm weak :eek:
Having said that, I don't look down on anyone who indulges. It's their choice and as long as they can handle the consequences, go for it.

IMO only the people who are predisposed to addictive behavior will have it 'ruin' their lives. And it doesn't have to be drugs but whatever vice they chose, people get addicted to shopping, shoplifting, drinking, drugs, gambling etc.
yeah, i totally agree -- if someone is predisposed to having an "addictive personality", that probably plays a HUGE role in whether or not their "addiction" ruins their life as it becomes a psychological dependence.

i just want to add that there are some drugs/chemicals that are highly addictive (eg: nicotine) and since addiction is technically physiological, then it's probably best to stay away from those chemicals if you are nervous or if you don't want to be physically addicted.

also, while E isn't physically additive, i wouldn't recommend it to anyone although i'd be lying if i didn't admit that i had some fun times on E. it's fun at first but the more you do it, the less effect it has. and, the ugly side is the "down" which can get really depressing as E does screw with your brain's release of serotonin. so, while it is fun, it gets

marijuana is not physically addictive (your brain doesn't grow dependent on it) and as far as i know, mushrooms aren't either.
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I smoked weed for many years. Till I was 35 I was a chronic smoker. Health reasons got me to quit. Now Im glad that I dont smoke anymore. I was a lazy stoner, not all people are that way. To each their own. Now I spend that money on other things, like my bikes, healthier food, and vacations. My wife still smokes, does'nt bother me. She keeps it to herself and respects that I dont smoke. Really to me, its one step less then a drinker. Neither is healthy.

As far as addiction goes, I get the feeling most of us are addicted to the high we get from working out, I know I am.
E wasn't popular yet in my stoner days so I never tried it. I did shrooms once, but thought it was weak compared to acid.

...and smoke it if you want, but don't think weed isn't bad for you just because it's natural, arsenic is also natural
on the other hand, i think everyone should do mushrooms at least one time in their lives. :eek: you'll never believe what your mind is of capable of or see how beautiful the world really, really is until you can step outside of yourself and your own subconscious limitations and preconceived notions and well...mushrooms allow you to do this (and NO, i'm not tripping right now!)

oh, and if you haven't done shrooms, don't knock it till you try it. :)

Well, I've never done them and the world is beautiful just as it is. I believe I am fully capable of seeing the true beauty of the world. I can also step outside of myself and my subconscious limitations on my own. I don't need neurotoxins to do it. All it takes is a little meditation and concentration, and I'm good to go.

If you need mushrooms to do this, then I think it is highly unfortunate for you. My method costs a lot less and it's legal. (That's always a plus) :)


Oh, plus, just so you know THC was found to be addictive. :)
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hey, i knew that someone would say this. let me just say that i'm not criticizing anyone who hasn't done mushrooms. of course i don't NEED them to see the beauty of the world. i'm just saying that it opens your mind to another level. i don't belive you are capable of reaching this level but of course, that's my opinion. and, unless you've done mushrooms, you can't possibly understand what i mean. simple as that.
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From what I have read, and from the countless studies conducted, it was found to be psychologically addictive. No, it's not like meth, heroin or cocaine where the body goes into withdrawal without it in the system. But using it makes you want to use more and more, and when you're not using it you feel bad. It's a psychological dependence or an addiction (if we aren't being technical here). For you, it may not be. You may not have an addictive personality. But some people do, and they can get carried away. Any type of activity can be addictive. Common addictive activities include, shopping, gambling, or anything else that can be carried out in excess. I confess to being addicted to the internet. No the internet is not a substance that I am physically dependent on, but I do feel bad when I can't get on to check the forum.

Therefore, for many people, smoking marijuana is an addictive behaviour.

Edit: You already know this then. Oh well.
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yeah, a few of us made that same distinction re: psychological and psysiological addiction a few posts back. moonbean actually mentioned the exact examples you mentioned. i'm talking about physical addiction.

"There are two prominent definitions of addiction. One is based on the negative reinforcement model where you take drugs to avoid withdrawal. By this definition, the opiates, barbiturates, and alcohol are the most highly addictive, and THC would score low or not at all. By the second definition, which is based on positive reinforcement, addiction reflects the positive hedonic effects of the drug (the drug rush) and conditioned effects which lead to compulsive drug-seeking and taking behavior. By this definition, amphetamine, cocaine, and heroine (but not morphine) are the most addictive. again, THC would score low here. So for the average person, THC is not addictive by either definition of drug addiction. Plus, generally speaking, animals will not self-administer THC; but they will under some conditions, for example, if they are under anxiety."

sorry, no source to site :(
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So, I know it's probably hard, but can you try to explain what it's like to take mushrooms? You've got me curious.

Still though, I'd be too afraid to try them, I guess in small enough quantities but I'm afraid that I would end up having a panic attack and end in the hospital LOL...
hey moonbeam,

i can try to explain it you and hopefully it will make sense. the hard part is not only the explanation but trying to convey that this is not a situation where someone can say "i know what that's like" (unless the person is completely insane!). as long as you keep that in mind, then it's much easier to explain! :) the overall idea is that all your senses are extremely heightened and that everyone has different experiences because the drug stimulates thinking about those senses (which is why people sometimes have "bad" trips). in a bad trip, your sense are just as heightened except about negative or scary things. basically, if you can't have a bad trip without the drug, you can't really have a good trip without it either (which is why you can't really simulate shrooms in your mind, on your own.)

sorry for the length but here goes:

-imagine biting into a grapefruit with the rind on it and what it would taste like and also the texture. you can imagine that the rind would have a really strong bitter taste, be really chewy and might even overpower the flesh part of the fruit. now, make that grapefruit into a grape and is what it's like to eat a grape on shrooms. all of the sudden, the taste and texture of the skin of a grape is so pronounced and strong and you can taste the skin in a way that you never had. all the subtleties (tartness, sweetness, saltiness) that usually blend in with the overall taste of the skin are no longer subtle. even if you eat the skin off a grape right now, you won't taste it the way you would on shrooms. it's impossible.

-imagine that you've lived your entire life without ever having seen a blade of grass. you can literally stare at a blade of grass for 30 minutes and think about it -- what the hell is this? you start to think about how it grows, how it gains nutrients, how it feels, how it smells, the differences in texture are clearer to you (your mind will literally see the difference in textures, shades of color in one blade of grass in a way it wouldn't if you were sober). the beauty in one blade of grass and it's connection with the planet can actually bring tears to your eyes. (hey! no hippy jokes - dammit). when you do shrooms for the first time, you'll feel as if you've never seen or thought about nature. so, you can only imagine what it's like to see flowers, fruit or animals. flowers will blow your mind!!! lol. (people are pretty funny to look at too...)

-imagine that you can look at sand on the beach and see individual grains w/o any effort. you can see the different shapes and sizes and colors so clearly that it's as if they are the size of big rocks. they don't actually look bigger, it's just that you can see everything so much clearer that they might as well be huge. and, this visual stimulus will lead you on the same path as the blade of grass -- you can literally think about sand for hours. why would you want to do this? why wouldn't you - it's beautiful.

-imagine anything that seems incomprehensible, like the creation of the universe OR the meaning of life. on shrooms, you can think through these things based on everything you know and there isn't a point when your mind stops thinking or feels overwhelmed. it just continues trying to figure things out and, this is gonna sound crazy, but you can figure it out to a certain extent. it's almost like there is nothing that you or mankind is incapable of understanding, lol. there are no limitations and it's effortless. (if you like philosophy then you have to do it. there's just no doubt that all those philosophers weren't also doing something! j/k haha...)

-oh, and, you'll laugh like you've never laughed before. all you have to do is think about something funny and you'll be laughing hysterically in seconds. and, most likely, everyone with you will also be dying laughing over it, too. :yelrotflmao: another reason it's the happy drug. weed doesn't even come close. oh, yeah, and of course...the fun part: things move and colors (sand on a beach moves like waves in water, marble tile looks like it's melting and swirling, carpet also looks like waves). oh, and you hear random stuff too...your sense of hearing is also heightened. you become more in touch with yourself than is possible w/o the drug. it's as if you are inside a shell of of yourself and watching yourself at the same time.

i totally understand your concerns. i was nervous the first time i did them too. and, it's true, you can have a bad trip so if you end up doing it make sure that you aren't going through any trauma or really stressful events in your life. i've had one bad trip and it wasn't fun. in fact, almost everyone i know has had a bad trip at some point in time and they are really, really scary. basically, it's just has be all good when do mushrooms. my favorite way to do it is lying on the grass in a park or at the beach or on top of a hill somewhere with other positive people who have done it before.

and, i realize this might be touchy for some people as mushrooms are illegal in the US and a drug. of course, this is something to think about and also the consequences of potentially having a bad trip or getting caught by the po po, both of which are baaaaad. (but, at least you can go to amsterdam!) also, i'm sorry if i'm making anyone uncomfortable. i just feel that it's better to talk about things openly and honestly.
Thanks for the explanation. Maybe I'm just weird, but that's how I see the world on my own. Without ant foreign substances affecting my brain. Maybe I should get that checked out.

If I get my brain into the right state, I can have experiences very similar to what you described. I was able to identify with the blade of grass thing, and yes I do know what that's like, and no I have never done any psychotropic drugs. There is a certain way to detach your brain from your normal perception, consciously, it takes skill.
Wow, sounds intersting enough. I guess if there was someone there who I fully trusted it would be ok. LOL, though I wouldn't even begin to know where to get some!

aeonteal said:
-imagine anything that seems incomprehensible, like the creation of the universe OR the meaning of life. on shrooms, you can think through these things based on everything you know and there isn't a point when your mind stops thinking or feels overwhelmed.

...see this is exactly what I'd be afraid of, I'd start thinking: who am I, where am I, what is this universe I live in, is the sun gonna burn out or explode, what if there's no atmosphere and I just float away, oh my god I'm gonna would be downhill from there LOL...

I can see the fun of the other stuff though like flowers and bubbles and birds and trees, shapes and colors, sounds and the ocean, laughter-I'm sure it doesn't compare to smoking pot--I've never laughed so hard LOL!!!

I don't know Spicy, because I've dabbled in some stuff, I just don't see how your brain could work the same without being altered chemically...we'll never know unless we try it LOL

Thanks for being so candid Aeonteal!
hey spicypumkin, i can respect your statement but i find it interesting that you think you understand something that you haven't done, particularly after i made so much effort to explain that the hardest part about describing mushrooms is that people think they know what it's like. i'm sorry but your brain is NOT doing what i described. there's just no way otherwise you'd be completely insane. (and i also meditate and have been doing so regularly for over 6 years so i know the difference.)

for example, whenever i tell people that my boyfriend cooks as well as a chef, they automatically say "oh, does he grill" because i guess that's a guy thing (i guess). so, whevever it comes up, i literally say "i know you think you know how good his food is and what i'm describing, but until you have his food, you won't understand" -- his food is literally that unique and that good. i try and try and try to explain it with so many details and no matter what i say to try to convince people that they won't understand, people think they understand how well he cooks and they always insert their own assumptions into what i'm saying despite the fact that what i'm saying has nothing to do with what they are thinking. they say "oh does use this ingredient..." or "does he marinade it..." or whatever. NO! the answer is always no. they can't even begin to comprehend what i'm saying because they are too preoccupied with trying to relate or think they understand. and they are ALWAYS wrong. they have no idea until they have his food. this happens all the time. it always happens to the point where i don't even talk about it anymore, i just wait and let them try it and they react the way that i expect them to (because his food is not something that you can anticipate).

i can say that i think that i'll love alaska until i'm blue in the face and it doesn't matter if i've been to lake tahoe or the himalayas or if love mountains and live, eat, breathe and sleep nature, i won't actually know that i love alaska until i've been there.

you can try to imagine and do your best to relate but at what point do you acknowledge that you don't know???
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Maybe all I'm trying to say is that I simply don't need to understand exactly how you percieve the world when you are on drung. I really don't ever want to have that experience, and I'm fine with that. I don't need it to enjoy the world the way you described. I love my body and my brain, and I don't need to fool with either.
is that really what you were saying?

If I get my brain into the right state, I can have experiences very similar to what you described. I was able to identify with the blade of grass thing, and yes I do know what that's like, and no I have never done any psychotropic drugs. There is a certain way to detach your brain from your normal perception, consciously, it takes skill.

whatever you say...

edit: for the record, i don't care whether or not anyone does mushrooms. i was just stating my opinion about them, good and bad.
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I dunno, you seen what happens to spiders on drugs:

good point! LOL!